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Using the Engineering panel

robbyxp1 edited this page Dec 23, 2023 · 14 revisions

The engineering panel allows you to plan your material collection, showing you how many upgrade rolls you can make, and what you need to collect to get to your goal.

The grid shows a list of the engineer receipes Elite Dangerous defines and gives you information about how many rolls you can make.

The panel gives you an recipe centric view of Elite crafting, as against the Engineers panel which is a Engineer centric view of crafting.

The grid adapts to the currently selected travel history entry, so if you move the selected position up and down you can see the state at a certain point in time.

The following columns are defined:

  • Upgrade/Mat : Shows the name of the upgrade or material (at bottom) required.

  • Module: Shows you which module the upgrade applies to.

  • Level: Shows you the level of upgrade the recipe will create.

  • Max: For upgrades, indicates if you devoted all your material resources to that upgrade you can have this many rolls.

  • Wanted: Indicate in here, by clicking on it and entering a number, followed by the return key, the number of rolls you want from a particular upgrade.

  • Available: This shows how many of the wanted you can actually create.

  • % : This shows you how complete you are to be able to make a recipe. If you hit 100%, the row will be in a green background.

  • Notes: Shows how many materials were used, and if any materials are needed to make your wanted total.

  • Recipe: The recipe for this particular upgrade, the materials are listed by their short names.

  • Engineers: Shows which engineers offer this particular upgrade.

The icon bar at the top allows you to:

  • Select the recipes to show

  • Select the modules to show recipes for

  • Select the level of recipe to show

  • Select what engineers are listed

  • Filter recipes by materials so only recipes with the indicated materials are shown

  • Set all wanted values to zero to reset the grid.

  • Select if the current material counts are taken from the position of the history cursor (when red) or always from the latest entry (when green)

  • Turn on or off word wrap

The panel operates as follows:

Given the total material resources, it works its way down the list, from top to bottom, and allocates the resources needed to fulfil your wanted total for each entry in turn. It can either make all your wanted total, or if you don't have enough to make the wanted total, it makes as many as it can. In either case it uses up materials to do this. It indicates in the available column how many it made. Then it moves to the next row and repeats the task. Any lack of materials or usage of materials is shown in the notes column.

Since materials are shared between upgrade, and they are done in order, it can run out at any point in the list.

To allow you to prioritise some upgrade over others, you can left click and drag an upgrade up or down to re-order the list. Move your top priority upgrade to the top of the list.

Finally, if you need more materials, at the bottom of the list it will show a shopping list of materials needed to fulfil your wanted totals.

Note this panel is independent of other engineering and synthesis panels and usage in this panel does not effect the other panels. For a combined list use the Shopping List Panel.

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