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⚠️ This repository is no longer maintained. The rewritten version of this bot is here ⚠️

Smoothie - a discord music bot 🎵

A discord music bot that uses discord.js v13 to program. Support both Spotify and Youtube. Only suitable for a guild with a small group of friends.

Give a 💓 and ⭐ if this bot helps!

Feature Highlight 🚨

Playing Now Photo

Queue Photo

  • Auto rejoin the voice channel when there is a server update / server crashes (Heroku will restart the server every 24 hours).
  • Auto pause and unpause when there is no one in the voice channel / someone joins the voice channel.
  • Support both slash command and prefix command! (default: $).
  • Support both Spotify and Youtube!

Commands ⌨️

Command Description
help Show all the commands and its description.
clear Clear the queue except the music that is currently playing.
remove Remove one specific music from the queue.
join Join your voice channel. If there is something in the queue, the music will be automatically played.
leave Leave your voice channel.
play Queue the music with the provided Youtube / Spotify URL. Can either be a single music or a playlist URL. If play_now is True and the URL is an music, the music will play immediately. play_now has no effect on playlist.
playloopplaylist Queue the playlist where the URL is specified on environment variable LOOPPLAYLISTURL. The purpose of this command is to avoid copying and pasting the playlist URL where you and your friends save your favourite music on.
queue Show the queue.
shuffle Shuffle the queue.
skip Skip the current music.
lyrics Attempt to get the lyrics of the currently-playing song from Genius (may takes some time to load).
description Get the Youtube description of the currently-playing music.
prefix Change / Show the prefix of your guild (Default: $).

How to install 💻

  1. Clone the source code.

  2. Install all the required dependancies and other stuff (e.g. Node.js >=16.6.0) (npm install).

  3. Create a new bot in discord develop portal.

  4. In configs.json file, change the value of useMongoDB to false if you not going to use MongoDB. (In Heroku, you need to setup mongoDB in order to permenantly store the data (e.g. queue list, auto rejoin when Heroku restarts). Otherwise the data will be wiped every 24 hours).

  5. Add a .env file at the root folder which stores your environment variables' value.

    Variable Description
    CLIENTID (required) The clientid which can be found on discord develop portal.
    TOKEN (required) The bot token which can be found on discord develop portal.
    DEVUSERIDS The list of user ids that can use dev commands. Separate with space. (e.g.: "158940399584059687 695485693485676567" without the "")
    LOOPPLAYLISTURL The URL of a playlist which you want to play via /playloopplaylist.
    LOOPPLAYLISTGUILDIDS The list of guild ids that can use the command /playloopplaylist. Separate with space. (e.g.: "158940399584059687 695485693485676567" without the "")
    MONGODBURL (required if useMongoDB is true in configs.json) The URL of MongoDB that links to your database (More detail below). If you not gonna use it, you can leave it blank.
  6. Run npm start. The bot should up in running right now!

How to run the bot 27/4 ⌚

Remark: Since Heroku filesystem is ephemeral (any changes to the filesystem whilst the dyno is running only last until that dyno is shut down or restarted) and the dyno will restart every 24 hours for free dyno, setting up MongoDB is recommanded so the queue can be saved and auto reconnect will work properly.

If you wanna save the data premenently register a MongoDB Altas account first. Skip this part if you don't care about saving the data.

  1. Register a MongoDB Altas account.
  2. Create a cluster.
  3. On Databases tab, click Browse Collections.
    Browse Collections
  4. Click Add My Own Data.
  5. Create a database named smoothie and collection named with guilds.
    Queue Photo
  6. On the left, click Database Access. Then click ADD NEW DATABASE USER.
  7. Click Password as Authentication Method and type in user (e.g. user1) and password (e.g. user1234) (Use more secure password!). Click Read and write to any database in Build-in Role and finally click Add User.
  8. On the left, click Network Access. Then click ADD IP ADDRESS.
  9. Type in in Access List Entry and All in Comment and click Confirm. This will enable Heroku to access your database. ( will able all IP to access you database).
  10. Go to Databases page and click Connect in your cluster tab.
    Database Connect
  11. Click Connect your application.
  12. Choose the DRIVER as Node.js and VERSION as 4.0 or later.
  13. Copy the URL in step 2.
  14. Replace <password> with the password you just entered (e.g. user1234) and replace <username> with the user you just eneter (e.g. user1). Replace myFirstDatabase with the name of the database (i.e. smoothie if you are following the guide).
  15. The URL will be the value of the environment variable MONGODBURL!
  16. Now you can setup Heroku!

Hosting on Heroku

  1. Push the code to your private repository on Github. Do not push the .env for security reason.
  2. Register an account in Heroku.
  3. Create a new app.
  4. Click Github as your deployment method.
  5. Link your Github account to Heroku.
  6. Choose the repository that you just pushed to Github. Wait for the word "the app was successfully deployed".
  7. Go to Resources tab. In Free Dynos section, disable web and turn on Worker.
  8. Go to Settings tab. Click Reveal Config Vars. Put all the environment variables and its values here. If you do not need MongoDB, you can ignore the MONGODBURL.
  9. On right hand corner, click More and then click Restart all dynos.
  10. Click More once again and click View logs. You should see the bot has been successfully hosted! Congratulations!


  • Add alias to commands.
  • Add swap, pause, resume commands.
  • Add stat command.
  • Add spotify support.

Bug 🐞

  • Sometimes you playing now message will pop twice when the first music is played.