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AragonOS and Aragon Apps Audit

1 Summary

The Aragon team is developing a contract system that enables the creation modular and upgradeable smart contracts to power decentralized organizations. ConsenSys Diligence was invited to conduct a comprehensive audit of the Aragon core component, aragonOS and its native applications Voting, Finance, Vault and Token Manager. The audit was conducted with the awareness that the system will be used by end users who intend to create their own DAOs as well as developers who will build applications on top of aragonOS. The primary objective of the audit was to reveal issues that could jeopardize the integrity of a DAO deployment and the funds it holds.

This report is the result of a follow on audit, performed to verify changes made as a result of our initial audit.

1.1 Audit Dashboard

Audit Details

  • Project Name: AragonOS and Aragon Apps Audit
  • Client Name: Aragon
  • Client Contact: Jorge Izquierdo, Chris Remus
  • Auditors: Gerhard Wagner, Suhabe Bugrara, Jon Maurelian, Gonçalo Sá, Niran Babalola
  • GitHub :
  • Languages: Solidity, Solidity Assembly, JavaScript
  • Date: 16th October - 29th of October 2018

Number of issues per severity

0 2 0 0
10 10 11 1

1.2 Audit Goals

The primary focus of the audit was to verify that changes made to the smart contract system since our initial audit properly addressed our findings. Given the size and complexity of the system, and the large number of changes made, this follow on audit was not as exhaustive as a typical audit.

Once the remediatiosn had been reviewed, with the remaining available resources we also inspected the codebase from the following perspectives:

  • Source code review
  • Static code analysis, symbolic execution
  • Test suite and driver verification
  • Code accuracy vs. specification review
  • Best practices review

1.3 System Overview


The following documentation was available to the audit team:


The audit focus was on the smart contract files, and test suites found in the following repositories:

Repository Commit hash Commit date
aragon/AragonOS a68479107f564e6be98a6b877b78f635fca96dbe 16th October 2018
aragon/aragon-apps* cdaee275d2831168a4ce2b9843a1f62abcf8e210 16th October 2018

The full list of smart contracts in scope of the audit can be found in chapter Appendix 1 - File Hashes.

A Dapp test system was provided at All of the contracts that the Dapp uses were deployed on the Rinkeby testnet. The JavaScript part of the Dapp aragon.js was out of scope of this audit.


AragonOS faciliates the creation of application without the need to design or implement authentication or governance controls. The most important concepts of AragonOS are:

  • Kernel: the core of every DAO. It manages an important mapping to keep track of the different base contract address depending on the application, registered apps in the kernel (such as the ACL) and the Kernel’s own base contract.
  • ACL: is linked to the Kernel and manages permissions for all registered apps. These permissions are highly customizable and they can be used from an AragonApp.
  • Forwarders and EVMScript: Forwarders are one of the most important concepts of aragonOS. Rather than hard-coding the notion of a vote into each separate app’s functionality and ACL, one can instead use a generic Voting App, which implements the forwarding interface, to pass actions forward to other apps after successful votes. This also enable upgradeability by changing the address of the implementing contract.
  • Aragon Package Manager (APM): The Aragon Package Manager (APM) is built on top of aragonOS and is integrated as a part of aragonOS. It is a DAO running on the same Aragon (taking advantage of upgradeability and access control), that‘s used to build Aragon DAOs.

In order to really understand how all the components interact it is best to analyze the life cycle of an aragonOS call. The below animated figure shows such a call and the execution steps it takes (source aragon wiki):

1.4 Key Observations/Recommendations

With consideration to the level of security required by this system, the following key observations and recommendations are taken from our review:

  • High Complexity: The greatest risk in the system is due to the high levels of complexity. The system is both highly configurable, as well as highly interdependent, making it difficult to reason about all the paths and edge cases. The system consists of a large number of contracts and a complex inheritance tree (see also Appendix 4 - aragonOS inheritance tree). It is recommended to refactor and simplify the inheritance tree where possible.
    • Remediation comment: Our follow up review found the system much simpler and easier to follow.
  • Refactor insecure EVMScriptExecutor contracts: Critical vulnerabilities have been discovered in the way that EVMScript can be executed. The affected contracts should either be removed or redesigned with additional security controls.
    • Remediation comment: The dangerous DelegateScript and DeployDelegateScript have been removed from the code base.
  • Redesign contract constructor: Some of the contracts in aragonOS do not use a default constructor but rely on the function initialise() as a pseudo constructor. Issues can occur if the constructor is never called and it can be initialized by a malicious user. Also functionality that relies on the pseudo constructor being called before, could behave in unexpected ways and lead to security issues. It is recommended to ensure that all pseudo constructors are called during deployment.
    • Remediation comment: Additional functionality has been provided to enable contracts to be automatically initalized upon deployment.
  • Whitelist low level calls: Several components in aragonOS rely on the low level call delegatecall(). It is important to build security controls around functions that leverage delegatecall() and to ensure that only trusted contracts can be called.
    • Remediation comment: As noted above, some delegatecall functionality has been removed. However it is an essential part of Aragon's desired upgradeability. We have reviewed the use of delegatecall to the best of our ability, and cannot find user provided addresses used for delegatecalls, which is the greatest source of danger.
  • Test coverage is incomplete: Some parts of the contract system do not have test coverage. Any contract system that is used on the main net should have as a minimum requirement a 100% test coverage.
    • Remediation comment: Test coverage is improved, however our review found some remaining untested behavior.
  • Fix all issues: It is recommended to fix all the issues listed in the below chapters, at least the ones with severities of Critical, Major and Medium. For more information on issue severity ratings see Appendix 2 - Severity. All issues have been created as issues on in their respective GitHub repositories.
    • Remediation comment: The great majority are fixed. A few discovered during the final review remain open. We will endeavour to update this report once more to reflect the final issue resolution status.

1.5 Issue Remediation

The majority of the issues found during the audit have been fixed and verified to be closed during the regression phase. The pull requests contained both direct remediation for the issues found and also general improvements to the code base that especially reduced the complexity of the system. The following is a list of pull requests that have been proposed during`the remediation phase.

PR title Link Remediation
Remove delegate executors pull-request/324 The issues issues/29 issues/23 issues/24 have been resolved by removing DelegateScript and DeployDelegateScript form the code base
Remove kernelIntegrity modifier pull-request/347 The issues/32 has been resolved by removing the kernelIntegrity modifier and all references to it
EVMScriptRunner: remove protectState modifier pull-request/346 The issue issues/32 has been resolved by removing protectState modifier
Explicitly define visibility for all state variables pull-request/348 pull-request/395 The visibility has been defined for all state variables in aragon/aragonOS and aragon/aragon-apps. Issue issues/33 resolved

2 Issue Overview

The following table contains all the issues discovered during the audit. The issues are ordered based on their severity. More detailed description on the levels of severity can be found in Appendix 2. The table also contains the Github status of any discovered issue.

Chapter Issue Title Issue Status Severity
3.1 Implementation of DelegateScript allows for caller contract storage write access
3.2 Authorization checks are disabled if AragonApp not configured with a kernel
3.3 Implementation of DeployDelegateScript allows for caller contract storage write access
3.4 Kernel default implementation is not initialised
3.5 Invalid budget value passed to authP modifier for CHANGE_BUDGETS_ROLE
3.6 isInitialized modifier missing from Finance fallback function
3.7 transitionsPeriod modifier missing from Finance fallback function
3.8 Vault initialization creates dead contracts and breaks internal invariants
3.9 transitionsPeriod modifier can lock up Finance contract if configured with short periodDuration
3.10 Voting does not check that functions are only called after initialization
3.11 Vault does not check that functions are only called after initialization
3.12 Insufficient security control protectState
3.13 Insecure delegatecall() in DelegateScript and DeployDelegateScript
3.14 Insufficient security control kernelIntegrity
3.15 Add isInitialized modifier to public TokenManager functions
3.16 Unnecessary casting between unint64 and uint256
3.17 Add missing isInitialized modifier to Finance functions
3.18 Unnecessary Side-stepping of Solidity's static type system
3.19 Add require to Finance.initialize that checks _vault is not null
3.20 Vault test cases insufficient
3.21 IVaultConnector interface ambiguity could cause locked ether
3.22 NPM installed AragonOS contracts do not match audited AragonOS contracts
3.23 Frequent unsafe use of address type instead of contract types
3.24 Possible unsafe cast in EVMScriptRegistryFactory
3.25 Explicitly define visibility for all state variables
3.26 Highlight potentially insecure functions
3.27 NewPayment event not created for immediate payments
3.28 Incorrect canExecute() vote check
3.29 getTimestamp() is redundant with solidity's built in block.timestamp
3.30 Redundant authentication function Voting.canForward()
3.31 Log and verify EVMScript return values
3.32 Vault depends on complex internal invariants that are unchecked

3 Issue Detail

3.1 Implementation of DelegateScript allows for caller contract storage write access

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/23 The issue has been resolved with aragon/aragonOS#324. DelegateScript and DeployDelegateScript have been removed from the code base.


EVMScripts or script executors are contracts that take a script and input and return an output after execution. A use case for EVMScripts is currently implemented in the Voting contract. Users can initiate an action that they can not execute by themselves by default. The action or EVMScript is stored and only executed once the action (or vote) has sufficient support.

There are currently three types of script executors that are available to an AragonApp and that implement the IEVMScriptExecutor interface and the execution function execScript(). The contract allows a calling AragonApp to execute an EVMScript with a delegatecall().

The Voting app allows DAO users to vote on the execution of an EVMScript. Execution is performed once there is sufficient support. A malicious user can craft an EVMScript as part of a Vote that allows them to alter almost the entire storage of the Voting contract, for instance to:

  • Delete, modify or add Votes at will
  • Link the Voting app to a different MiniMeToken contract
  • Modify Voting app parameters such as supportRequiredPct, minAcceptQuorumPct and VoteTime.
  • initialize() the Voting contract again by setting initializationBlock to zero


Each script executor has its own parser, that allows for execution of an EVMScript. An AragonApp passes a script to EVMScriptRunner.runScript(bytes _script, bytes _input, address[] _blacklist). The _script parameter passes the EVMScriptExecutor specific EVMScript. The first 4 bytes select the EVMScriptExecutor and retrieve its contract address from the EVMScriptRegistry:

  • 0x00000001: CallScript
  • 0x00000002: DelegateScript
  • 0x00000003: DeployDelegateScript

Then _script, _input and _blacklist are reformatted into a single bytes variable calldataArgs and function signature sig is generated by calling IEVMScriptExecutor(0).execScript.selector. The parameters are passed on to a delegatecall() in the selected EVMScriptExecutor contract.

DelegateScript.execScript() does further formatting of the payload, skips the first four bytes for the EVMScriptExecutor id and then extracts a 20 byte contract address. This address is then used to perform another low level call with delegatecall(). The function signature that is used by default for the call is bytes4(keccak256('exec()')).

This means that a DAO user can perform _arbitrary_contract_address_. delegatecall(function_sig('exec()')) from any calling AragonApp contract. The Voting app uses execScript() to run EVMScript to execute post voting actions. So calling Voting.netVote() with a payload formatted like the one below a user can call 0x_arbitrary_contract_address_.exec().

0x00000002 -> DelegateScript
0x_arbitrary_contract_address_  - > arbitrary contract address
0x00000002 +0x_arbitrary_contract_address_ - Payload 

In order to confirm that storage variables can be changed or added in the Voting contract, the analysis of the present storage variables (Aragon default variables start a 0x0 and are not included) is listed below. The contract specific storage starts at slot 100.

    MiniMeToken public token; // slot 0x64
    uint256 public supportRequiredPct; // slot 0x65
    uint256 public minAcceptQuorumPct; // slot 0x66
    uint64 public voteTime; // slot 0x67
    Vote[] votes; //  slot 0x68

The actual values of the Voting contract currently for the Muzi5 DAO ( are listed below. Storage slot 0x68 holds the dynamic votes array and there are currently 5 votes listed in the DAO.

# myth --rpc infura-rinkeby  --storage 99,10 -a 0xc35b9cb958E59DEF2630C8844ef8ca8bc4473805
0x63: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x64: 0x000000000000000000000000ec361ddaf54731e046fa22c73c2eb0e7549fdb4e
0x65: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006f05b59d3b20000
0x66: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000214e8348c4f0000
0x67: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015180
0x68: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005
0x69: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The VotingAppAttack contract listed below is used to confirm that storage can be modified in Voting contract. It resembles the storage structure from theVoting contract and the fallback function attempts to write to a new storage slot and sets write_to_an_empty_slot = 1337 right after the votes array.

contract VotingAppAttack {
    address public kernel;
    bytes32 public appId;
    address internal pinnedCode; // used by Proxy Pinned
    uint256 internal initializationBlock; // used by Initializable
    uint256[95] private storageOffset; // forces App storage to start at after 100 slots
    uint256 private offset;
    address public token;
    uint256 public supportRequiredPct;
    uint256 public minAcceptQuorumPct;
    uint64 public voteTime;
    Vote[] votes;

    enum VoterState { Absent, Yea, Nay }
    struct Vote {
        address creator;
        uint64 startDate;
        uint256 snapshotBlock;
        uint256 minAcceptQuorumPct;
        uint256 yea;
        uint256 nay;
        uint256 totalVoters;
        string metadata;
        bytes executionScript;
        bool executed;
        mapping (address => VoterState) voters;

    uint256 write_to_an_empty_slot; 
    function () {
        write_to_an_empty_slot = 1337;

Now that the attack contract is setup at 0x3a14daf20d8e01f4bd8f6f62e6b1fb96e4af747b the function Voting.newVote(bytes _executionScript, string _metadata) can be called with the following values:

_executionScript = 0x000000023a14daf20d8e01f4bd8f6f62e6b1fb96e4af747b
_metadata = ""

The DAO user 0x45bb4d65d0a9b26699300ffe2aebaeaa28bc6c45 can execute the vote instantly. Checking the Voting storage again confirms that the value 1337 has been successfully written to the contract storage.

screen_shot_2018-04-27_at_2 52 23_pm


delegatecall() to a DAO user controlled contract addresses is unsafe for the calling contract. Therefore DelegateScript.delegate() should be removed or should only perform delegatecall() to whitelisted contract addresses.

3.2 Authorization checks are disabled if AragonApp not configured with a kernel

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/22 Apps are now required to always be attached to a kernel


AragonApp provides auth modifiers that inherited contracts can use to implement authorization checks.

Unintuitively, these checks are automatically disabled if an app is not configured with a kernel. See the address(kernel) == 0 || ... expression in AragonApp.canPerform.

Apps like Vault that are not configured with a kernel can thus have their public functions invoked by any user.

The default should be to deny authorization, not to allow it.


Remove the address(kernel) == 0 || ... expression from AragonApp.canPerform.

3.3 Implementation of DeployDelegateScript allows for caller contract storage write access

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/24 The issue has been closed


The DeployDelegateScript.execScript() uses the vulnerable function DelegateScript.delegate(). More details can be found here.

    function execScript(bytes _script, bytes _input, address[] _blacklist) external returns (bytes) {
        require(_blacklist.length == 0); // dont have ability to control bans, so fail.

        bytes32 id = keccak256(_script);
        address deployed = cache[id];
        if (deployed == address(0)) {
            deployed = deploy(_script);
            cache[id] = deployed;

        return DelegateScript.delegate(deployed, _input);

    * @dev Deploys contract byte code to network
    function deploy(bytes _script) internal returns (address addr) {
        assembly {
            // 0x24 = 0x20 (length) + 0x04 (spec id uint32)
            // Length of code is 4 bytes less than total script size
            addr := create(0, add(_script, 0x24), sub(mload(_script), 0x04))
            switch iszero(extcodesize(addr))
            case 1 { revert(0, 0) } // throw if contract failed to deploy


delegatecall() to a dynamically deployed contract from a DAO user is insecure per default. The functionality should be removed.

3.4 Kernel default implementation is not initialised

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/31 Fixed in PR aragon/aragonOS#355.
This change adds the inheritable contract Petrifiable, which allows for a contract's constructor to set its initialization date in the unreachably distant future.


The baseKernel contract at 0x44348e8e7eb0313b554c9f8a8dfc3c993039848C has not been initialised. Anyone can initialise the contract and set _baseAcl and _permissionsCreator. Contracts that use the baseKernel storage instead of going through a KernelProxy could be a controlled by a malicious user.


The storage of the baseKernel has not been initialised, the storage slots listed below are all empty. function initialize(address _baseAcl, address _permissionsCreator) onlyInit public can be executed because the initializationBlock is still 0x0.

myth --rpc infura-rinkeby  --storage 0,6 -a  0x44348e8e7eb0313b554c9f8a8dfc3c993039848C
0x0: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x2: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x3: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x4: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 // initializationBlock
0x5: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

During the audit it was possible to call initialize() with the following transaction:

 _baseAcl  -  0x3591488de05edd19870af4021258226dee394e96 - baseACL 
_permissionsCreator  -> 0xd850636636e82A0e7ea6951650B69b8e3243DaDB - arbitrary address 

The initializationBlock has been set and the Kernel has been successfully initialised with the baseAcl and the _permissionsCreator addresses. Slot 0x4 shows that the initialisation block has been set successfully.

0x0: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x2: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x3: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0x4: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000021c111
0x5: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


It is recommended to initialise the baseKernel as part of the deployment or whitelist administrative contract addresses.

3.5 Invalid budget value passed to authP modifier for CHANGE_BUDGETS_ROLE

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/41 Fixed in PR aragon/aragon-apps#414


In the Finance contract, the settings.budget[_token] expression is passed to the authP(CHANGE_BUDGETS_ROLE, ....) modifier which indicates that the authorization mechanism may depend on the value in settings.budget[_token]. However, the settings.budget[_token] value should not be read without first checking settings.hasBudget[_token] because removeBudget keeps the old, invalid settings.budget[_token] value even though the limit is removed.


Either pass settings.hasBudget[_token] to the authP modifier or remove settings.budget[_token] from the modifier.

3.6 isInitialized modifier missing from Finance fallback function

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/34 The issue has been closed


Finance fallback function needs the isInitialized modifier.

The test case named "Without initialize.fails to deposit ETH" seems to suggest that they rely on an invalid opcode from dereferencing an undefined vault storage variable. Perhaps they do this to save gas.

This approach is unreliable and could easily cause ether to get locked into the Finance contract in future iterations of the code. A more reliable approach both in terms of robustness and documentation is to add the modifiers just like the other public functions.

3.7 transitionsPeriod modifier can lock up Finance contract if configured with short periodDuration

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/29 The issue has been closed


If no transactions are sent to the Finance contract for a long enough time, the Finance contract will lock up.

Specifically, if no transactions are sent to Finance for a duration of MAX_PERIOD_TRANSITIONS_PER_TX * periodDuration, the tryTransitionAccountingPeriod function will return false and the transitionsPeriod modifier will cause external functions such as deposit, newPayment to throw on every transaction.

Further, the CHANGE_PERIOD_ROLE can change the periodDuration. Thus, someone with that role can inadvertently lock up the contract just by calling setPeriodDuration.


  1. Rewrite the tryTransitionAccountingPeriod function using a loop, so that it is not recursive and does not consume so much gas. It is a critical function that is called on almost every transaction.

  2. Require that periodDuration is a reasonably large enough number in initialize and setPeriodDuration.

  3. Remove the MAX_PERIOD_TRANSITION_PER_TX. Items 1 and 2 above together should make this arbitrary cutoff unnecessary.

3.8 Vault initialization creates dead contracts and breaks internal invariants

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/17 Vault replaced with a simpler version: aragon/aragon-apps#292


  1. The Vault constructor instantiates ERC20Connector and ETHConnector contracts and assigns them to the storage variables erc20ConnectorBase and ethConnectorBase. These storage variables are never used except when the Vault is used as a base to initialize another Vault instance.

  2. The ethConnectorBase storage variable references a different contract instance than connectors[ETH], which is odd because that means there are two different instances of ETHConnector referenced internally by a single Vault vault instance. This inconsistency seems to break an internal invariant of the Vault contract. Similarly for erc20ConnectorBase and standards[0].connector.


  1. Remove the instantiation of ERC20Connector and ETHConnector contracts from the Vault constructor.

  2. Add a new function:

    function initializeDefault() onlyInit public {
        initialize(new ERC20Connector(), arenew ETHConnector());
  1. Set the erc20ConnectorBase and ethConnectorBase storage variables appropriately using the parameters in the _setConnectors function.

3.9 transitionsPeriod modifier can lock up Finance contract if configured with short periodDuration

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/29 The issue has been closed


If no transactions are sent to the Finance contract for a long enough time, the Finance contract will lock up.

Specifically, if no transactions are sent to Finance for a duration of MAX_PERIOD_TRANSITIONS_PER_TX * periodDuration, the tryTransitionAccountingPeriod function will return false and the transitionsPeriod modifier will cause external functions such as deposit, newPayment to throw on every transaction.

Further, the CHANGE_PERIOD_ROLE can change the periodDuration. Thus, someone with that role can inadvertently lock up the contract just by calling setPeriodDuration.


  1. Rewrite the tryTransitionAccountingPeriod function using a loop, so that it is not recursive and does not consume so much gas. It is a critical function that is called on almost every transaction.

  2. Require that periodDuration is a reasonably large enough number in initialize and setPeriodDuration.

  3. Remove the MAX_PERIOD_TRANSITION_PER_TX. Items 1 and 2 above together should make this arbitrary cutoff unnecessary.

3.10 Voting does not check that functions are only called after initialization

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/23 The issue has been closed


Voting does not prevent public functions from being called if the Voting has not been initialized yet.


Add isInitialized modifier to all public/external functions except the initialize functions.

3.11 Vault does not check that functions are only called after initialization

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/20 Fixed in PRs aragon/aragon-apps#232 and aragon/aragon-apps#307


Vault does not prevent public functions from being called if the Vault has not been initialized yet.


Add isInitialized modifier to all public functions except the initialize functions.

3.12 Insufficient security control protectState

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/28 WontFix.


EVMScriptRunner.runScript() function responsible for the execution of all variants of EVMScript has the protectState modifier set. This is a control function that checks if kernel or appId is modified during execution. While this works for the two attributes just mentioned it leaves all other storage variables exposed when the execution of DeployDelegateScript or DelegateScript is permitted.

 modifier protectState { 
     address preKernel = kernel; 
     bytes32 preAppId = appId; 
     _; // exec 
     require(kernel == preKernel); 
     require(appId == preAppId); 


The protectState modifier gives a false sense of security and it should be removed from the contract.

3.13 Insecure delegatecall() in DelegateScript and DeployDelegateScript

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/29 The issue has been closed


The way that EVMScriptRunner executes implementations of IEVMScriptExecutor is insecure and exposes the contract storage of DelegateScript and DeployDelegateScript to modification.

A malicious user can call the execScript() function and supply an arbitrary EVMScript. A payload could be created that performs a delegatecall() into a contract that is controlled by the malicious user and that can perform storage modification of both DelegateScript and DeployDelegateScript.

DelegateScript.execScript(bytes _script, bytes _input, address[] _blacklist)
DeployDelegateScript.execScript(bytes _script, bytes _input, address[] _blacklist)


The storage for DelegateScript and DeployDelegateScript is currently not used therefore the issue can not be exploited. Future changes to the contracts that perform storage operations could introduce security issues. It is therefore recommended to redesign EVMScriptRunner to not rely on delegatecall() to invoke implementations of IEVMScriptExecutor .

3.14 Insufficient security control kernelIntegrity

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/32 The issue has been closed


The Kernel contains a modifier that checks the storage integrity. The function checks if the KERNEL_APP address is still a smart contract address after a function call. The function is insufficient and gives a false sense of security if its intent is to verify that the Kernel has not been overwritten or changed by the setApp() function. A malicious user could set the KERNEL_APP to another smart contract address and the security check passes.


The modifier should be removed from the code base.

3.15 Add isInitialized modifier to public TokenManager functions

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/42 The issue has been closed


The isInitialized modifier is missing from several public TokenManager functions such as:


The contract sometimes puts the isInitialized modifier on public functions and but other times on the internal functions.


Keep the code simple and easier for humans to reason about by putting the isInitialized modifier on all public functions.

3.16 Unnecessary casting between unint64 and uint256

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/38 Fixed in PR aragon/aragon-apps#422 by using the uint64 time helpers.


Aragon frequently mixes uint64 and uint256 types, which leads to potentially dangerous type casts. For example, the Finance.nextPaymentTime function has the following series of unnecessary casts:

uint256 increase = uint256(payment.repeats).mul(uint256(payment.interval));
uint256 nextPayment = uint256(payment.initialPaymentTime).add(increase);
return uint64(nextPayment);

Additionally the now Solidity variable is uint256, however the Finance, TokenManager and other app contract cast it to uint64. See

In general, dynamic type casts should be avoided whenever possible.

Several other examples:

  1. TokenManager.revokeVesting, Voting._newVote casts the now variable to uint64
  2. TokenManager.calculateNonVestedTokens parameters use uint256 types for variables used to pass in the uint64 struct types. It would be simpler to make the TokenVesting struct fields uint256 typed.


Avoid mixing between uint64 and uint256 values to keep the code simple and to avoid potentially dangerous type casting.

3.17 Add missing isInitialized modifier to Finance functions

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/40 The issue has been closed


The isInitialized modifier is missing from the following Finance functions:


3.18 Unnecessary Side-stepping of Solidity's static type system

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/26 The issue has been closed


Add static types to function signatures and remove unnecessary casts from the function bodies. For example, the Finance.deposit function should be rewritten from:

function deposit(address _token, uint256 _amount, string _reference) external isInitialized transitionsPeriod {
        // first we need to get the tokens to Finance
        ERC20(_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount);
        // and then approve them to vault
        ERC20(_token).approve(address(vault), _amount);
        // finally we can deposit them
        vault.deposit(_token, this, _amount, new bytes(0));


function deposit(ERC20 _token, uint256 _amount, string _reference) external isInitialized transitionsPeriod {
        // first we need to get the tokens to Finance
        _token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount);
        // and then approve them to vault
        _token.approve(address(vault), _amount);
        // finally we can deposit them
        vault.deposit(_token, this, _amount, new bytes(0));

This code style is common in Aragon and will inevitably lead to major bugs as the code gets refactored.

The following functions are more examples that have the same issue:

MiniMeToken constructor

Similarly, the MiniMeToken.controller storage variable is address-typed but should be ITokenController. The MiniMeToken almost always needs to cast controller to ITokenController, so why not just type the storage variable as ITokenController? This decision seems to produce strange statements like require(isContract(controller)) in the MiniMeToken fallback function.

3.19 Add require to Finance.initialize that checks _vault is not null

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/36 Fixed in PR aragon/aragon-apps#256


Add require to Finance.initialize that checks _vault is not null.

3.20 Vault test cases insufficient

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/19 The issue is currently under review


Vault test cases are insufficient. For example, they do not test the following scenarios:

  1. Vault is initialized from a different Vault instance.
  2. Initialization happens at most once.
  3. Authorization checks on public functions
  4. Vault handling of connectors besides ERC20 and ETH.
  5. Vault configured with a Kernel, ACL
  6. Vault fails on reinitialization

3.21 IVaultConnector interface ambiguity could cause locked ether

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/30 Vault replaced with a simpler version: aragon/aragon-apps#292


The Finance contract critically depends on the IVaultConnector.deposit function to throw if the deposit fails for any reason. Confusingly, the IVaultConnector.deposit function signature has a boolean return value which is unchecked at call sites. If a developer writes a contract that inherits from IVaultConnector.deposit and, based on the boolean return value in the signature, decides to communicate a failed deposit by returning false instead of throwing, ether will get locked in the Finance contract.


  1. Remove the boolean return value from the signatures of the IVaultConnector deposit and transfer functions.

  2. Add documentation to the IVaultConnector interface explaining that functions should throw if they fail for any reason.

3.22 NPM installed AragonOS contracts do not match audited AragonOS contracts

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/43 Fixed in PR aragon/aragon-apps#513


There are changes from the AragonOS contracts used and tested as NPM dependencies in the Aragon-apps repo, as compared to the AragonOS contracts which are being audited. This could mean tests are incorrect.


From a directory containing both repos:

$ shasum aragonOS/contracts/acl/ACL.sol
241532dece86f9855e1863d8662f27627d2988a5  aragonOS/contracts/acl/ACL.sol

$ shasum aragon-apps/apps/vault/node_modules/@aragon/os/contracts/acl/ACL.sol
1df75749b9b9c55aeb825848a52fce384653361c  aragon-apps/apps/vault/node_modules/@aragon/os/contracts/acl/ACL.sol

The diff is quite large between those files as well.


Ensure that installed NPM modules are up to date.

3.23 Frequent unsafe use of address type instead of contract types

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/14 The issue has been closed

The code frequently uses the address type rather the actual contract type, which dangerously side-steps the static-typing mechanism of Solidity. For example, see the DAOFactory constructor. Why are the constructor parameters typed with address rather than their respective contract/interface types? Shouldn't _baseKernel be typed as IKernel, _baseACL be typed as IACL, etc?

Recommendation: Avoid using the address type for contract references. Instead use the actual contract type or an interface to statically restrict the different possible configurations that your contracts can be composed into.

3.24 Possible unsafe cast in EVMScriptRegistryFactory

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/12 Client has made the decision to depend on dynamic type-casting rather than redesigning the interfaces to enable static type-checking.

The newEVMScriptRegistry function in factory/EVMScriptRegistryFactory.sol has the following cast:

ACL acl = ACL(_dao.acl());

_dao is type Kernel and _dao.acl()'s return type is IACL

Then, the function proceeds to invoke createPermission and revokePermission and setPermissionManager on acl, which are not defined in IACL.

Solidity doesn't implement any dynamic type checking, so the cast won't trigger a runtime exception. And, calling those functions on a different implementation of IACL that doesn't have them will either revert or, worse, silently fail if the fallback function is overridden. See

Other unsafe casts APMRegistry.initialize APMRegistry.newRepoWithVersion APMRegistry._newRepo many more...

Recommendation: Add createPermission and revokePermission and setPermissionManager to the IACL interface and remove the ACL cast in newEVMScriptRegistry.

3.25 Explicitly define visibility for all state variables

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/33 The issue has been closed


Omitting a visibility specifier leaves the possibility that it was intended to be set, and has not. The auditor has no means of assessing the intended visibility. This is the case for instance in the Repo contract.

 Version[] versions; 
 mapping (bytes32 => uint256) versionIdForSemantic; 
 mapping (address => uint256) latestVersionIdForContract; 


Explicitly define visibility for all state variables across all contracts.

3.26 Highlight potentially insecure functions

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/30 Fixed in PR aragon/hack#24


The following functions use potentially insecure low level calls. An app developer using these functions can introduce security issues if there is no sanity checks around which contracts can be called.

DelegateProxy.delegatedFwd(address _dst, bytes _calldata) 
DelegateProxy.delegatedFwd(address _dst, bytes _calldata, uint256 _minReturnSize) 
EVMScriptRunner.runScript(bytes _script, bytes _input, address[] _blacklist) 


Functions using low level calls that will be used by developers should be highlighted as insecure. Also create extensive documentation on how to use these functions safely should be created.

3.27 NewPayment event not created for immediate payments

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/37 The issue has been closed


NewPayment event not created for immediate payments in newPayment function.

3.19 Incorrect canExecute() vote check

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/33 The issue has been closed


The canExecute() function is called before an EVMScript is executed. The function checks if the right conditions are met for execution. The function _isValuePct checks if the voting is already decided and returns true if the condition is met. This bypasses other checks such as if the vote is still open.

 // Voting is already decided 
 if (_isValuePct(vote.yea, vote.totalVoters, supportRequiredPct)) 
     return true; 


The above listed code paragraph should be removed.

3.28 Incorrect canExecute() vote check

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/33 The issue has been closed


The canExecute() function is called before an EVMScript is executed. The function checks if the right conditions are met for execution. The function _isValuePct checks if the voting is already decided and returns true if the condition is met. This bypasses other checks such as if the vote is still open.

 // Voting is already decided 
 if (_isValuePct(vote.yea, vote.totalVoters, supportRequiredPct)) 
     return true; 


The above listed code paragraph should be removed.

3.29 getTimestamp() is redundant with solidity's built in block.timestamp

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/44 The issue has been closed


This function creates the appearance of greater complexity, which reduces readability.

function getTimestamp() internal view returns (uint256) { return now; }


Remove the function, and use Solidity's block.timestamp or now alias.

3.30 Redundant authentication function Voting.canForward()

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/24 Fixed. The Aragon team have clarified that the base AragonApp contract provides the auth modifier as the default use of canForward(), but it should not be the only approach available. The canForward() function is necessary on it's own to enable more complex authorization checks.


The function canForward is redundant, all authorisation checks should be performed with the auth modifier.

    function forward(bytes _evmScript) public {
        require(canForward(msg.sender, _evmScript));
        _newVote(_evmScript, "");

    function canForward(address _sender, bytes _evmCallScript) public view returns (bool) {
        return canPerform(_sender, CREATE_VOTES_ROLE, arr());


The forward function should simply use the auth modifier and the canForward function should be removed.


The Aragon team have clarified that the base AragonApp contract provides the auth modifier as the default use of canForward(), but it should not be the only approach available. The canForward() function is necessary on it's own to enable more complex authorization checks.

3.31 Log and verify EVMScript return values

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/32 Fixed in PR aragon/aragon-apps#350


The _executeVote function of the Voting app executes an EVMScript if a vote has sufficient support. The result of the execution is not logged nor is checked if it throws an exception.

 function _executeVote(uint256 _voteId) internal { 
     Vote storage vote = votes[_voteId]; 
     vote.executed = true; 
     bytes memory input = new bytes(0); // TODO: Consider input for voting scripts 
     runScript(vote.executionScript, input, new address[](0)); 

The forward function of TokenManager executes an EVMScript. The result of the execution is not logged nor is checked if it throws an exception.

 function forward(bytes _evmScript) public { 
     require(canForward(msg.sender, _evmScript)); 
     bytes memory input = new bytes(0); // TODO: Consider input for this 
     address[] memory blacklist = new address[](1); 
     blacklist[0] = address(token); 
     runScript(_evmScript, input, blacklist); 


The execution result should be logged with an Event. Also EVMScript should return values that allow to verify it the execution was successful and that there were no exceptions.

3.32 Vault depends on complex internal invariants that are unchecked

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/18 Vault replaced with a simpler version: aragon/aragon-apps#292


Vault depends on storage variable invariants to function properly. These invariants are not checked anywhere and are not made explicitly clear.


  1. Add the following function to Vault that checks critical representation invariants.
    function checkRep() public {
        if (isInitialized()) {
            assert(ethConnectorBase != address(0));
            assert(ethConnectorBase == connectors[ETH]);

            assert(erc20ConnectorBase != address(0));
            assert(standards.length > 0);
            assert(erc20ConnectorBase == standards[0].connector);
  1. Invoke the checkRep function in the test suite by adding the following code in each context:
    afterEach(async() => {

3.33 AragonApp: Use of possibly undefined Solidity behavior

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/46 The issue is currently under review


The how object in the AragonApp.canPerform function depends on possibly undefined Solidity behavior. Due to the sensitive nature of the function, we recommend initializing the how variable when _params.length == 0 to avoid the possibility of a vulnerability.

function canPerform(address _sender, bytes32 _role, uint256[] _params) public view returns (bool) {
        if (!hasInitialized()) {
            return false;

        IKernel linkedKernel = kernel();
        if (address(linkedKernel) == address(0)) {
            return false;

        bytes memory how; // no need to init memory as it is never used
        if (_params.length > 0) {
            uint256 byteLength = _params.length * 32;
            assembly {
                how := _params // forced casting
                mstore(how, byteLength)
        return linkedKernel.hasPermission(_sender, address(this), _role, how);

3.34 transitionsPeriod modifier missing from Finance fallback function

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/35 The issue has been closed


Finance fallback function needs the transitionsPeriod modifier.

Otherwise, the _recordTransaction function will record the transaction in the wrong period.

3.35 Add require to Finance.initialize that checks _vault is not null

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/36 Fixed in PR aragon/aragon-apps#256


Add require to Finance.initialize that checks _vault is not null.

3.36 Finance: setPaymentStatus does not have transitionsPeriod modifier

Severity Status Link Remediation Comment
issues/45 The issue is currently under review


The setPaymentStatus function in Finance doesn't have a transitionsPeriod. The transitionsPeriod modifier appears to not be necessary, but other simple, public functions in Finance still include the modifier even though it also doesn't seem necessary for them.

4 Threat Model

The creation of a threat model is beneficial when building smart contract systems as it helps to understand the potential security threats, assess risk, and identify appropriate mitigation strategies. This is especially useful during the design and development of a contract system as it allows to create a more resilient design which is more difficult to change post-development.

A threat model was created during the audit process in order to analyze the attack surface of the contract system and to focus review and testing efforts on key areas that a malicious actor would likely also attack. It consists of two parts a high level design diagram that help to understand the attack surface and a list of threats that exist for the contract system.

4.1 Overview

aragonOS and its apps are a fairly complex contract system with a open design. Developers or users have a range of options on how they choose to deploy and customize the system. Creating a comprehensive threat model for all possible use cases was not possible due time constraints and simply because it is a open system and it remains to be seen on how the community will use it.

4.2 DemocracyTemplate based DAO

aragonOS and its apps are currently deployed on the Rinkeby testnet and a UI is provided through Users can deploy their own DAOs through a set of base contracts provided by Aragon. During the setup process, that is facilitated through templates a DAO is created for the organization that the user chooses. Once the setup process is complete, other users can be added to the organization by issuing them new tokens.

The following figure shows a design diagram of the above described deployment. It has to be noted that the diagram does not contain all the components of aragonOS and its apps. It is rather a simplified abstraction of the actual system that is used to reason about potential threats to the contract system on a high level.

There are four different types of actors in the described aragonOS and apps deployment. For the threat analysis it is important to understand their purpose and authorization level.

  • Aragon admin: deploys and updates the base contracts. This user has administrative permissions for all Aragon Base Contracts
  • DAO creator: is a user who creates the Custom DAO deployment and defines the initial DAO users and their stakes.
  • DAO user: holds tokens of the DAO and can interact with the Aragon apps based on the permissions given by the DAO creator
  • Other: a user who does not hold tokens of the DAO. This user can only interact with public or external functions of the contract system that do not require authentication.

The design diagram, the user roles and the deployment setup have been taking into consideration to create the following list of threats:

  • Single point of failure: DAO creator essentially fully trusts the Aragon admin by using the base contracts. This trust extends beyond the setup of the DAO if the DAO creator chooses to upgrade her base contracts. A malicious user who could breach the integrity of the base contracts could attack DAOs relying on these base contracts. It is recommended that every new version of the base contracts undergoes a thorough security review. Also new or altered features should be documented and published in advance of any base contract updates and should be easily verifiable for users.
  • Operational risks: The Aragon admin deployment keys in the wrong hands could potentially compromise DAOs that are newly created or upgrading their base contracts. The utmost care should be taken to protect those keys and secure them properly. Transparent procedures should be established that provide DAO users with the assurance that Aragon is handling the keys according to best practices.
  • Vote censorship: The current design is that the DAO creator can define the initial token holders and their initial stakes. The voting process could be censored in a scenario where there is a majority concentration of tokens among individuals or small groups of stake holders.
  • Centralized UI: Most DAO creators and DAO users will use a UI that is deployed and maintained by Aragon. A successful attack on this component can have severe consequences. Application security best practices should be applied to the component to ensure the integrity and safety for its users.

5 Tool based analysis

The issues from the tool based analysis have been reviewed and the relevant issues have been listed in chapter 3 - Issues.

5.1 Mythril

Mythril is a security analysis tool for Ethereum smart contracts. It uses concolic analysis to detect various types of issues. The tool was used for automated vulnerability discovery for all audited contracts and libraries. More details on Mythril's current vulnerability coverage can be found here.

5.2 Solhint

This is an open source project for linting Solidity code. The project provides both Security and Style Guide validations. The issues of Solhint were analyzed for security relevant issues only. It is still recommended to use Solhint during development to improve code quality while writing smart contracts.

5.3 Odyssey

Odyssey is an audit tool that acts as the glue between developers, auditors and tools. It leverages Github as the platform for building software and aligns to the approach that quality needs to be addressed as early as possible in the development life cycle and small iterative security activities spread out through development help to produce a more secure smart contract system. In its current version Odyssey helps to better communicate audit issues to development teams and to successfully close them.

6 Test Coverage Measurement

The test suite for the aragonOS and its apps is currently configured to run on Coveralls on every build. The platform provides coverage reports for both repositories aragonOS and aragon-apps.

aragonOS has missing test coverage for the ACL on build 1257. All other contracts are at 100% coverage.

aragon-apps consists of 4 apps. finance and payroll apps are at 100% coverage and token-manager and vault have missing coverage see build 1097.

It's important to note that "100% test coverage" is not a silver bullet. Our review also included a inspection of the test suite, to ensure that testing included important edge cases.

Appendix 1 - File Hashes

The SHA1 hashes of the source code files in scope of the audit are listed in the table below.

Contract File Name SHA1 hash
acl/ACL.sol 727a8bafbca88c370bdce90954bf2352f16968f9
acl/ACL.sol e330cfcfae3f195e98f77bebe966a3b34cc2d4a0
acl/ACLSyntaxSugar.sol 453b496f2fc370f60e8d3dc670b60c2e130f8af3
acl/ACLSyntaxSugar.sol 9234ef4ee11417d6c408491bd069eefddbadd153
acl/IACLOracle.sol 62003f6cf03c6eecb414ad8d557ce9e20da3fc1c
acl/IACL.sol 32e1078777be5eb4091791fae7a2e7e093919946
acl/IACL.sol 7656e908810c7ec17761485f62509e54252bd119
apm/APMNamehash.sol 80dd1fbf5ee30ddf1153ec0ba3005b37608d0e09
apm/APMRegistry.sol 1880174828363ca68c3050998671cfb8ee2e508d
apm/Repo.sol 2317634362b3d3f0c27d848f58ce1716ebb16e35
apps/AppProxyBase.sol 6023451fe8dd1ab645f3220a033066a61fe4dc6f
apps/AppProxyPinned.sol 6ccfb6ebac014f3bda0e77a9b4e700718600967c
apps/AppProxyUpgradeable.sol a640727fa756bef2be9d6b7dadf7c5d937594bd7
apps/AppStorage.sol 3435217eeb5400a18c452f142d80a9ef2e0f5bc3
apps/AragonApp.sol 7566d531f2c23976b93c59859ac14f33ef4056ca
apps/finance/contracts/Finance.sol 63623b9ad6acb47d21de692885567f269cf480fa
apps/survey/contracts/Survey.sol b77f83e53a1a30b0bebaaf90416c154ee9635a43
apps/token-manager/contracts/TokenManager.sol 85c8599aaaf68afd96a5343983d29b54dac0bcdd
apps/vault/contracts/Vault.sol 0936246ce23ad2c28fc78605e8076a8951e8ee3b
apps/voting/contracts/Voting.sol cbd2788140b979a4f718eb8db1ed5b2aab03bf65
common/Autopetrified.sol a76fb78caf1d80aabc7a877e43ebbc8c95a1cb3d
common/DelegateProxy.sol a4e508425d731cc7b797edce2adeedb0fad48591
common/DelegateProxy.sol a4e508425d731cc7b797edce2adeedb0fad48591
common/DepositableDelegateProxy.sol 1e1f1ffe24f070c213aca3c7298b62541d48cf76
common/DepositableStorage.sol 8f2ec40ce1a386469991057ad69cde98fdce07b7
common/EtherTokenConstant.sol c81116c9c13aafddbf8a0711bf1f56d967e564a2
common/IForwarder.sol 0911812deabd684b13fcf64dc6c8aa2114459e4b
common/IForwarder.sol 0911812deabd684b13fcf64dc6c8aa2114459e4b
common/Initializable.sol cd6ea3d63553fbb4d65cc1c7ed9ef8e9ebcf7da8
common/Initializable.sol cd6ea3d63553fbb4d65cc1c7ed9ef8e9ebcf7da8
common/IsContract.sol a52355ec843863c994ca194a351c10057dcb608c
common/IVaultRecoverable.sol aca1b2524817381f30b4d2d01e62a6012b92114f
common/Petrifiable.sol 527089d2af0b98f319345ba6fd76cc2449472de9
common/TimeHelpers.sol c52c6618a8a10c70d2009d3cad1bfae20f6dfe90
common/Uint256Helpers.sol 3ee9aa8295b0e0a7aafdc711f2e794c37269fd12
common/UnstructuredStorage.sol 3a020d5eb3ca08abefe403a8b4e7378b097f890a
common/VaultRecoverable.sol 4ebfdec9f6cc37b8ff2bcc9e8544452dcb60a984
ens/ENSConstants.sol 04950b765bb30d55617efb304570299ad405c37d
ens/ENSSubdomainRegistrar.sol eb3f34090dd254ef5c9941d0e86e68d90ea754fe
evmscript/EVMScriptRegistry.sol 36f61e7dbfb4e860e61843c652e73a7f76a41bb9
evmscript/EVMScriptRunner.sol 988942f442e8785d34d34300354f69caaa03122e
evmscript/executors/BaseEVMScriptExecutor.sol 9b3739c80632a1e78eb7f5856a1cfb385c86c3b2
evmscript/executors/CallsScript.sol 38b17c7cf6b87d6ca6b9a4a130ddac7bfdd229c3
evmscript/IEVMScriptExecutor.sol 0faee8d40fb803c934e05fd365c41b4dd6dc78b1
evmscript/IEVMScriptRegistry.sol 9d4ecfbceebf52b8e3c95976c3b6848a8c55494a
evmscript/ScriptHelpers.sol 8be030efcbcab0ac13bff5b88db4a9f5fa30f1c7
factory/APMRegistryFactory.sol 20f7447b85889e014254cae0b60b5320242d22a0
factory/AppProxyFactory.sol 75da79ff7710679dd55de3d5f7e843c67c498ec0
factory/AppProxyFactory.sol 75da79ff7710679dd55de3d5f7e843c67c498ec0
factory/DAOFactory.sol ebd71b061ee4f224a6e6447ac78d5bc437162d77
factory/DAOFactory.sol ebd71b061ee4f224a6e6447ac78d5bc437162d77
factory/ENSFactory.sol 267e8ec6d5eb97c0dc96535c4a0808a47a5b8411
factory/ENSFactory.sol 267e8ec6d5eb97c0dc96535c4a0808a47a5b8411
factory/EVMScriptRegistryFactory.sol 39456df14a2b6ab578f32b0eef693ed0b7a56178
factory/EVMScriptRegistryFactory.sol 39456df14a2b6ab578f32b0eef693ed0b7a56178
finance/contracts/Finance.sol 51b51c0ed0cbfc598429606ae9298395f384f6eb
finance/test/mocks/ExecutionTarget.sol 5020cedaaa061a292d5e21d4c10d8f0462e26763
finance/test/mocks/FinanceMock.sol 793e223a41cd82b52874fa58490a6c0d9b8e6448
finance/test/TestFinance.sol a92dd3b7f3ad43a2324a03d68404ee4b4aaaf373
future-apps/payroll/contracts/DenominationToken.sol adacad1c049f1857a39aee7dda0dae82f4f9da8c
future-apps/payroll/contracts/Payroll.sol f797589cc6c5ad226ca758be7bfadc288ddcc245
kernel/IKernel.sol b838ca893c7934dd916fd92502ad9afb927c63a1
kernel/KernelConstants.sol 7f9c9091cc7fe3d886bd213340075b8db644ec95
kernel/KernelProxy.sol 811f5320a4260749643989d3265af29b6b064c24
kernel/Kernel.sol ee3d56033746f8e76c29b6f44fca24c97b565a0b
kernel/KernelStorage.sol 2c0285d7ecb0c770d960c379905d37dfd3ec4daf
lib/ens/AbstractENS.sol fa3e5e0f673d934906e488650c6fc143ca29d92d
lib/ens/ENS.sol 7873cf1f6b1ef4c4db696f67d196365e4fb05d41
lib/ens/PublicResolver.sol 6fa40de9bce293dc25a6ceadee1030762e5a4126
lib/math/Math.sol 28f7fed8a06dca3997be59f30e2b49407fdc0de5
lib/math/SafeMath8.sol 092d4cd65e70e10b6f915d8f4863dd27d071ef83
lib/math/SafeMath.sol a633b44fa376be9e5ee16a7e1f95ffc05b91c88b
lib/minime/ITokenController.sol 3bfcadf3992c5a7d292c97b6796770b67e052be5
lib/minime/MiniMeToken.sol b74ac540be4739cbd13e760930e1a4176622976f
lib/misc/ERCProxy.sol 133bc59cffed6611a6ae36cb4cbb25a97d14aa50
lib/token/BasicToken.sol afabc2e04ae104e193fec54e0120c0bae271e94c
lib/token/ERC20.sol 8b7699a09d02b0c1ebf84281d9cb12b7a9910293
lib/token/StandardToken.sol d724d2c44a4644445300fd3671535b19ae63881a
lib/zeppelin/math/SafeMath64.sol f683be4b227fb43801c46beebb727ffe5746f514
vault/contracts/connectors/ERC20Connector.sol 757c412e8bff181b28b64e43c18321f455e7c277
vault/contracts/connectors/ERC721Connector.sol d14820c522d0cfab3829b97e8b355d9888268067
vault/contracts/connectors/ERC777Connector.sol 84b03f42b127c8491464739ed23c35e6dd5f57c9
vault/contracts/connectors/ETHConnector.sol 132e2ef150ee87305274edcce1fa484b3f22b163
vault/contracts/connectors/standards/ERC721.sol fbca697544aba767700d8105d4ac1dc6eef3b2b9
vault/contracts/connectors/standards/ERC777.sol bfa15318719715a07f10335808b4a5d51dd2a432
vault/contracts/detectors/ERC165Detector.sol c1959db5b5d0ad3b4086c43718cd1d9ed06354c5
vault/contracts/detectors/ERC780Detector.sol d061881e3f78a75480ef7dc150783dc307e36872
vault/contracts/detectors/standards/ERC165.sol 95fca2f9d076d79c394dd01f63ed243417f19b2b
vault/contracts/detectors/standards/ERC780.sol 38e7b7a524d2666e7d1f3b31fb4f148f6f2a99f0
vault/contracts/IVaultConnector.sol 28f914a1987ec1999423b48e47eaba4107735bf2
vault/contracts/VaultBase.sol b56b5c8b12a40a6c2e47b115360ef78ba57641c2
vault/contracts/Vault.sol 19bd2ca66a0003e9390d7d252195b5a866d00eb1
voting/contracts/Voting.sol c4cacf1469d649073d89b70b480c01dabae1b35c
voting/test/mocks/ExecutionTarget.sol 0f99ab7f3a5fddc5ba056c9807405da199a093b5
voting/test/TestVoting.sol bfc6fdc23d0ce16d1f20d2b8d06931b08733e53d

Appendix 2 - Severity

A.2.1 - Minor

Minor issues are generally subjective in nature, or potentially deal with topics like "best practices" or "readability". Minor issues in general will not indicate an actual problem or bug in code.

The maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether addressing these issues improves the codebase.

A.2.2 - Medium

Medium issues are generally objective in nature but do not represent actual bugs or security problems.

These issues should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.

A.2.3 - Major

Major issues will be things like bugs or security vulnerabilities. These issues may not be directly exploitable, or may require a certain condition to arise in order to be exploited.

Left unaddressed these issues are highly likely to cause problems with the operation of the contract or lead to a situation which allows the system to be exploited in some way.

A.2.4 - Critical

Critical issues are directly exploitable bugs or security vulnerabilities.

Left unaddressed these issues are highly likely or guaranteed to cause major problems or potentially a full failure in the operations of the contract.

Appendix 3 - Storage map of org muzi5.aragonpm.eth

The following figure shows an overview of the contract system deployed as the muzi5.aragonpm.eth DAO. It shows individual contracts and lists specific storage slots that have been created as part of the issue analysis.

Appendix 4 - aragonOS inheritance tree

The following figure shows the complete inheritance tree for aragonOS. It has been generated with the smart contract analyzer tool soli.


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