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ElbyFross edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 3 revisions

Q: Can't connect remote computer.

A: Be sure that server has:

  • oppened 445 port.
  • LSA policy allows network access.
  • security rules allows anonymous access in case of logon without defined LogonConfig params. In that case app will impersonated as anonymous identity (SID NULL)
  • in case of connection as guest be sure that Guest user enabled in the LSA and user's rights not restrict remote logon as guest (restricted by default).

Q: "Incorrect user name or password" message during conenction

A: Maybe you trying to logon as anonymous user and that restricted by rules. Otherwise that means that a LogonConfig defined at your RoutingTable not filled or has incorrect logon params.

Q: What an encryption algorithms using during transmission?

A: By default DNF using RSA for query's metadata encryption and AES for content encryption.

Q: Could I implement my own encryption algorithms?

A: Sure. Look at that acrticle.

Q: Can I relay transmission through a server?

A: The DNF has implemented RelayServer like a base entity for such operations. You may look at the QueriesServer to find out how use it at real project.

Q: Can I use framework at local apps ecosystem?

A: You can and it will excellent solution. The DNF using a named pipes for transmission. That a one of the best way to cross process data exchanging at WinNT. So you can and it will work fine.

Q: I equeued a bunch of queries and seems like a first one is stuck. Why and what sould I do?

A: Queries could stop enqueue execution in few cases.

  • You enqueued a duplex query and setted Query.WaitForAnswer property to true, and server still not sent an answer back to the client.
  • Connection to server not established or server not exist.

You can interrupt the query execution by setting true to the TransmissionLine.Interrupted property. At the next client loop step handler will terminated. Before that you could consider to re enqueue the query using the line like line.EnqueueQuery(line.LastQuery);.

Q: I am using an encrypted transmission but I need to send a query to the server without encryption. How I can do that?

A: Just create a query by the way new Query(false, .. YOUR QUERY PARTS...). With first false parameter you disabling encryption of that query.

If you want to force sending not encrypted answers from server from some IQueryHandler then just take care about removing the pk parameter from the encry query before opennig a backward transmission.

Q: My server must handle some specific query. How to implement it?

A: Queries handling at the server side implementing by using the IQueryHandler.

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