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How to create your own Custom Images

Kevin Hoddinott edited this page Jul 6, 2020 · 1 revision

This is how you can create your own mod to allow you to use your own Custom Icons with the Heroes and Bandit Mod

  1. Part One - Creating the Images
  2. Part Two - Creating the Mod Folder Structures
  3. Part Three - Packing and Signing the Mod
  4. Part Four - Publishing The Mod to Steam Workshop
  5. Part Five - Updateing the Config

Part 1 Creating the Images

Step 1 Scale Image

Using youre favorite editing tool make sure the image is at the resloution of either 512x512, 256x256 or 128x128

Step 1 Image

Step 2 Export the Image

Using that same tool export the image it is important that it has a transparnt background

Step 2 Image

Step 3 Convert the Image to PAA

Open "Dayz Tools" and go to the "Image To PAA Tool" add the directory where you saved the image, then click Proccess Files

Step 3 Image

If successfull you will see image in green text and at the bottom it will say converted successfully

Part 2 Create Mod Folder Structures

Step 1

Create two Folders with the name of your mod in my example I am calling them HaBCustomImages and second HaBCustomImagesPublished

Step 2

In the first Directory (HaBCustomImages) Create a folder Called images and copy all the PAA image files into it

Step 3

And in the root of the Folder create a file called config.cpp with the following code replace all the HaBCustomImages with what ever you called the folder in Step 1

class CfgPatches
	class HaBCustomImages

class CfgMods
	class HaBCustomImages
		dependencies[]={ };
	  	class defs

So your first folder should look like this

Part 2 Step 3 Image

Step 4

In your Second Directory (HaBCustomImagesPublished) Create 2 folders one called Addons and second called Keys

Step 5

Create a file called meta.cpp put the following code in there replacing the name with what ever you called your first directory

protocol = 1;
publishedid = ;
name = "HaBCustomImages";
timestamp = 0;

So your Second Directory (HaBCustomImagesPublished) will look like this Part 2 Step 5 Image

Part 3 Packing and Signing the Mod

Step 1

Open Dayz Tools and go to the Addon Builder Choose the First Directory(HaBCustomImages) as your Source Directory and the Addon Folder in the Second Directory (HaBCustomImagesPublished) as your Destination Directory Then Click "Pack" Part 3 Step 1 Image If it was successfull you should see Build Successfull

Step 2

Open Dayz Tools and go to DS Utlis Click "add source directory" and choose the Addon folder in side the Second Diretory(HaBCustomImagesPublished)

Step 3

Create your Key Click the "N" Beside Private Key to create your Private Key (Unless you already have one) Give your Private key a name and then click Create Key Part 3 Step 3 Image Make sure to make a note of the Private Keys Path you will need that later

Step 4

Click Proccess files and if successfull it should say true under signed next to the PBO Part 3 Step 4 Image

Step 4 A

If you plan on making the mod public (Allow other servers to use your Icons) you will need to copy youre .bikey from Step 3 into the Keys folder in the Second Directory (DO NOT COPY THE .biprivatekey) Part 3 Step 4b Image

Step 4 B

If you don't do Step 4 A you will need to copy your .bikey from Step 3 into the Keys folder on your server in your Dayz Server installation

Part 4 Publishing the mod to Steam Workshop

Step 1

Open up the Dayz Tools and open Publisher Make sure (New Workshop Item) is selected and then Give your mod a name and choose the Second Directory (HaBCustomImagesPublished) as the Mod Content, You should see Mod Content Structure seems to be valid and Signatures: all signed Check Box I agree and click publish Part 4 Step 1 Image

Step 2

Get your Mod's Workshop ID open up the mod and copy id fromt he address bar

Part 4 Step 2 Image

Step 2 A

If you want to allow others to use your mod go back to your Second Directory and edit the meta.cpp to inlcude the the id in the publishedid= that you got from step 2 and republish the mod with the Dayz Publisher (Step 1 But Select the mod on the left hand side)

Step 2 B

If you are just planning on having the mod for your server only you can just edit your meta.cpp as per Step 2 A then copy the mod to your server manually

Part 5 Updating the Levels in the config

Step 1

Get the file diretory which should be HaBCustomImages\images\BanditCustom.paa for this example replacing HaBCustomImages to what ever the name of your PBO is, and then replaceing BanditCustom to what ever you called your image file then put that Directory in to the "LevelImage": setting for the level you wish to have the custom images for. or for any of the image settings like the zone notifications or death warning icons

     "Name": "Bandit King",  
     "Affinity": "bandit",
     "LevelImage": "HaBCustomImages\images\BanditCustom.paa",
     "MinHumanity": -1, 
     "MaxHumanity": -50001  