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Use GNU stow to symlink them - here is a great howto!


(this is just an overview)

Package Description
Arch Linux The best distro ever!
Zsh The most powerful shell out there!
neofetch A fast, highly customizable system info script
Nerd Fonts Fonts patched with lots of amazing icons (I use Source Code Pro)
i3-gaps i3wm with more features
i3blocks A replacement for the default i3status with more features
Nerd Fonts Fonts patched with lots of amazing icons (I use Hack)
Rofi A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
Compton A compositor for X, to get window transparency and avoid tearing and vsync issues
Playerctl To display current song on i3blocks
Feh Image viewer, useful to set a wallpaper
pacman-contrib Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems
pywal theming app

All packages for a fresh Arch intall. (use trizen)


acl adwaita-icon-theme alpm_octopi_utils alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-utils amd-ucode aom apm archlinux-keyring argon2 artwiz-fonts asciidoc aspell at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core atk atkmm atom attica attr audit autoconf autofs automake avahi babl bash bash-completion bc bind-tools binutils bison blas bleachbit bluez bluez-libs boost-libs brotli btrfs-progs bubblewrap bzip2 c-ares ca-certificates ca-certificates-mozilla ca-certificates-utils cairo cairomm cantarell-fonts cava ccid cdparanoia check clang clucene cmake cmatrix colord compiler-rt compton confuse coreutils cracklib cronie cryptsetup cups cups-filters cups-pdf curl db dbus dbus-glib dconf dep desktop-file-utils device-mapper dhcpcd dialog diffutils discord dmidecode dmraid dnssec-anchors docbook-xml docbook-xsl dosfstools double-conversion e2fsprogs efibootmgr efivar electron enchant evolution evolution-data-server exfat-utils exiv2 expat extra-cmake-modules fakeroot feh ffmpeg fftw file filesystem findutils firefox flac flex font-bh-ttf font-bitstream-speedo fontconfig freetype2 fribidi fuse-common fuse2 fuse3 fuseiso gawk gc gcc gcc-libs gconf gcr gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 gegl gengetopt geoclue2 geocode-glib geoip geoip-database gettext ghostscript giblib giflib gimp gimp-help-de git glib-networking glib2 glib2-docs glibc glibmm glu gmp gnome-autoar gnome-desktop gnome-online-accounts gnupg gnutls go gobject-introspection-runtime gparted gpgme gpm gptfdisk graphene graphite graphviz grep groff grub gsettings-desktop-schemas gsfonts gsl gsm gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-base-libs gstreamer gtk-doc gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines gtk-update-icon-cache gtk2 gtk3 gtkmm gtkspell gtkspell3 gtop gts gucharmap guile gvfs gzip harfbuzz harfbuzz-icu haveged help2man hicolor-icon-theme hidapi hspell http-parser hunspell hunspell-en_US hwids hyphen i3-gaps i3blocks i3lock i3lock-fancy-rapid-git i3status iana-etc icu ijs ilmbase imagemagick imlib2 inetutils iniparser inkscape intel-tbb intel-ucode iproute2 iptables iputils iso-codes jack jansson jasper jbig2dec jfsutils jq js52 json-c json-glib jsoncpp kactivities karchive kauth kbd kbookmarks kcodecs kcompletion kconfig kconfigwidgets kcoreaddons kcrash kdbusaddons kdeclarative kdesu keyutils kglobalaccel kguiaddons ki18n kiconthemes kio kirigami2 kitemviews kjobwidgets kmod knotifications kpackage kpty krb5 kservice ktextwidgets kwallet kwayland kwidgetsaddons kwindowsystem kxmlgui l-smash lame lapack lcms2 ldns lensfun less libabw libaio libarchive libass libassuan libasyncns libatasmart libatomic_ops libavc1394 libblockdev libbluray libbytesize libc++ libc++abi libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libcddb libcdio libcdio-paranoia libcdr libcmis libconfig libcroco libcryptui libcups libcurl-gnutls libdaemon libdatrie libdbusmenu-qt5 libde265 libdrm libe-book libedit libelf libepoxy libepubgen libetonyek libev libevdev libevent libexif libexttextcat libffi libfontenc libfreehand libgcrypt libgdata libgexiv2 libglade libglvnd libgpg-error libgsf libgudev libgusb libgweather libheif libibus libical libice libid3tag libidn libidn2 libiec61883 libimobiledevice libinput libixion libjpeg-turbo libkeybinder3 libksba liblangtag libldap liblouis liblqr libmagick libmagick6 libmm-glib libmng libmnl libmodplug libmpc libmspub libmwaw libmypaint libnautilus-extension libndp libnetctlgui libnewt libnftnl libnghttp2 libnl libnm libnm-glib libnm-gtk libnma libnotify libnsl libnumbertext liboauth libodfgen libogg libomxil-bellagio liborcus libpagemaker libpaper libpcap libpciaccess libpgm libphonenumber libpipeline libplist libpng libproxy libpsl libpst libpulse libqxp libraqm libraw libraw1394 libreoffice-fresh libreoffice-fresh-de librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsasl libsass libseccomp libsecret libsigc++ libsm libsndfile libsodium libsoup libsoxr libspiro libssh libssh2 libstaroffice libstemmer libsystemd libtasn1 libteam libthai libtheora libtiff libtirpc libtommath libtool libu2f-host libu2f-server libunistring libunwind libusb libusbmuxd libutempter libutil-linux libuv libva libvdpau libvisio libvisual libvoikko libvorbis libvpx libwacom libwebp libwmf libwpd libwpg libwps libx11 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxdg-basedir libxdmcp libxext libxfixes libxfont2 libxft libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 libxkbfile libxml2 libxmu libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxshmfence libxslt libxss libxt libxtst libxv libxvmc libxxf86vm libyaml libytnef libzmf licenses linux linux-api-headers linux-firmware linux-headers llvm-libs lm_sensors lmdb logrotate lpsolve lsof lua lua52 lvm2 lxappearance lz4 lzo m4 mailcap make man-db man-pages mdadm media-player-info mesa metis minizip mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-busybox mobile-broadband-provider-info mozilla-common mpfr mtdev mypaint-brushes nano nautilus nautilus-sendto ncurses ndctl neofetch neon nerd-fonts-fira-code nerd-fonts-hack nerd-fonts-inconsolata nerd-fonts-source-code-pro netctl nettle network-manager-applet networkmanager ninja nm-connection-editor nmap node-gyp nodejs npm npth nspr nss ntfs-3g octopi oniguruma oomox openal opencore-amr openexr openjpeg2 openresolv openssh openssl openssl-1.0 optipng opus orc os-prober p11-kit p7zip pacman pacman-contrib pacman-mirrorlist pacutils pam pam_u2f pambase pango pangomm papirus-icon-theme parallel parted patch pciutils pcre pcre2 pcsclite perl perl-data-dump perl-encode-locale perl-error perl-file-listing perl-html-parser perl-html-tagset perl-http-cookies perl-http-daemon perl-http-date perl-http-message perl-http-negotiate perl-io-html perl-io-socket-ssl perl-json perl-libwww perl-locale-gettext perl-log-message perl-log-message-simple perl-lwp-mediatypes perl-lwp-protocol-https perl-mailtools perl-net-http perl-net-ssleay perl-term-readline-gnu perl-term-ui perl-timedate perl-try-tiny perl-uri perl-www-robotrules pinentry pixman pkgconf pkgfile plasma-framework playerctl polkit polkit-qt5 polybar poppler poppler-data poppler-glib popt potrace procps-ng protobuf psmisc pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-equalizer pygobject-devel pygobject2-devel pygtk pyqt5-common python python-anytree python-appdirs python-asn1crypto python-cffi python-click python-colorama python-cryptography python-dbus python-dbus-common python-decorator python-fido2 python-gobject python-idna python-lxml python-packaging python-pillow python-ply python-psutil python-pycparser python-pygments python-pyopenssl python-pyotherside python-pyparsing python-pyqt5 python-pyscard python-pyte python-pyusb python-pywal python-setuptools python-sip python-sip-pyqt5 python-six python-wcwidth python2 python2-cairo python2-dbus python2-gobject python2-gobject2 python2-psutil qpdf qt5-base qt5-declarative qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-multimedia qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-script qt5-speech qt5-styleplugins qt5-svg qt5-tools qt5-x11extras qt5-xmlpatterns qtermwidget ranger raptor rasqal re2 readline redland reiserfsprogs rest rhash rofi rsync rtkit rtmpdump run-parts s-nail sassc sbc scrot sdl sdl2 sdl_ttf sed semver shadow shared-mime-info slang snappy solid sonnet sound-theme-freedesktop source-highlight speedtest-cli speex speexdsp spotify sqlite startup-notification stow sudo suitesparse swig sysfsutils systemd systemd-sysvcompat tar tdb terminator texinfo thefuck thin-provisioning-tools traceroute tracker transmission-gtk trizen tslib ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-cheapskate ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-sans-mono-powerline-git ttf-fira-code ttf-font-awesome ttf-font-awesome-4 ttf-hack ttf-inconsolata ttf-liberation ttf-weather-icons tzdata udisks2 unrar unzip upower usbmuxd usbutils util-linux v4l-utils vala vi vid.stab volume_key vte-common vte3 w3m wayland wayland-protocols weather-bar webkit2gtk webrtc-audio-processing wget which wireless_tools woff2 wpa_supplicant x264 x265 xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-cursor xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil xcb-util-wm xcb-util-xrm xdg-user-dirs xdg-utils xf86-input-elographics xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-libinput xf86-input-mouse xf86-video-intel xf86-video-vesa xfsprogs xkeyboard-config xmlsec xorg-bdftopcf xorg-font-util xorg-font-utils xorg-fonts-alias xorg-fonts-encodings xorg-fonts-type1 xorg-mkfontdir xorg-mkfontscale xorg-server xorg-server-common xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xauth xorg-xinit xorg-xinput xorg-xkbcomp xorg-xmodmap xorg-xrandr xorg-xrdb xorg-xset xorgproto xvidcore xz yajl yubico-c yubico-c-client yubico-yubioath-desktop yubikey-manager yubikey-personalization zeromq zip zita-alsa-pcmi zita-resampler zlib zsh zstd


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