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Duplicity Backup for Container Environments

This is an all-purpose backup tool for your container environment.



  • BACKUP_BASE_URL: Duplicity compatible URL to store the backup to.
  • BACKUP_NAME: Duplicity name for the backup
  • PGP_ENCRYPT_KEY: Username, email or GPG Key ID for backup encryption.


  • backup: Backup
  • restore: Restore
  • status: Show the status of BACKUP_NAME.
  • full-status: Show the status of all dupliticy backups
  • df: Show the free disk space on the SFTP host
  • init: Initialize the key, see below
  • shell: Spawn a bash in the container

Add volumes to backup

The script backups the container directory /data. To backup specific volumes, just mount them below /data using docker run --volume.

Note: The directory /data/database is reserved for database dumps.

Add database dumps to backup

To backup a mysql instance, provide these variables:

  • MYSQL_PORT (default: 3306)
  • MYSQL_USER (default: root)

To backup a postgres instance, provide these variables:

  • POSTGRES_PORT (default: 5432)
  • POSTGRES_USER (default: postgres)

Databases will be dumped to /data/database.


Mount a volume at /root/.gnupg with the PGP keyring to decrypt and encrypt backups. If the key is protected with a passphrase, it's only required for the restore command. It might be required for the commands status andfull-status if you didn't provide an /archive mountpoint.

Mount a volume at /root/.ssh with a proper SSH config, known_hosts and id_rsa to log into your backup server. If the key is protected with a passphrase, you have to enter it for the backup and restore command.

Key initialization

The init command provides a way to store keep the keys in a external repository. Mount a volume at /keys, containing two directories:

  • /keys/backup-ssh contains the SSH keys
  • /keys/backup-gnupg contains the GPG keyring

During init, any passphrase will be removed from the SSH keys, and all files will be put in proper place at /root/.gnupg and /root/.ssh so you don't have to provide those directories as host mount.

Local duplicity metadata archive

In case you want to keep a local copy of the duplicity metadata archive, mount a volume at /archive. If you don't provide this mount, dupliticy has to fetch and decrypt the metadata before every backup, which might require the private GPG key's passphrase.


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