Training At:
This project aims to predict Bitcoin price movement over short tiem intervals. The current best model has a validation accuracy of 66.9% predicting price change 120 minutes into the future. The current models base coin is Tether (USDT). I chose this assest to avoid volatility in our base currency. The data for the network is generated using a tool I wrote for the Binance API located at The tool is used to collect the Close
and Volume
of the 4 coins being exchanged for Tether at the highest rate. Additional data is generated using technical indicators on the BTCUSDT
data and joined with the existing dataset.
Normilzation is applied via pct_change()
to all columns other than BTC-USDT_TSI
. Scaling is applied to all columns. A validation split of 5% was used for testing. The validation split was done using disjoint sequences rather than a continuous segment. This is done with hopes of promoting generalization.
You might be thinking "Elliot wtf". Neural networks serve as feature extractors so why generate features yourself? Feeding in technical indicators seems strange when we are feeding in the data the indicators are formed off of. To you I say yeah maybe. I am experimenting and have seen models using 14+ indicators. My largest concern about indicators is the possibility of introducing data leakage. More on that later.
Despite these concerns, in the face of rapid overfitting and a lack of much historical data I have confidence in the benifits of the introduction of technical indicators. Perhaps they belong after the LSTM layers, a direct connection to the final feed forward layer.
- BTC-USDT Close
- BTC-USDT Volume
- BTC-USDT Moving Average
- BTC-USDT Exponential Moving Average
- BTC-USDT True Strength Index
- BTC-USDT Momentum
- ETH-USDT Close
- ETH-USDT Volume
- LTC-USDT Close
- LTC-USDT Volume
- EOS-USDT Close
- EOS-USDT Volume
- Probability of
Price movementUP
- Probability of
Price movementDOWN
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
lstm (LSTM) (None, 180, 128) 73216
dropout (Dropout) (None, 180, 128) 0
batch_normalization (BatchNo (None, 180, 128) 512
lstm_1 (LSTM) (None, 180, 256) 394240
dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 180, 256) 0
batch_normalization_1 (Batch (None, 180, 256) 1024
lstm_2 (LSTM) (None, 128) 197120
dropout_2 (Dropout) (None, 128) 0
batch_normalization_2 (Batch (None, 128) 512
dense (Dense) (None, 64) 8256
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 2) 130
Total params: 675,010
Trainable params: 673,986
Non-trainable params: 1,024
Crypto is volatile. As I write this Bitcoin has rallied to near $5,000 (4/4/19). I firmly believe training data MUST be recent. The model must be updated on recent data. Furthermore, much of these coins are not very old and in their introduction saw volatility which is no longer present. All this to say, it is important to be catious about where we select our data start and end points. Keep your end point recent and your start point as far back without introducing non standard behavior, a mental heuristic.
Recent data is much more relevant, e.g. looking at the past 20 minutes for a prediction 10 minutes ahead is much better than looking at the past 120 minutes for the same prediction.
- It is possible there is data leakage through the generation of the techinical indicators and shifting of
values for training targets.
I see the network overfitting on validation data after introducing multiple indicators. By this I mean I have seen validation accuracy go up along side validation loss. This could mean the model is becoming less certain about correct targets while accurately predicting more targets. Testing live has shown models most accurate on validation data are not the best in practice. The probability distributions from more accurate models is noticably spikier reflecting an overconfident model.
I have not spent the time to make this very convinient for others to use. This needs some automation through scripts. This project uses for data collection.
- Clone both Repos.
- Collect the data from the currencies you want to train.
- Set hyperparameters in
. - Add
with your Binance API key and secret. - Make sure you have Tensorflow and all relevant packages.
ornohup python3 2>&1 > out_file &
followed bytail -f out_file
.tensorboard --logdir=logs
this will grab the most recent crypto data and make a prediction. It is a "live" consultant of sorts made up of an enssemble of models.
GPU training.