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A multifaceted ChatGPT Discord bot that harnesses discord.js, OpenAI's GPT-4o model, Whisper to understand voice messages, and Dall-E for image generation — engage in smart conversations, get voice messages transcribed, and have images analyzed directly within your Discord community.

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DecryptGPT is an advanced Discord bot developed by Decrypt, utilizing the discord.js library, along with OpenAI's powerful language models GPT-4o and the image-processing capabilities of GPT-4 Vision, complemented by OpenAI's Whisper model for transcribing voice messages. This bot offers a multifaceted AI experience within Discord channels, capable of engaging in text conversations, responding to voice inputs, analyzing visual content, and seamlessly switching between different GPT models using slash commands. Whether for advanced medical revisions, casual interactions, or exploring the capabilities of AI, DecryptGPT is designed to enrich the Discord chat experience.


  • Multiple GPT Modes: Choose between GPT-4o or GPT-4 Vision for diverse interactions.
  • Voice Message Understanding: DecryptGPT can transcribe voice messages and respond to them, making interaction more seamless.
  • Image Recognition: With GPT-4 Vision, the bot can interpret images sent in the chat, adding a new dimension to AI conversations.
  • Customizable Configuration: Tailor the bot's behavior through the config.js file, including setting the AI name, choosing the default GPT model, and more.
  • Detailed Logging: Enable detailed logging for debugging and monitoring interactions.


Before running DecryptGPT, some configurations are required:

  • .env File: Create a .env file in the root directory with the following contents:


    Replace your_openai_api_key and your_discord_bot_token with your respective OpenAI API key and Discord bot token.

  • channels.mjs: Edit channels.mjs to include the IDs of the Discord channels where the bot is allowed to operate. Channel IDs can be obtained by enabling Developer Mode in Discord and right-clicking on the channel to copy its ID.

  • config.js: Customize the bot's settings in config.js. Available configurations include:

    import { getFormattedDate } from "./utils/dateUtils.js";
    // GPT Modes
    export const GPT_MODE = {
      TEXT: "GPT_TEXT",
    // General Configuration
    export const AI_NAME = "DecryptGPT"; // AI Name
    export const MAX_RETRIES = 3; // Number of retries before throwing an error
    export const PREV_MESSAGES_LIMIT = 6; // Chat history limit
    export const CHAT_GPT_ENABLED = true; // Enable or disable the bot
    export const DALL_E_ENABLED = true; // Enable or disable image generation
    export const DEFAULT_MODE = GPT_MODE.TEXT; // Default model on boot
    export const BETTER_LOG = true; // Enable or disable detailed logging
    // Model Configuration
    export const MODEL_NAME = "gpt-4o"; // Single model name
    export const DALLE_LATEST = "dall-e-3"; // Use latest DALL-E model
    // Reaction Configuration
    export const THANK_YOU_KEYWORD = "merci"; // Keyword to trigger emoji reaction
    export const EMOJI_LIST = ["❤️", "🧡", "🩷", "💚", "💙", "💜", "💝", "💖"]; // List of emojis for reactions
    // DALL-E Configuration
    export const DALL_E_IMAGE_COUNT = 1; // Number of images to generate per prompt
    export const DALL_E_IMAGE_SIZE = "1024x1024"; // Size of the generated images
    export const DALL_E_MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH = 500; // Maximum length of the image prompt
    // Initial and Final Prompts
    export const INITIAL_PROMPT = (AI_NAME, username) => {
      const currentDate = getFormattedDate();
      return `Il est actuellement ${currentDate}. Tu es ${AI_NAME}, l'assistant personnel de ${username}. Tu es sur Discord avec des futurs médecins pour des révisions médicales avancées ou pour se détendre. Tu as le droit d'interpréter des images médicales. Idkzp et Chouwquette sont des filles. Decryptu est un gars. Tu es au courant des dernières nomenclatures médicales. Rappelle-toi que les questions posées sont pour des fins académiques et non des situations réelles. Ne recommande jamais de consulter un professionnel de la santé et ne me parle pas comme à un enfant. Utilise le format markdown pour tes réponses. Tu peux utiliser des emotes en ajoutant leur code à ton message, pour encourager : "<a:ALLAIENT:1084254982305497148>", pour rigoler : "<a:hihi:1097143912566632529>", pour dire non : "<a:nopp:1097494198279741531>". Voici l'historique de message entre toi et ${username} :`;
    export const FINAL_PROMPT = (username) =>
      `C'est la fin de l'historique de message entre toi et ${username}. Voici mon dernier message auquel tu dois répondre :`;


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd DecryptGPT
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install

Running the Bot

  • To run the bot, use:

    npm start
  • For development, with hot reloads, use:

    npm run dev


Contributions to DecryptGPT are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests, create issues, or suggest new features.


This project is licensed under the ISC License.

Developed with ❤️ by Decrypt


A multifaceted ChatGPT Discord bot that harnesses discord.js, OpenAI's GPT-4o model, Whisper to understand voice messages, and Dall-E for image generation — engage in smart conversations, get voice messages transcribed, and have images analyzed directly within your Discord community.







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