Rate limiter implements on Redis
Implementation of distributed rate limiter with aioredis, an asyncio based redis client.
Simple rate limiter based on Redis DB.
The key features are:
- Concurrency work
- Rate by limit requests
- Rate by time for requests
We want to limit requests from 5 pods to limited resource. Limits for resource: no more 10 request per 20 seconds.
locker = AioRedisRateLimiter(redis, rate_limit=10, rate_key_ttl=20)
import asyncio
import os
from aioredis.client import Redis
from aioredis_rate_limiter import AioRedisRateLimiter
class Executor:
def __init__(self, name: str, locker: AioRedisRateLimiter, task_count: int = 10):
self._locker = locker
self._task_count = task_count
self._name = name
async def process(self):
for i in range(self._task_count):
while True:
is_ok = await self._locker.acquire()
if is_ok:
print(f'Executor {self._name} by {i+1}')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def main():
host = os.getenv('REDIS_HOST')
db = os.getenv('REDIS_DB')
redis = Redis.from_url(host, db=db, encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True)
locker = AioRedisRateLimiter(redis, rate_limit=10, rate_key_ttl=15)
w1 = Executor('first', locker, 10)
w2 = Executor('helper', locker, 8)
w3 = Executor('lazzy', locker, 5)
tasks = [w1.process(), w2.process(), w3.process()]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
if __name__ == '__main__':