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Fabrice Brito edited this page Sep 9, 2022 · 15 revisions

About The Project

The Processing & Chaining domain area provides an extensible repository of processing functions, tools and applications that can be discovered by search query, invoked individually, and utilised in workflows. ADES is responsible for the execution of the processing service through the OGC API Processes. The processing request are executed within the target Exploitation Platform (i.e., the one that is close to the data).

The ADES software uses ZOO-Project as the main framework for exposing the OGC API Processes. The ZOO-kernel powering the web services is included in the software package.

The ADES functions are designed to perform the processing function on a Kubernetes cluster using the Calrissian a Common Workflow Language runner for Kubernetes. Calrissian uses CWL, an open standard defining Command Line Tools and Workflow classes, over Kubernetes that enables the implementation of each step in a workflow as a container. It provides simple, flexible mechanisms for specifying constraints between the steps in a workflow and artifact management for linking the output of any step as an input to subsequent steps.