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Angular 2 Single Page Application with an ASP.NET Core Web API that uses token authentication


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Angular 2 SPA Web API

Angular 2 Single Page Application with an ASP.NET Core Web API that uses token authentication. The Resource Owner Password Credentials grant (ROPC) OAuth2 flow is implemented using IdentityServer4, Identity as membership system and claims based authorization with a SQLite database.

Live example and its explanation.


For more complex scenarios, where web services are required by more than one application or third-party applications, IdentityServer4 offers built-in support for OpenID Connent flows.


The same scenarios are also supported by AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server and openiddict-core.


Project structure

Angular2SPAWebAPI ASP.NET Core Web API project

  • wwwroot Root for Angular2 application deployment
  • app Angular 2 application
  • Controllers
    • IdentityController.cs Identity APIs
    • ValuesController.cs Resources APIs
  • Data Entity Framework migrations
  • Models
    • ApplicationUser.cs Profile data for application users
    • DBInitializer.cs Initial data for the db
  • build.js Angular 2 app building process for production
  • Config.cs IdentityServer4 configuration
  • IdentityDB.sqlite SQLite database
  • package.json Packages for Angular 2 app
  • Startup.cs Web API configuration
  • tsconfig.json & tsconfig-aot.json TypeScript & ngc compiler options
  • webpack.config.js Webpack configuration file for development & production of Angular 2 app



Changing db

To use another database simply:

  • Edit ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json
  • Edit dependencies in project.json:
"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite": "1.1.0",
"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite.Design": "1.1.0"
  • Edit in Startup.cs:
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>

Changing the Angular 2 app

Before running the following commands, make sure your configuration for external tools is correct:

and that you have the latest version of npm:

npm install npm@latest -g

From the command line or Package Manager Console or NPM Task Runner, go to the folder that contains package.json.

  • For development, we use JiT compilation & source map files, with files watching:
npm start

And from Visual Studio, start debugging. Make the changes, and simply refresh the page on the browser.

npm run build

And from Visual Studio, start debugging.

EF Core commands

  • Package Manager Console
Add-Migration [Name] -OutputDir Data/Migrations
  • .NET Core CLI
dotnet ef migrations add [Name] -o Data/Migrations
dotnet ef database update


  • You can change the strategy for refresh token
  • You can enable account confirmation and the other Identity services
  • Use a SSL certificate: Insecure passwords
  • If more than one client app requires the Web API, use an interactive flow: IdentityServer4 or the other libraries allow you to scale your application




Angular 2 Single Page Application with an ASP.NET Core Web API that uses token authentication







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