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General Settings | settings.json

Daemon Forge edited this page Feb 7, 2021 · 9 revisions

Default config

Default - settings.json

    "ConfigVersion": "7", //Config Version do not change
    "Mode": 0,  //Humanity/Affinity mode currently only mod 0 works, mode 2 enables the secondary affinities and 1 enables highest affinity
    "NotificationMessageTime": 15, //How long kill feed and suicide feed notification will stay on the page
    "KillFeed": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  If enabled this will show a kill feed using system notifications
    "SucideFeed": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  If enabled this will show a suicide feed using system notifications
    "KillFeedMessageColor": [ 200, 250, 0, 100 ], //The Color for Killfeed and Sucide fee notifications
    "CommandPrefix": "/", // This is the prefix for the humanity and stat commands must be only one letter/symbol 
    "AllowStatCommand": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled it will allow players to use the /stat command
    "AllowHumanityCommand": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled it will allow players to use the /humanity command
    "AllowGUI": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled it will alow players to open the GUI
    "GUIHeading": "#HAB_TITLE",   // This is the Heading for the Heroes and Bandits GUI, default is Heroes and Bandits in one of the supported languages 
    "HideKillsInGUI": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled this hide Kills in the GUI
    "BanditCanRemoveMask": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  When enabled it will allow Bandits to remove there masks also auto attaches one if they spawn without one or their level changes
    "BanditCanRemoveArmBand": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  When enabled it will allow Bandits to remove there armbands also auto attaches one if they spawn without one or their level changes
    "BanditMasks": [ //List of masks for bandits
    "BanditArmBands": [], //List of armbands for bandits
    "HeroCanRemoveMask": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  When enabled it will allow Heroes to remove there masks also auto attaches one if they spawn without one or their level changes
    "HeroCanRemoveArmBand": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  When enabled it will allow Heroes to remove their armbands also auto attaches one if they spawn without one or their level changes
    "HeroMasks": [], //List of masks for heroes
    "HeroArmBands": [], //List of armbands for heroes
    "AffintyCantGoBelowZero": 1,// 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  This is used for mode 1 or 2 to prevent secondary affinities from going below 0 (This does not affect humanity
    "ResetAffinitiesOnDeath": 0,  // 1 Enabled|0  Disabled if enabled the affinities will reset on death
    "ResetStatsOnDeath": 0, // 1 Enabled | 0 Disabled If enabled it will reset the players stats on death
    "DodTags_EnableHumanityOnDogTags": 1, // 1 Enabled | 0 Disabled If enabled it will show the players humanity on dog tags
    "DodTags_EnableAffinityOnDogTags": 1, // 1 Enabled | 0 Disabled If enabled it will show the players Affinity on dog tags
    "Expansion_EnableIconOnPlayerTag": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  This enables the humanity image to be shown on the players tag
    "Expansion_ImageTypePlayerTag": 0, //0 Affinty Image / 1 Level Image
    "Expansion_HideNameOnPlayerTag": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  when enabled it hides the players name on the tag so only the image is shown
    "ExceptionLogs": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled this will place Exception Logs in the Script.log
    "VerboseLogs": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled this will place Verbose Logs in the Script.log good for trouble shooting why a zone might not be working
    "DebugLogs": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled this will place Debug Logs in the Script.log good for developers trying to mod my mod
    "DebugCommand": 0,
    "BambiSkins": [    //These are the list of skins for Bambis to be returned by the Get Player Skin Command
    "HeroSkins": [     //These are the list of skins for Heroes to be returned by the Get Player Skin Command
    "BanditSkins": [     //These are the list of skins for Bandits to be returned by the Get Player Skin Command


This is just the version of the configs this allows for automated upgrades

    "ConfigVersion": "7"


This is still in testing phase of setting Humanity/Affinity mode currently only mod 0 works, mode 2 enables the secondary affinities and 1 enables highest affinity

    "Mode": 0


How long in seconds the killfeed and suicidefeed notification will stay on the page

    "NotificationMessageTime": 15


1 Enabled|0 Disabled If enabled this will show a kill feed using system notifications

    "KillFeed": 1


1 Enabled|0 Disabled If enabled this will show a suicide feed using system notifications

    "SucideFeed": 0


The Color for Killfeed and Sucide fee notifications in A R G B

    "KillFeedMessageColor": [ 200, 250, 0, 100 ]


This is the prefix for the humanity and stat commands must be only one letter/symbol useful when using vpp admin tools as it will block

    "CommandPrefix": "/"


1 Enabled|0 Disabled If enabled it will allow players to use the /stat command

    "AllowStatCommand": 1


"AllowHumanityCommand": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled it will allow players to use the /humanity command


"AllowGUI": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled it will alow players to open the GUI


"GUIHeading": "#HAB_TITLE",   // This is the Heading for the Heroes and Bandits GUI, default is Heroes and Bandits in one of the supported languages 


"HideKillsInGUI": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled this hide Kills in the GUI


"BanditCanRemoveMask": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  When enabled it will allow Bandits to remove there masks also auto attaches one if they spawn without one or their level changes


"BanditCanRemoveArmBand": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  When enabled it will allow Bandits to remove there armbands also auto attaches one if they spawn without one or their level changes


"BanditMasks": [ //List of masks for bandits


"BanditArmBands": [], //List of armbands for bandits


"HeroCanRemoveMask": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  When enabled it will allow Heroes to remove there masks also auto attaches one if they spawn without one or their level changes


"HeroCanRemoveArmBand": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  When enabled it will allow Heroes to remove their armbands also auto attaches one if they spawn without one or their level changes


"HeroMasks": [], //List of masks for heroes


"HeroArmBands": [], //List of armbands for heroes


"AffintyCantGoBelowZero": 1,// 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  This is used for mode 1 or 2 to prevent secondary affinities from going below 0 (This does not affect humanity


"ResetAffinitiesOnDeath": 0,  // 1 Enabled|0  Disabled if enabled the affinities will reset on death


"ResetStatsOnDeath": 0, // 1 Enabled | 0 Disabled If enabled it will reset the players stats on death



"DodTags_EnableHumanityOnDogTags": 1, // 1 Enabled | 0 Disabled If enabled it will show the players humanity on dog tags


"DodTags_EnableAffinityOnDogTags": 1, // 1 Enabled | 0 Disabled If enabled it will show the players Affinity on dog tags



"Expansion_EnableIconOnPlayerTag": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  This enables the humanity image to be shown on the players tag


"Expansion_ImageTypePlayerTag": 0, //0 Affinty Image / 1 Level Image


"Expansion_HideNameOnPlayerTag": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  when enabled it hides the players name on the tag so only the image is shown



"ExceptionLogs": 1, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled this will place Exception Logs in the Script.log


"VerboseLogs": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled this will place Verbose Logs in the Script.log good for trouble shooting why a zone might not be working


"DebugLogs": 0, // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled   If enabled this will place Debug Logs in the Script.log good for developers trying to mod my mod


"DebugCommand": 0,



"BambiSkins": [    //These are the list of skins for Bambis to be returned by the Get Player Skin Command


"HeroSkins": [     //These are the list of skins for Heroes to be returned by the Get Player Skin Command


"BanditSkins": [     //These are the list of skins for Bandits to be returned by the Get Player Skin Command
