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DNN Search with Forums

johnhenley edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 5 revisions

If you want to use DNN Search for your Community Forums, you must enable the 'Index Content' feature for desired Forum Group(s) and/or Forum(s):_ image

Also, to take advantage of the incremental search crawling feature in DNN, set the 'Delete Behavior' module setting to 'Mark As Deleted' rather than 'Remove Content Immediately': image


  • If you are using the soft-delete behavior in Community Forums, searches are now incrementally performed based on content update date including marking deleted content as inactive in the search meta data. Otherwise, full rebuild is done at each scheduled search crawler interval.
  • If you utilize tags within Community Forums, these will be included in the search metadata.
  • View permissions from the forum's security settings are included in the search metadata, so only authorized forum topic viewers should see topics within search results.
  • NOTE: In search results, the "source" display name comes from Module's display name, e.g. "DNN Community Forums". If you want to override this, add an entry to ~/DesktopModules/Admin/SearchResults/App_LocalResources/SearchableModules.resx for the Module_[MODULENAME].text, e.g., Module_Active_Forums.txt.
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