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Smart Canteen 🏭


Smart canteen as the name itself, we can decide to make our canteen digitalized and secure. Basically our plan is We have only got half an hour of Our lunch break, we will waste that half an hour by standing in front of the counter. To eliminate this weastage of time, we decided to build the software.

Our plan is we give a number to each bench available in the canteen, the buyers, or students go and sit on one bench and order the food to that bench by selecting the bench number in the web software.

There are two payment options is available in the software, 1. Cash on delivery(COD), 2. UPI. If you choose cash on delivery the request is sent to the canteen module, if the canteen head clicks on the paid button then your payment becomes success otherwise it will show the pending payment. Yes, you can order the food without playing the money also. It will show pending and you can pay the bill later also.

Algorithms We Use:

We use cryptography algorithm:

What is cryptography algorithm Cryptography is technique of securing information and communications through use of codes so that only those person for whom the information is intended can understand it and process it.

Features of cryptography algorithm

1. Confidentiality: Only authorized user can be able to access the information

2. Integrity: Information cannot be modified in storage or between sender and reciever.

3. Authentication: Identities of the sender and reciever are confirmed to access the resource.

Implementation of the algorithm in our Project

In our project many confidential informations are exist such as total amout of purchase today, highest sailing item in a canteen e.t.c such information are very confidential. So we decided to implement our cryptography algorithm in this section. all the information which are displayed in the canteen module is encrypted. The one who using this software must enter the secret key which are given to them, then only the information is decrypted. I think this is best way to reduce security attack, and information leakage.

Design and Methodology

already we did some work on this project half of the projet is already completed another half is left

Resource We Use

Backend: Python libraries( flask, pandas, csv, cryptography, bcrypt, gridfs, pymongo for all mongodb operation)
Database: MongoDB

There are three modules in our project


1. Users Module:

The above screenshot is users module. We deside to implement lot of feature in this project. main work is almost done some links are exist. In this module the user can order the food in the menue by selecting the bench number, quantity, and payment option. We give some authority to the users. The users can give the like and make the comment about the food. It will help the next person to is that food is good or not.

Behind the scene, Below Code can work 😀


  username = session['username']    
        purchased_item = request.form['purchased_item']
        item_count = request.form['item_count']
        item_url = request.form['Item_Url']
        item_price = request.form['item_price']
        total_price = int(item_price) * int(item_count)
        print (total_price,item_count,purchased_item)
        username = session['username']
        table_number = request.form['table_number']
        payment_method = request.form['payment_menthod']
        collage_name = session['clg_name']
        count = db.order_details.find().count()
        total_count = int(count) + 1
        order_status = "Waiting"
        if payment_method == 'COD':
            payment_status = "Pending"
            if db.order_status.find({"status":"Waiting"}):
                return redirect(url_for('ordered_status'))
        return redirect(url_for('payment'))
if 'username' in session:
    all_items = db.canteen.find()
    return render_template("users.html",all_items=all_items)
return "session timeout"

This is the ordered status of the purchaser, when they click on Buy button this window is pop up, There are three status in it

   1. Pending
   2. Accept
   3. Ready

1. Pending: Pending status means your order in queue

2. Accept Accept means your ordere is takened, In this time your food is cooking

3. Ready Your food is ready or food is on the way

2. Canteen Module

Canteen module is for all canteen related operation. In this module there are four submodule

           1. Payment 
           2. menue 
           3. recieved ordered 
           4. charts

1. Payment This module consist off all payment realated information and hestory of all the payment

2. Menue In this module the authorized person can change or edit the menue, change the amount the food.

3. Recieved order This module consist of all the orders recieved with its price and status of the payment. authorized person can see all the previous orders and print the bill by selecting the date.

4. Charts The last module is charts, We decide to build something special in our project so we decide to add charts to our project. There are three charts are present

1. Food chart 
2. Price Comparison chart 
3. Best buyers chart.

1. Food Chart: This charts shows the quantity of each food purchased in a chart, It is easy to verify which product is more demand and which is not. It is also helps to improve the cooking level of the canteen and make more production of the food which are more demended.

2. Price Comparison Chart This charts shows the total amount of purchases of last one month in a line chart. It is easy to identify average income of the canteen.

3. Best buyers chart: This charts shows the top 10 buyers of the canteen, with their purchaseed total price of the food, and top 5 most purchased food

This module is not completed yet the half of the module is completed. If you found anything mistake or any suggtion you want give. you can free to say it.

Behind the scene, Below Code can work 😀


def canteen():
    if 'collage_name_session' in session:
        s = session['collage_name_session']
        print (s)
        if request.method == 'POST':
            collage_name = session['collage_name_session'] 
            Food_name = request.form['food_name']
            Food_price = request.form['food_price']
            item_pic = request.form['item_pic']
            test_food = db.canteen.find_one({"Food_Name":Food_name,"Collage_Name":collage_name})
            if test_food is None:
                return redirect(url_for("canteen"))
            return "food name is already exist"
        items = db.canteen.find({"Collage_Name":s})
        return render_template("canteen.html",clg_name = s,items=items)
    return '''
<h3> session timeout </h3>

def ordered_status():
    if 'username' in session:
        username = session['username']
        order_details = db.order_details.find({"Username":username})
        return render_template("order_status.html",order_status=order_details)
    return redirect(url_for("session_timeout"))
def delete_items():
    delete_id = request.form['deletable_item']
    return redirect(url_for('canteen',alert = delete_id))

3. Admin Module:

There is no much functionalities are included in admin panel. Admin can give permission to collage and add new collage to this canteen management software.

Admin can able to see the toatl count of the foods availaibke in each and every collages in a chart.

This is our plan and we did some work on it. Another 10 more days are required to complete this project. If you have any suggetion on this project or anything wrong in this project you can feel free to say it to me.


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