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Todo list

jocelyn edited this page May 31, 2011 · 1 revision

Here is a quick and unordered list of missing components

Table of Contents

MIME parser

HTTP client

  • Build a HTTP_PROTOCOL component, to be able to send easily a GET or POST request (or PUT, DELETE, ...)
  • Currently in the library/client/rest there is a solution based of the Eiffel cURL library. But it would be simpler to have a solution simply based on EiffelNet

MIME generator

  • In order to achieve the _HTTP client_ , we need to have a MIME generator so that we can send POST request (and also file uploading using EiffelNet)

Keep improving EiffelWebNino

Encoders ... Encryption

  • the library/text/encoder is far from being complete.
  • We would need MD5, SHA1, and so on ... implementation.
  • Why not wrapping for this purpose, we could even have more than one implementation.

Session system

  • Currently the EiffelWebReloaded has no session implementation, this should come soon, but if you desire to contribute, you are welcome.

Authentication system

  • OpenID
  • OAuth
  • Google Connect
  • Facebook Connect
  • ...

RSS or ATOM support

  • RSS and ATOM are still widely used, so it should help having such "export" format.

Text formats

  • Wikitext (Jocelyn has an in-progress library for that)
  • Markdown
  • Maybe it would be possible to have a generic text format library, which would support wikitext, markdown, and others ...

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