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Davide Dolce edited this page Sep 10, 2020 · 4 revisions


  • $addrole [user] [role] - Add a role to a user on your server, in order to assign a role the bot role must be above the other.
  • $ban [user] [reason] - Ban a user from the server.
  • $deletemsg [number] - Delete an amount of messages, the number must be between 2 and 100.
  • $kick [user] [reason] - Kick a user from the server.
  • $mute [user] [ms] - Mute a user for a specific amount of time, you have to create a new role called mute to make the command work.
  • $removerole [user] [role] - Remove a role of a user.
  • $setbotname [name] - Set a name for the bot.
  • $setbotstatus [status] - Set bot status.


  • $csgo [MySteamID] - Get csgo stats for a user given by STEAMID64.
  • $csgofloat [inspect Url] - Get informations about a skin or a weapon.
  • $lolcprot - Display the current champion rotation in EU West.
  • $loltopfive [SummonerID] - Display the top 5 played champions of a summoner, based on the SummonerID. You can find your SummonerID at


  • $help or $help [commandName] - Display the list of commands if you just type $help or if you type $help commandName display the current command info.
  • $serverinfo - Get server info.
  • $serverinvite [ChannelID] - Get an invite for the server, but you must type the channelID to get the command work.
  • $uptime - Get bot uptime.
  • $userinfo - Get your user info.


  • $deletetrack [PositionNumberInQueue] - Delete a song from the queue, if you want know your current queue, just type $queue and you will get the songs.
  • $joinchannel - Make the bot join in a voice channel, you must be in a voice channel.
  • $nowplaying - Show the currently playing song.
  • $pause - Pause the currently playing song.
  • $resume - Resume the currently playing song.
  • $playother [StreamUrl] - Play a stream url.
  • $playtube [youtubeUrl] - Play an youtube video.
  • $queue - List the songs in queue.
  • $skip - Skip the current playing song.
  • $stop - The bot leaves the voice channel.
  • $volume [Number] - Set bot volume in the voice channel, you must type a number between 0-200.
  • $ytsearch [SongName] hit enter then type a number - Search for a song on youtube, then type a number between 1-20 (or less).

Random stuff

  • $distance [latitude1] [longitude1] [latitude2] [longitude2] - Get the distance between the sets of coordinates
  • $dogs - Find some cute dog pictures.
  • $flipcoin - Flip a coin.
  • $google [query] - Get 3 search queries from Google Custom Search, you need to provide in the json file called googleConfig, your Custom Search Api Key and your CX.
  • $ping - Ping the bot.
  • $randomcolor - Generates a random hex color with preview.
  • $rolldice - Roll a dice.
  • $setafk [status] - Set your status afk or notafk.
  • $weather [location] - Get the forecast information for a location.
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