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A barebones PHP MVC framework inspired by laravel.


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A barebones PHP MVC framework. Inspired by laravel.



First you will need to hook the app up to a database. How do you do this?

Create a .env file in the root of the project folder, and fill it with the following:


You will need to do your own migrations and seeds to create any database tables required.

If you are going to use any authentication, you'll need a table called "users" with the columns id, username and password.


Host it up by pointing your apache/nginex to the "Public" folder.

And that's the setup! Now you can start creating:

Using Edoras

There are only three folders you need worry about to build an application

  • The "Public" folder where the index.php file lives and where you can keep static assets
  • The "Views" folder where you can build your templates
  • The "Controllers" folder where you can build controller classes to hold more complicated routing logic


Define your routes in the "Public/Index.php" file by calling methods on the $router instance of the Router class.

Simple Routes

Calling a method on the $router instance will tell your application to respond:

  • To a request with an HTTP method matching the (uppercased) name of the method called
  • To a rerquest which also has a URL matching the first argument of the method call (a string)
  • By outputting a response equalling the return value of the second argument (a closure)

Simple Route Example

$router->get("/dog",function(){ return "woof"; };

Will respond to a "GET" requst with the URL "yourapp/dog" with a body of "woof".

Parameter Routes

And you can also grab one parameter from the route. You do this by throwing some curly braces around a sectionof the URL:

    return "your type of dog is: " . $dogtype;   

The name in the route does not need to match the parameter of the closure:

$router->get("/dog/{$dogtype}",function($doggy){ return "your type of dog is: " . $doggy; };

View Routes

You will often want to respond to a get request with a template from the Views folder.

You can do this by calling the "view" method on $router. This will respond:

  • To a GET request which
  • Has a URL matching the first argument of the method call (a string)
  • With a response body equalling the output of a PHP file, and the contents of any other file

View Route Example


As you can see, you don't need to include the extension in the view filename.

Passing Variables to Views

You can pass variables to a PHP View template by passing an associative array of key-value pairs as the third argument.

$router->view("/dog","dog",["chihuahua"=>"small" , "greatdane"=>"big"]);


Create either static HTML or PHP files in the "Views" folder.

There is no fancy blade syntax, but try to use PHP the way it was originally intended: as a templating language. This will save headaches.

Instantiating Views

Instead of calling the view method on the $router, you can create instances of the View class for some more configurability.

The constructor of the View class has the following arguments:

  • The filename in the Views folder (without the extension)
  • An associative array of variables to pass to it if you're creating a PHP view.

View Instantiation Example

    $dogView = new View('dog', ['dogtype' => $dogtype])   
    return $dogView->make();   

The make() method creates a string which you can compose together as you like:

    $body = (new View('dog', ['dogtype' => $dogtype]))->make();   
    $layout = new View('layout,['body' => $body]);   
    return $dogView->make();   


Create controllers by creating PHP files in the "Controllers" folder. Controllers:

  • Don't need to extend any controller parent class
  • Need to have a classname matching their filename (excluding the extension)
  • Should (but don't need to) have a name in PascalCase

The controller's public methods can later be used to replace closures in routing.

Controller Definition Example

class DogController{
    public method index($dogtype){
        new View('dog', ['dogtype' => $dogtype]));
        return "Woof";

Controller Routes

Route to a controller method by calling a method on the $router instance in the "Public/Index.php". The name of the method and the first argument are the same as a simple route.

To map to a controller replace the third argument (previously a closure) with a string with an "@" in it.

This will:

  • Make a controller from the file in the "Controllers" directory matching the string BEFORE the "@" symbol
  • Output the return value of the method matching the string AFTER the "@" symbol

Controller Route Example



Edoras gives you an Auth class you can instatiate with the PHP $_SESSION global for authentication functionality.

Logging In

When a user tries to log, call the "login" method:

  • The first argument is the username
  • The second argument is the password
  • The return is a boolean on whether the login was a success
  • On a success, the session will be saved as having logged in for future checks

Log In Example

$router->post('/backend', function () {
    if (new (Auth($_SESSION ))->login($_REQUEST["username"], $_REQUEST["password"]))) {  
        header("Location: {$_SERVER["HTTP_ORIGIN"]}/backend/");  
    } else {return <<<HTML  
    <h1>Sorry, you aren't logged in.</h1>  

Authentication checks

Want to check if the user is logged in?


will return true if they are logged in.

Creating Users

Edoras gives a simple script for the admin to create users. Create a user by running the following code in the command line:

php Scripts/CreateUser.php mycoolusername mycoolpassword

This will create a row for them in the user table.


Create a new model with the table name as a string for the constructor:

$posts = new Model('posts');

From which you can:

Create New Database Rows

Create new item based on an associative array:
posts->new(["title"=>"welovedogs","content"=>"We love dogs!!"]);

Select All Database Rows

Select all items:

Select by Match

Select all where a key matches a value:

Select by Id

Select all where a key matches a value:

Update by Match

Update a key to a value where another key matches another value. The first key-value pair is the change you want to make. The second is the check: posts->updateWhere(["title"=>"dogsrus"],["id"=>1]);

Delete by ID

Delete an item by ID:

Delete by Match

Delete all where a key matches a value:

If the key does not match a DB key an error will be thrown.

All singlequotes are escaped.

And that's it!

Thanks for having a look! Check out some more of my work in my website