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Topics View Template

johnhenley edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 4 revisions

Topics View Template

Template used to view a list of topics within a forum.

Available Tokens for Topics View Template

Token Description
[ACTIONS:ANSWER] This displays a button that users press to answer the topic's question.
[ACTIONS:DELETE] Displays the button used to delete a post.
[ACTIONS:EDIT] Displays the button used to edit a post.
[ACTIONS:LOCK] Displays the button used to lock a post.
[ACTIONS:MOVE] Displays the button used to move a post.
[ACTIONS:PIN] Displays the button used to pin a post to the top of the topics list.
[ADDTOPIC] The button used to adding a new topic.
[AF:CONTROL:EMAIL] A small envelope icon used for emailing posts.
[AF:CONTROL:PRINTER] A small printer icon that links to a printer friendly display.
[AF:ICONLINK:LASTREAD] Small arrow used to go to the last read post.
[AF:ICONLINK:LASTREPLY] Small arrow used to go to the last reply in the topic.
[AF:UI:MINIPAGER] The small display of page numbers by a topic.
[AF:URL:LASTREAD] The link to the last post the user read.
[AF:URL:LASTREPLY] The link to the last reply in the topic.
[ANNOUNCEMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS] This indicates the beginning and end of the announcements section.
[BODYTITLE] Displays the body of a post without HTML to be used within HTML for title attributes.
[DATECREATED] The date the post was created.
[FORUMGROUPLINK] The link to the forum group.
[FORUMLINK] The link to the forum.
[FORUMMAINLINK] The link to the main forum view.
[FORUMNAME] The name of the forum.
[FORUMSUBSCRIBE] The button used to subscribe to a forum.
[FORUMSUBSCRIBERCOUNT] Number of subscribers to a forum. (new in 07.00.10)
[GROUPNAME] The name of a forum group.
[JUMPTO] A small drop down list of the forums, allowing fast navigation.
[LASTPOST/LASTPOST] This indicates the start and end of the last post section.
[LASTPOSTDATE] The date of the latest post.
[LASTPOSTDISPLAYNAME] The user who made the last post.
[MINISEARCH] The small search box.
[PAGER1] The menu of page numbers.
[PAGER2] Another menu of page numbers.
[POSTICON] The icon a user chooses for their topic.
[REPLIES] The number of replies a topic has had.
[ROWCSS] Displays the appropriate CSS for alternating rows.
[SPACER:HH:WW] This will insert a transparent .gif to use as spacer to assist with layout and formatting.
[STARTEDBY] The user who started the post.
[STATUS] The status of a topic.
[SUBFORUMS/SUBFORUMS] This indicates the beginning and end of the sub forums section.
[SUBJECT] The subject of the topic.
[TOOLBAR] The toolbar that has links to profiles, the control panel, etc.
[TOPICS/TOPICS] The beginning of the topics display section.
[TOPICSUBSCRIBERCOUNT] Number of subscribers to a topic. (new in 07.00.10)
[TOPICURL] The direct link to a topic.
[VIEWS] The number of views a topic has had.
[TRESX:SUBSCRIBERS] label for "Subscribers" [for headers]. The default value is "Subscribers".
[TRESX:FORUMSUBSCRIBERS] label for "Subscribed to this forum" [to show on top of page]. The default value is "Subscribed to this forum".
[TRESX:TOPICSUBSCRIBERS] label for "Subscribed to this topic" [to show on top of page]. The default value is "Subscribed to this topic".