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Release Testing Checklist

johnhenley edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 3 revisions

Pre-Release Testing

Items to be tested prior to releasing a major version.

Installation / Upgrade

  1. Test fresh install
  2. Initial forums setup completes successfully
  3. Test upgrade from previous major version (e.g. 7.0.12 -> 8.0.1)

Control Panel

  1. Dashboard displays correctly
  2. Each feature pane displays correctly
  3. Able to update forum features / security

Basic Forum Features

  1. Test user can post a new topic
  2. Test user can reply to an existing topic using “add reply”
  3. Test user can add a reply using “quick reply”
  4. Verify topics/replies counts are updated
  5. Subscribe to forum, change to test user and post a topic; verify email sent
  6. Subscribe to topic while adding it, change to test user and reply to it; verify email sent
  7. Verify subscriber counts are updated
  8. Able to 'like' a topic; updates 'like' counts
  9. 'My topics', 'Active Topics', etc. displays appropriate topics

Advanced Forum Features

  1. Moderator/Admin able to move a topic to a different forum
  2. Enable moderation on a forum, post as a test user, and administrator can moderate
  3. Test flood control by enabling in module settings and posting successive topics as a test user

Viewer Module

  1. Add viewer to a different page and configure it
  2. Verify that it properly shows content

What's New Module

  1. Add to a different page and configure it
  2. Verify that it properly shows content
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