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micgre edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 3 revisions


  • Make mainnet masternode setup a one click process
  • Simplifies masternode creation for non-technical users
  • Eliminating user confusion and frustration
  • Runs on the user's local machine

Feature/Epic Overview

A user will input the amount they would like to stake, or select a masternode level from the preset options and hit the setup button.

Background and strategic fit

Divi Project has a vision of making cryptocurrency accessible to the masses. This means lowering the barrier to entry in as many areas as possible. Traditionally, starting a masternode has been an arduous process accomplished only by seasoned developers. The DOCI (Desktop One Click Install) will simplify the process so thanon-technicalal users can start and run a node on a local computer.


  • This will run on windows, linux and mac
  • Hard drive space and network connectivity could present potential limitations for the user, making the MOCCI (Masternode one-click cloud install) a viable secondary option.
  • 4GB available HDD / 512MB RAM


  • Check hard drive space - Script checks for sufficient hard drive space before installation and prevents install if its not sufficient, showing the user how much extra space is required.
  • Set install location - Allow users to set a custom install location if needed
  • Download blockchain - Script downloads the blockchain
  • Download libraries - Script downloads the libraries
  • Download dependencies Script downloads the dependencies
  • Download latest divi daemon - Script gets the latest version of the divi daemon
  • Unzip downloads and install files - Unzip downloads and Install wallet client files in correct locations
  • Run daemon monitor to enable restarts - Script runs a monitor to make sure the daemon restarts in the case of failure
  • Start the daemon - Script initializes the daemon and informs the user of a successful setup.
  • Validate install completion and notify user - Script validates completion of the installation and notifies user
  • Deactivate and Uninstall node - User has the ability to deactivate the daemon and full node and uninstall all libraries, dependencies, blockchain and other files.
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