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Additional Lights

Vladislav Kantaev edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 5 revisions

Apart from the main light, Toon RP supports additional (point) lights.


In the Toon RP pipeline asset's Camera Renderer section, find Additional Lights and set it to either Per Pixel or Per Vertex.

📝 Note: this page describes the traditional approach for additional lights. Toon RP also provides an option of Fake Additional Lights.

⚠️ Warning: additional lights have a limit of 4 lights per object.


Per Pixel

Calculated in the pixel shader using the same diffuse ramp as the main light (global or overridden).

Per Pixel

Per Vertex

Calculated in the vertex shader and passed to the pixel shader as an varying (interpolated) value. It uses a basic Lambertian lighting model.

The accuracy of this method is highly dependent on the polygon density of rendered geometry and is, generally, much lower than in Per Pixel. However, this makes Per Vertex significantly more performant.

Per Vertex


  • Only points lights are supported.
  • Additional lights do not support shadows.