pytoledo is a Python library to interact with the common virtual learning environment for the Association KU Leuven a.k.a Toledo.
v3.0.0 adds support for KU Leuven Authenticator, which is now mandatory for all students
v3.1.0 adds the ability to query Vives Plus endpoints, please note that this might not work for Luca, Odisee, Thomas More and UCLL students!
My goal was to provide an easy way to interact with the various KU Leuven API endpoints.
This library reproduces the Toledo portal login flow and returns a requests Session object that keeps track of your cookies and headers.
With this basic session object you can query these endpoints:
- Enrollments
- Upcoming courses
- Events (messages and updates)
- Extend this basic session with kuloket cookies. This allows you to query the following endpoints:
- Schedule
- Extend this basic session with toledo dashboard cookies. This allows you to query the following endpoints:
- Todo (tasks and tests)
- Create a Vives Plus session. This allows you to query the following endpoints:
- Schedule (dynamic)
- Student information
- Notices
- Dashboard
Good to know:
- Bypassing KU Leuven Authenticator prompts is possible by exporting and re-using your Vives Plus authorization token.
- Data will always be returned as JSON via stdout. You can redirect the output to any file using '>'.
- Teacher accounts (u) are not supported!
Use the package manager pip to install pytoledo.
pip install pytoledo --upgrade
from toledo import portal
from toledo import kuloket
from toledo import dashboard
from toledo import api
# Create a portal session object
portal_session = portal.create_session_object(
# Optionally extend the portal session with kuloket cookies
extendend_session = kuloket.extend_session(
# and/or dashboard cookies
extendend_session = dashboard.extend_session(
# Create an api object
toledo_api = api.create_api_object(
from toledo import vivesplus
from toledo import api
# Create a Vives Plus session object from username & password
vivesplus_session = vivesplus.create_vivesplus_session_object(
# or from authorization token or file
vivesplus_session = vivesplus.create_vivesplus_session_object(
# Create an api object
vivesplus_api = api.create_vivesplus_api_object(
# returns all your courses in JSON
# returns your upcoming courses (for today) in JSON
# returns your messages in JSON
# returns your updates in JSON
# returns your tasks in JSON
# returns your tests in JSON
# returns your schedule in JSON
# login using username and password
vivesplus_session = vivesplus.create_vivesplus_session_object(
# Create an api object
vivesplus_api = api.create_vivesplus_api_object(
# returns your authorization token in JSON
authorization = vivesplus_api.get_authorization_token()
# login using your authorization token
vivesplus_session = vivesplus.create_vivesplus_session_object(
# returns your schedule in JSON
# returns your student information in JSON
# returns your dashboard in JSON
# returns your notices in JSON
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--enrollments, -en retrieve all your enrollments
--todo {task,test}, -td {task,test}
retrieve your to-do list (tasks or tests)
--upcoming, -up retrieve your upcoming courses
--events {message,update}, -ev {message,update}
retrieve your recent events (messages or updates)
--schedule, -sc retrieve your schedule
--rnumber RNUMBER, -rn RNUMBER
your personal rnumber
--password PASSWORD, -pw PASSWORD
your password
--silent, -s surpress output
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--schedule, -sc retrieve your schedule
--student-info, -si retrieve your student information
--dashboard, -db retrieve your dashboard
--notices, -no retrieve your notices
--get-authorization-token, -gat
retrieve your vives plus authorization token as a JSON file
--set-authorization-token JSON TOKEN FILE, -sat JSON TOKEN FILE
set your vives plus authorization token by providing a JSON file
--rnumber RNUMBER, -rn RNUMBER
your personal rnumber
--password PASSWORD, -pw PASSWORD
your password
--silent, -s surpress output
python -m toledo toledo --enrollments --rnumber yourrrnumber --password yourpassword
python -m toledo toledo --upcoming --rnumber yourrrnumber --password yourpassword
# Messages
python -m toledo toledo --events message --rnumber yourrrnumber --password yourpassword
# Updates
python -m toledo toledo --events update --rnumber yourrrnumber --password yourpassword
# Tasks
python -m toledo toledo --todo task --rnumber yourrrnumber --password yourpassword
# Tests
python -m toledo toledo --todo test --rnumber yourrrnumber --password yourpassword
python -m toledo toledo --schedule --rnumber yourrrnumber --password yourpassword
# Export
python -m toledo vivesplus --get-authorization-token --rnumber yourrrnumber --password yourpassword
# Re-use
python -m toledo vivesplus --set-authorization-token vivesplus_authorization_token_<yourrnumber>.json ... any other option
python -m toledo vivesplus --set-authorization-token vivesplus_authorization_token_<yourrnumber>.json --schedule '2023-06-14' '2023-06-22'
python -m toledo vivesplus --set-authorization-token vivesplus_authorization_token_<yourrnumber>.json --student-info
python -m toledo vivesplus --set-authorization-token vivesplus_authorization_token_<yourrnumber>.json --dashboard
python -m toledo vivesplus --set-authorization-token vivesplus_authorization_token_<yourrnumber>.json --notices
- Documentation
- Tests
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.