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Back-end for Book Store application. Written in C# .net core 5.0 and SQL server as the database

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KhotsoCBookStore.API is an API back-end of the angular front-end application KhotsoCBookStore. This project was generated with dotnet CLI version 5.0. and SQL server as the database and EntityFrameworkCore as the ORM.

KhotsoCBookStore.API V2.1.1 New Features

This version has been rebuild with new features and improved stability. Like: -New Bug Fixes. -Unit tests. -New Entities added ie:

-many more..

-Rewrote the code base with async

Security has been updated featuring login using 3rd party SSO.


If you don't hava localdb installed please update the connection string to point to your sql server instance. Run dotnet restore to restore the packages required to build the application successfuly. Then after run the command dotnet build to build the project. Lastly run the command dotnet ef database update.

Development server

Run dotnet run for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:5000/. The app will automatically load with a swagger API documentation with all the end-points.

Running unit tests

Run dotnet test to execute the unit tests.

Running unit tests and code coverage

Run dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" to execute the upnit tests via Xplat.

Further help

To get more help on the dotnet CLI use dotnet --help or go check out the dotnet CLI Overview and Command Reference page.


Back-end for Book Store application. Written in C# .net core 5.0 and SQL server as the database







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