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Levels Config | levels.json

Kevin Hoddinott edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 2 revisions
    "ConfigVersion": "4", //Config Version do not change
    "Levels": [ //List of Levels for players NOTE ONLY hero and bandit levels matter right now and in the mode 0
            "Name": "Hero Lv1",  // This is the Level Display name (Can be changed to anything)
            "Affinity": "hero",  // This is the affinity that this level is associated too 
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/HeroNotificationlv1.paa", // This is the Image to show for the level on the status bar and in the GUI
            "MinPoints": 1001,  // This is how many points they must have in order to consider this level, in mode 0 aka Humanity Mode this is counted on the differential between hero and bandit (-1 will count as no min)
            "MaxPoints": 4000  // This is the max points for that level once a player is over this you must have another level otherwise it will default to the default level, (-1 will count as no max)
            "Name": "Hero Lv2",
            "Affinity": "hero",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/HeroNotificationlv2.paa",
            "MinPoints": 4001,
            "MaxPoints": 12000
            "Name": "Hero Lv3",
            "Affinity": "hero",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/HeroNotificationlv3.paa",
            "MinPoints": 12001,
            "MaxPoints": 20000
            "Name": "Hero Lv4",
            "Affinity": "hero",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/HeroNotificationlv4.paa",
            "MinPoints": 20001,
            "MaxPoints": 50000
            "Name": "Hero Lv5",
            "Affinity": "hero",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/HeroNotificationlv5.paa",
            "MinPoints": 50001,
            "MaxPoints": -1
            "Name": "Bandit Lv1",
            "Affinity": "bandit",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/BanditNotificationlv1.paa",
            "MinPoints": 1001,
            "MaxPoints": 4000
            "Name": "Bandit Lv2",
            "Affinity": "bandit",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/BanditNotificationlv2.paa",
            "MinPoints": 4001,
            "MaxPoints": 12000
            "Name": "Bandit Lv3",
            "Affinity": "bandit",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/BanditNotificationlv3.paa",
            "MinPoints": 12001,
            "MaxPoints": 20000
            "Name": "Bandit Lv4",
            "Affinity": "bandit",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/BanditNotificationlv4.paa",
            "MinPoints": 20001,
            "MaxPoints": 50000
            "Name": "Bandit Lv5",
            "Affinity": "bandit",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/BanditNotificationlv5.paa",
            "MinPoints": 50001,
            "MaxPoints": -1
            "Name": "Medic Lv1",
            "Affinity": "medic",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Mediclv1.paa",
            "MinPoints": 1001,
            "MaxPoints": 4000
            "Name": "Medic Lv2",
            "Affinity": "medic",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Mediclv2.paa",
            "MinPoints": 4001,
            "MaxPoints": 12000
            "Name": "Medic Lv3",
            "Affinity": "medic",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Mediclv3.paa",
            "MinPoints": 12001,
            "MaxPoints": 20000
            "Name": "Medic Lv4",
            "Affinity": "medic",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Mediclv4.paa",
            "MinPoints": 20001,
            "MaxPoints": 50000
            "Name": "Medic Lv5",
            "Affinity": "medic",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Mediclv5.paa",
            "MinPoints": 50001,
            "MaxPoints": -1
            "Name": "Hunter Lv1",
            "Affinity": "hunter",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Hunterlv1.paa",
            "MinPoints": 1001,
            "MaxPoints": 4000
            "Name": "Hunter Lv2",
            "Affinity": "hunter",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Hunterlv2.paa",
            "MinPoints": 4001,
            "MaxPoints": 12000
            "Name": "Hunter Lv3",
            "Affinity": "hunter",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Hunterlv3.paa",
            "MinPoints": 12001,
            "MaxPoints": 20000
            "Name": "Hunter Lv4",
            "Affinity": "hunter",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Hunterlv4.paa",
            "MinPoints": 20001,
            "MaxPoints": 50000
            "Name": "Hunter Lv5",
            "Affinity": "hunter",
            "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Hunterlv5.paa",
            "MinPoints": 50001,
            "MaxPoints": -1
    "DefaultLevel": {   //This is the default level if they don't match any of the levels in the list
        "Name": "Bambi",
        "Affinity": "bambi",
        "LevelImage": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/BambiNotification.paa",
        "MinPoints": -1,   //Min and Max don't matter here
        "MaxPoints": 1000
    "Affinities": [  //This is the list of affinities 
            "Name": "hero", //This is the affinity name used as a reference for internal operations, if using mode 0 or 2 you must not change hero/bandit/bambi
            "DisplayName": "#HAB_HERO", //This is the display name for the affinity shown in the GUI
            "Image": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Hero.paa", //This is the icon shown for the affinity when using the Expansion tags with affinity image
            "ItemBlackList": [ //This is the blacklists items that this affinity will not be able to put in their hands or attach to their character 
                    "MinPoints": -1, //The min points the player must have for the black list to kick in (-1 is unlimited)
                    "MaxPoints": -1, //The max points the player must have for the black list to kick in (-1 is unlimited)
                    "Location": "all", //"all" is both in hands and on inventory, "inhands" just so they can't put in their hands, "attach" is just to prevent them from attaching the item to the body
                    "Items": [  //A list of the items type
            "Name": "bandit",
            "DisplayName": "#HAB_BANDIT",
            "Image": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Bandit.paa",
            "ItemBlackList": []
            "Name": "medic",
            "DisplayName": "#HAB_MEDIC",
            "Image": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Medic.paa",
            "ItemBlackList": []
            "Name": "hunter",
            "DisplayName": "#HAB_HUNTER",
            "Image": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Hunter.paa",
            "ItemBlackList": []
    "DefaultAffinity": {  //Default Affinity if they aren't one of the above
        "Name": "bambi",
        "DisplayName": "#HAB_BAMBI",
        "Image": "HeroesAndBandits/gui/images/Bambi.paa",
        "ItemBlackList": [
                "MinPoints": -1,
                "MaxPoints": -1,
                "Location": "all",
                "Items": [
    "ShowLevelIcon": 1,   // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  If enabled it will show the level icon
    "LevelIconLocation": 2,    // 1 Top Right | 2 Status Bar  |  3 Both   This will change where the Level Icon will show on the players screen
    "NotifyLevelChange": 1   // 1 Enabled|0 Disabled  If enabled it will notify the player of the level change