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That's a project from a challenge made by nuuvem, and is a front-end of a search system, the api used to do a search is the Chuck Norris Api, this aplicattion was deployed on heroku you can access here


How to Setup

First download the aplicattion ( you can skip that if you already have the code )

git clone

After that you can install the dependencies by executing the following command in the root folder of the project

npm install

or with yarn


Now you have 2 options to start the project:

  1. Start the apllication in development mode
  2. Generate a production build

We will star the aplicattion in devolopment mode, but you can see more about it in the scripts session, so lets do that!

npm run start

or with yarn

yarn start

Now you can open your browser on http://localhost:3000 and the aplicattion will be running, have a good time!


There is four types of scritpts on the project

  • start: Run the aplicattion on development mode, so you can edit files on the aplicattion and the server will re-start automatically. note: This script isn't recommend for production

  • test: Run the tests of the aplicattion in interative mode

  • build: Generate a production build of the aplicattion, this command just build the aplicattion, to run it will need the node, see more here deployment for more information.

  • eject: If you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. note: That's a one way operation, be careful about that

Code Linters

This project use two different code linters and a another extension to the IDE, that is...


Or EcmaScriptLint, is the linter responsible to check problems in the syntax and return errors, your configurations are shared and used by others linters


This linter is used only for check the code style, they don't will check the syntax, just find a way to do the code more legible and have a integration with eslint

Editor Config

That isn't a linter, just a extension to share some configs between other editors, like the format of the end of lines, identation with spaces or tabs, etc...

State Management

Ok, lets talk about state management...
This Project use React as a library to management the state, but the React has some limitations in how to management a state beteween many components, so to improve that, we have the Redux!

Why Redux?

Redux works with a different architecture called flux architecture, that means of your project will have a global state with a method to store and manage that value, called reducer, an action to change that reducer, and a dispatcher to dispatch an action.

So this help so much in organize components because your component don't will need to carefull about carry information about your fathers components, with Redux your components will keep a single responsability, avoind unecessary logics to share information.

A little bit about Sagas

Ok, the "problem" is that Redux works at a syncronous way, that means of your can't do an assynchronous operation, like a call to an API, in the Redux, for this you will use a saga, that's a middleware applied on Redux to intercepted request and dispatch actions. Not only for that, Sagas help so much to controll side effects on aplicattions.


To debug the State, Actions, Reducers, Sagas, etc... I use a toll called Reactotron, this is a great tool and have Integration with Redux, Mobx and React Native, I really recommended it, you can see more about here


Now, lets explain what is used to test the aplicattion

Why Jest?

Jest is used beacause it have a good integration with React and others tests librabries, have a great performance and a nice documentation.

Testing library

This is the library used to manipule React Componets, manipulate the DOM and fire events in the tests, have other alternatives like the Enzyme, but I like the testing Library.


Here I will list others cool libraries that is used and don't is cited previously.

Styled Components

This library always to wirte CSS inside the JS and is used with React, so you can use it like a CSS pre-processor, but not only that, how does it use React, you can do many things, like pass propertiers and change styles based on it, see more here


This library is used to do HTTP Request with a easy way, it's easy do use, easy to setup and configure querys, headers, etc... Is more efficient than fetch.


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3


Thank you nuuvem for give me this challenge please contract me, that's all, folks


That's a test for front-end developer made by nuuvem






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