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ElbyFross edited this page Jan 20, 2020 · 17 revisions


An IQueryHandler that logons by user's entry params.

  • Located at the AuthorityController.Queries namespace into the USER_LOGON class.
  • Looks for a profile in a local file system via the API.LocalUsers.
  • Looks for a profile on an SQL server in case if UniformDataOperator.Sql.SqlOperatorHandler.Active isn't null.

Query's parts

The query must contains all the listed parameters.

Keyword Description
user Null
logon Null
login A user's login.
password A user's password.
os An operating system installed on the computer where started a client app.
mac A MAC-address of the computer where started a client app.
stamp A time stamp when the query occurs.
token A guest token provided to a client app.
guid An unique GUID of the query.

Query results

In case of success returns:

  • A session token for the user.
  • An expire time for the token.
  • A list of rights provided to the user.

In case of fail returns an error message available by the ANSWER.First.PropertyValueString. Where the ANSWER is a Query received by the query handler.

Error Message
User not found "ERROR 404: User not found"
Invalid SQL query "ERROR SQL SERVER: DATAILS", where DATAILS is an asnwer of the SQL server.
Hashed password not the same as stored "ERROR 412: Incorrect password"
logon rights code banned for the user "ERROR 412: User banned."

Query processor

A logon process is a complex bunch of tasks that should be fulfilled. For simplifying of the that process the USER LOGON has an implemented automatic QueryProcessor that handles all the tasks.

Handled issues:

  • The logon session is temporary, the user must relog after token expire. The processor holds the data that allows t odetermain the current state.
  • The logon process require sharing a list of system params. The processor collects all required data by itself and adds it to the query.
  • The logon query demands fulfilling a lot of steps before executing besides query build. The processor manages server existence, connection, data exchange, error handling and states control.
  • The processor provides holds a data received like an answer from the server and API to handle it.

The implemented QueryProcessor implements AuthQueryProcessor interface.


Manual logon

The following example requiests an authorized token by a manual query.

At first we should build a query with following params.


// Create the query that would simulate logon.
var query = new Query(
    new QueryPart("token", GUIEST_TOKEN),
    new QueryPart("guid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),

    new QueryPart("user"),
    new QueryPart("logon"),

    new QueryPart("login", LOGIN),
    new QueryPart("password", PASSWORD),
    new QueryPart("os", Environment.OSVersion.VersionString),
    new QueryPart("mac", PipesProvider.Networking.Info.MacAdsress),
    new QueryPart("stamp", DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString()));

Not we should send thq query to the server and handle an ansewer.


// Starting a client line.

    // Defining the networking params of a server.


    // A handler that will receive an answer from the server.
    (PipesProvider.Client.TransmissionLine line, Query answer) =>
        string firstProp = answer.First.PropertyValueString;

        // Is operation success?
        if (firstProp .StartsWith("error", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            // Log about an error.
            Console.WriteLine("Recived error:\n" + firstProp);
            // Trying to get token from answer.
            if (answer.TryGetParamValue("token", out QueryPart token) && 
                // Logon succeeded. Handle it here.
                // Log about an error.
                Console.WriteLine("Answer not contain token:\nFull answer:" + firstProp);
  • Where the GUEST_TOKEN is a token with a guest rights provided to a client app by the SessionProvider server or other tokens provider.
  • Where the LOGIN and PASSWORD is a user's logon params.
  • Where the SERVER_IP is an ip adress or the name of the computer into a local network.
  • Where the PIPE_NAME is a name of the named pipe started on the server.

Logon with the QueryProcessor

The following example shows logon process via an automatic AuthQueryProcessor from the UniformQueries.Executable.Security namespace.


// Create new processor that handles logon.
var processor = new USER_LOGON.LogonProcessor();

// Sign up on a callback that will be called when logon operation is finished.
processor.ProcessingFinished += delegate (
    UniformQueries.Executable.QueryProcessor _,
    bool result,
    object message)
        Console.WriteLine("LOGON FINISHED | TOKEN:" + recivedMessage);
        Console.WriteLine("LOGON FAILED");

// Request logon via the processor.
  • Where the GUEST_TOKEN is a token with a guest rights provided to a client app by the SessionProvider server or other tokens provider.
  • Where the LOGIN and PASSWORD is a user's logon params.
  • Where the SERVER_IP is an ip adress or the name of the computer into a local network.
  • Where the PIPE_NAME is a name of the named pipe started on the server.

Logon via the AuthorizedInstruction

The following code demostrate logon process via the AuthorizedInstruction instance.

The AuthorizedInstructions allow to handle multiple logon processes for different network session providers and hold a tokens for each into a binded instruction. It a most powerful way to manage sessions implemented by the AuthorityController addon.

At first we should find a suitable routing table among loaded. Fo this we will you a signature of the logon query that contains the following params: user, logon, etc.


// Detecting a routing instruction suitable for user's queries.
    new UniformQueries.Query(
        new UniformQueries.QueryPart("logon"),
        new UniformQueries.QueryPart("user")),
    out Instruction instruction);

// Checking the type of instruction.
if (!(instruction is AuthorizedInstruction queriesChanelInstruction))
    // Logging an error message about the invalid cast.
    Console.WriteLine("Routing instruction for the LOGON query not found.\n" +
        "Please be sure that you has AuthorizedInstruction " +
        "that allows to share queries with user&logon parts");

Note that logon keyword used as a prioritized during search. Try to request more precise and rare keyword of query before other ones to prevent not necessary checks in case if part of query is equal to some other query.

Now lets add logon parameters to the instruction and request logon by using them.

// Set entry data.
queriesChanelInstruction.authLogin = LOGIN
queriesChanelInstruction.authPassword = PASSWORD;

// Request logon

// Subscribe on the finish event to handle received data.
queriesChanelInstruction.LogonHandler.ProcessingFinished += LogonFinishedCallback;

Now let's add a handler that will react on the event of the logon finish.

// A callback that will be called when the server returns an answer.
void LogonFinishedCallback(
    UniformQueries.Executable.QueryProcessor _, 
    bool result, 
    object message)
    // Unsubscribe from events.
    queriesChanelInstruction.LogonHandler.ProcessingFinished -= LogonFinishedCallback;
    // Clear a secret data.
    queriesChanelInstruction.authPassword = null;

    // If success logoned.
    if (queriesChanelInstruction.IsFullAuthorized)
        // You successfully authorized. Handle a next step here.
        // Handle fail here.



  • Manual logon at UDO Tests from the ACTests. Look at the UserLogon_Valid or the UserLogon_Invalid methods.
  • Logon via the processor at UDO Tests from the ACTests. Look at the Logon method.
  • MainWindow from the Datum Point. Look at the LogonScreen_LoginButton method.

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