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Electrillo is an online tool that lets users calculate how much money they can save by switching to an EV based vehicle. Electrillo also features a EV vehicle search, so users can find some options suitable to their needs

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With climate change becoming a increasing urgent problem in our lives, vehicle numbers globally now at an estimated 1.446 billion and 80% of lung diseases being caused by car pollution there is a no better time to start looking for more eco-friedly vehicles for the planets health and our own.
Electic Vehicles (EVs) and Hybrid Vehicles are improving rapidly and if more people moved to the alternatives then maufactures would be motivated to put more money and emphasis into development of these vehicles. With One-fifth of Europe's greenhouse gases coming from the transportation sector alone, this is a massive market which could play a major part in our planets future.

To help educate and encourage the everyday motorist to consider moving to an alternativly fueled vehicle, we have created a website that easily provides the user with more eco-friendly alternatives to the type of vehicle they are looking for. The website also provides more information about the problems and threats caused by ICEs and what the benefits of making a change could be, for the enviroment and the motorist.

This project has been build as part of Code Institutes Earth Day Hackathon Event April 2022 by the team Mother Nature's Minions.


Project Goals

  • Educate the user about the danger of climate change
  • Show the
  • Educate the user about the options available to avoid pollution
  • Give environment friendly options following the user choices

User Demographic

  • Men and women ages 35 to 65 that want to save money and are willing to learn more about environmentalism and possess these qualities:
  • All genders and ethnicities
  • Users with an interest in learning more about the climate issue
  • Cars enthusiasts

Value for the User

  • Learn more about the issues caused by using traditional fuel types and the benefits of alternatives
  • Easily find vehicles that use alternative power sources that I am interested in and would suit the users needs
  • Calculate possible savings by moving to an alternative fuel

User Stories

ID As a... I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can...
01 User Easily navigate the website Explore all the pages and features
02 User Find more information about the website Understand what the website is designed for and what it can do for me
03 User Learn more about the problems caused by using traditionially fueled vehicles Understand the problems and see the benefit if changing vehicle power sources
04 User Calculate how much I could save on fuel moving to an alternative vehicle See the financial benefit of changing to an electric vehicle
05 User Choose what type or style of vehicle that I am looking for Be shown approptiate vehicle options that are more eco-friendly
06 User View information about individual vehicles Decide if the vehicle I am reading about is perfect for me


Feature Planning



Database Schema

The Database has been created with MongoDB and exported as Json file:


Link to the Wireframes

Design Alterations

While working on the project we had to execute the following alterations:

Page/Section Alteration Reason
Home Page Removed the team section from the Home Page It is a priority to display the mission of the website and define a stronger identity
Home Page Removed the Car Search feature In order to deliver are more clean website we moved the feature to a different page
Evaluation Page Moved the Calculator up The Calculator is the core feature of the page so it needs to be displayed first
Evaluation Page Pop-up the result of the Evaluation In order to give the user a better experience, easier to read and visualize
Evaluation Page Car Search highlighted with a scroll down arrows In order to give the user a clear suggestion on how to navigate the website

Colour Scheme and Typography Color Scheme


Multi Page Elements


  • Logo: To display the website identity and act as home button
  • Mission: Links to the mission behind the project
  • Evaluator: Links to the core features of the website
  • Team: Links to a presentation of the team with contacts options


In addition to the Navbar features the footer displays:

  • Social links to informative websites and the project repository

Home Page

  • Mission statement
  • Direct link to the Evaluator page

Evaluator Page

  • An EV/Fuel Calculator that will display, in a pop-up window, the advantages on choosing an electric ca
  • A mini-questionnaire to suggest to the user some options within their budget and preferred car size

Team Page

  • Cards of each team member, implemented with links to their LinkedIn and Github pages

Features for Future Releases

  • Implement more currencies and different units of measurements for the EV/Fuel Calculator
  • Add a carbon emission calculator
  • Add users car details to make savings and carbon emissions more accurate
  • More Options button displays more cars from their one result
  • Add link to buy the car


HTML Test 1: index.html

  1. Visit W3C Validator
  2. Paste the contents of index.html into the tool to check input
  3. Click "check"
  4. Observe warnings & errors
  5. Notice there is a stray </p> tag on like 36
  6. Open IDE and visit index.html
  7. Remove the stray element
  8. Repeat steps 1-3 until there are no errors
  9. Mark test "passed"

HTML Test 2: Questions.html

  1. Visit W3C Validator
  2. Paste the contents of questions.html into the tool to check input
  3. Click "check"
  4. Observe the following warning: "Potentially bad value sha512-....for attribute integrity on element link: Invalid base64-value ("
  5. Open IDE and visit questions.html
  6. Observe that there is an error in the font awesome CDN link
  7. Conclude that error most likely occurred while merging or formatting the code
  8. Replace with correct CDN link
  9. Repeat steps 1-3 until there are no errors
  10. Observe validator's outpit, "Document checking completed. No errors or warnings to show"
  11. Mark test "passed"

HTML Test 3: Team.html

  1. Visit W3C Validator
  2. Paste the contents of team.html into the tool to check input
  3. Click "check"
  4. Observe the following error: "Attribute target not allowed on element i at this point"
  5. Visit team.html in local IDE
  6. Move the target attribute to its' corresponding <a></a> element
  7. Observe the following error: "Duplicate ID"
  8. Visit team.html and observe that all team cards are using the same ID
  9. Create new ID names for all div elements effected by this error
  10. Visit style.css and style all new ID's accordingly
  11. Repeat steps 1-3 until there are no errors
  12. Mark test "passed"

HTML Test 4: 404.html

  1. Visit W3C Validator
  2. Paste the contents of 404.html into the tool to check input
  3. Click "check"
  4. Observe the following warning: "Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed."
  5. Visit 404.html in IDE
  6. Replace div with h2
  7. Repeat steps 1-3 until there are no errors
  8. Mark test "passed"

CSS Jigsaw Validator Test

  1. Visit W3C Jigsaw validator in the browser
  2. Copy all properties from style.css
  3. Paste the contents of style.css in the validator tool
  4. Click, "Check"
  5. Observe an error coming from line 410
  6. Notice the media query definition is outdated
  7. Revise
  8. Repeat steps 1-4
  9. Observe all tests are now passing
  10. Mark test, "passed"

JS Test 1: On Click/Select CSS Effect

  1. Visit the project in the browser
  2. Click on the CTA button to visit the calculator tool
  3. Click on answers for each question
  4. Observe how a CSS border effect is applied to the selected card when clicked
  5. Notice that clicking on one of the cards a second time removes CSS select effect from other elements
  6. Open Google Chrome Dev Tools and visit the JavaScript console to check for errors
  7. Notice there are no errors in the console
  8. Visit JSHInt and paste contents of script.js into the testing space
  9. Return to IDE and make all changes
  10. Repeat steps 1-5 and observe same problem
  11. Identify that error is coming from the grid structure in the HTML
  12. Visit questions.html and notice the first row of questions is missing a closing </div>
  13. Note that the absence of the closing </div> has left the row open and caused the bug
  14. Add the missing </div> to close the row
  15. Test again and notice the problem no longer exists
  16. Mark test as, "PASS"

JS Test 2: Evaluator

  1. Visit the project in the browser
  2. Click on the CTA button to visit the calculator tool
  3. Use the Evaluator tool to generate a savings quote
  4. Observe the number
  5. Repeat steps 1-3 to ensure the price quote changes
  6. Repeat steps 1-3 a few more times to test all functionality
  7. Mark test as, "PASS"

JS Test 3: JSON Fetch Error During Initial Deployment

  1. Visit the deployed project in the browser
  2. Click on the CTA button to visit the calculator tool
  3. Scroll down to search for a vehicle
  4. Click on a choice for each question
  5. Click, "Search"
  6. Observe that clicking the "Search" button returns nothing on the front-end
  7. Open up the JS console
  8. Observe a 404 error, stating that the JSON file can not be found by the server
  9. Consult with team
  10. Have team member refactor and troubleshoot
  11. Observe that the error during production resulted from the use of a file path in the fetch statement
  12. Replace the file path with a URL
  13. Commit, push and deploy changes
  14. Repeat steps 1-5
  15. Observe that the search functionality has been repaired and search results are now printing on the front end.
  16. Open the JavaScript console
  17. Observe that there are no longer any errors
  18. Mark test, "passed"

JS Test 4: JSHint Test

  1. Copy the contents of script.js
  2. Visit JSHint
  3. Paste the contents of script.js into the JavaScript validator
  4. Observe the warnings
  5. Add semicolons wherever they are missing
  6. Notice the remaining warnings suggest dot notation
  7. Observe there are no errors with the JavaScript
  8. Repeat steps 1 - 3
  9. Mark test, "passed"

Google Lighthouse Test

  1. Visit the project in the browser
  2. Press F12 to open the developer tools
  3. Click on 'Lighthouse' in the developer tools
  4. Click 'Run Audit'
  5. Observe the SEO, Performance, and Accessibility scores are all above 90, with no errors
  6. Refactor the code to make it more readable
  7. Resize the image on the landing page to improve the performance score
  8. Set a "width" and "height" attribute on the image to improve the performance score
  9. Observe the performance score is now 100%
  10. Read the notes about SEO
  11. Refactor until the SEO score reaches 100%
  12. Read the notes about Accessibility
  13. Make suggested changes until the Accessibility score reaches 100%
  14. Mark test, "passed"

Known Bugs

  • Fuel Input Validates for every car search result calculation if input is Invalid which could lead to multiple alerts if there is multiple results.


This project was deployed with Github Pages. To see the deployed version, visit Electrillo

Our development team deployed the project successfully by following these steps:

  1. Visit "repository settings" on GitHub
  2. Scroll to the GitHub Pages section and click, "source".
  3. Select the 'main' branch for deployment.
  4. Open browser and go here to ensure deployment was successful.

To run this project locally

  1. Follow this link to the project's GitHub Repository.
  2. Click the green button labeled, 'Clone or download.'
  3. Copy the provided URL.
  4. Open your local Integrated Development Environment.
  5. Type the command, git clone.
  6. Paste this URL that was copied from GitHub earlier.
  7. Enter python3 -m http.server to start the server.


Languages and Libraries
IDE and Version Control
  • Git Pod - IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  • Git - Version Control Tool
  • Github - Cloud based hosting service to manager my Git Repositories
  • Code Institute GitPod Template - Provides GitPod extensions to help with code production
Design and Development
Validation and Testing



Default Values for Savings Calculator :




The team includes:


Electrillo is an online tool that lets users calculate how much money they can save by switching to an EV based vehicle. Electrillo also features a EV vehicle search, so users can find some options suitable to their needs






No releases published


No packages published


  • HTML 51.7%
  • JavaScript 24.6%
  • CSS 14.5%
  • Dockerfile 9.2%