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8: Config files

Emafire003 edited this page May 7, 2024 · 3 revisions

The Configuration files

There are three configuration files, the first one is a more general one, while the other two serve the purpose of balacing the light's effects and triggering methods. They are located in the /config/lightwithin folder, like most other mods. They are in .yml which supports comments and you can edit them using a program like Notepad++.

Only the client_config.yml has a GUI, that you can open while using YACL and ModMenu. Since all of the other settings are server side, implementig a GUI would not be very useful for all the other files.

For each setting there is a comment above it, explaining what the setting does and the default value of the setting, along what type of parameter it is. (For example it will tell you that it's boolean value, so true or false, or instead Integer number)

If the config gets corrupted, or changes, or somethig goes wrong, it will be renamed to <configname>_corruptedorold.yml, and a new clean version will be generated, allowing the mod to load. You can then see what went wrong and manually change the values from the old config to the new one.

Here you will find a sample of each one of them, updated to the 1.1.0 version of the mod:

LightWithin Config (General one)

Show lightwithin_config.yml
#The version of the config. DO NOT CHANGE IT :D | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The version of the config. DO NOT CHANGE IT :D | default= 4 | type= Integer

#The box radius in which other entities (such as allies or targets) will be searched | default= 6 | type= Integer
#Use this to extend or shorten the cooldown of the light powers effects in general (use <1 values to shorten the cooldown >1 to extend it) | default= 1.0 | type= Double
#Use this to extend or shorten the duration of the light powers effects in general (WARNING: Values below 1 are possible but not recommended) | default= 1.3 | type= Double
#Should the max duration values (see below) be multiplied by the duration multiplier? | default= true | type= Boolean
#Does the player glow when the light activates? | default= true | type= Boolean
#Should every ally be affected by the effect of a light triggering? For example, should an ally at full health be healed by the heal light of the caster? | default= false | type= Boolean
#By how much should the power be divided for applying the effect of the ALLIES to the caster? Set to 1 to disable | default= 2 | type= Integer

#Should a very short duration value be adjusted to make it longer? (Bear in mind that each light has a duration minimum, configurable below) | default= false | type= Boolean
#How many extra seconds should be added to the low duration as adjustment. (Requires true above) (Also used with 0 and errors, regardless of the setting above) | default= 5 | type= Integer
#Which values to consider being very low. (For example, durations under 4 are considered low and to be adjusted if the setting is enabled) | default= 4 | type= Integer

#Does eating a Luxintus Berry bypass the cooldown? | default= true | type= Boolean
#Does eating a Luxcognita Berry bypass the cooldown? | default= true | type= Boolean
#Does eating a Luxmutua Berry bypass the cooldown? | default= false | type= Boolean

#Should being surrounded be considered to trigger light? | default= true | type= Boolean
#How many hostile entities needs to be near a player to be considered surrounded? | default= 5 | type= Integer
#When checking if allies are surrounded, how much to multiply the default value above? | default= 2.0 | type= Double
#How far to check (in blocks) for hostile entities? (Higher values may mean more lag. A lot higher tho) | default= 5 | type= Integer
#Do a check on the mobs health. If below a certain threshold, stop considering in the surrounded count | default= true | type= Boolean
#The hp percentage below which mobs won't be considered in the surrounding count anymore (like 15, 20, 50) | default= 15 | type= Integer

#The hp percentage below which the light will be triggerable if the target is SELF (like 15, 20, 50) (in some cases it may not apply) | default= 30 | type= Integer
#The hp percentage below which the light will be triggerable if the target is ALLIES (like 15, 20, 50) (in some cases it may not apply) | default= 50 | type= Integer
#The hp percentage below which the light will be triggerable if the target is VARIANT/Passive mobs for example (like 15, 20, 50) (in some cases it may not apply) | default= 50 | type= Integer
#The hp percentage to add to differentiante from very low and low health | default= 20 | type= Integer
#How many allies near the player should be on low health for them to trigger a light activation? | default= 1 | type= Integer

#Should the armor durability be considered to trigger light? | default= true | type= Boolean
#The armor durability percentage below which the light will be triggerable if the target is SELF (like 15, 20, 50) (in some cases it may not apply) | default= 5 | type= Integer
#The armor durability percentage below which the light will be triggerable if the target is ALLIES (like 15, 20, 50) (in some cases it may not apply) | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The armor durability percentage below which the light will be triggerable if the target is VARIANT/Passive mobs for example (like 15, 20, 50) (in some cases it may not apply) | default= 10 | type= Integer

#Should the blocks near the player be checked for the light activation? Could impact on performance | default= true | type= Boolean
#If set to false will prevent lights from spawning ANY KIND structures on activation (I'd suggest leaving it to true) | default= true | type= Boolean
#If set to false will prevent lights from spawning structures that are not fundamental for the light's effect. For example Earthen Light's structures will STILL SPAWN (I'd suggest leaving it to true) | default= true | type= Boolean
#Should structures be replaced after a while by the old terrain? Setting this to true may impact performance! | default= true | type= Boolean
#Should structures essential to the effect of the light, such as Earthen light's pillars and ravines be kept if replaceable_structures is true? (aka the terrain won't regenerate) | default= true | type= Boolean

#Should a message be sent the target of a command, such us when changing its innerlight? | default= true | type= Boolean
#Should the InnerLight be completely resetted upon joining the server/world again? Useful after an update of the mod that added new Light Types | default= false | type= Boolean
#Allow players to auto activate their light if they want to | default= false | type= Boolean
#Should the light activation be locked by default? (Unless you use a command players won't be able to use lights) | default= false | type= Boolean
#Should eating a Luxintus berry unlocked the light? | default= true | type= Boolean
#Should a player that is not an explicit ALLY be considered an ENEMY? | default= false | type= Boolean
#When using world protector mods, should the light be activatable by default? If false, you'll need to create regions where the it's activatable through world protector mods' flags | default= true | type= Boolean
#How many blocks should be passed before a fall is considered very high? 10 blocks added per level of Feather Falling | default= 25 | type= Integer
#The radius of blocks to check when searching for blocks to fulfill light trigger conditions. Ex: checking fire blocks for triggering blazing light. WARNING! Could lead to a lot of lag at high values! | default= 3 | type= Integer
#Multiplies the duration of the cooldown when a light charge has been used to force activate a light. Cannot go below 1.2 | default= 2.5 | type= Double
#Can a player have 0 as a max light charges value? Note: won't change for players that already have a light, they will need to reset it | default= true | type= Boolean
#Can a player have 8 as a max light charges value? Note: won't change for players that already have a light, they will need to reset it | default= true | type= Boolean
#If true will bypass the requirement of having to activate the light naturally before using a light charge | default= false | type= Boolean
#If Factions is installed, who can activate a light in a faction territory? Options: EVERYONE, MEMBER, OWNER, LEADER, COMMANDER, GUEST, ALLIES, ENEMIES. The last two include members as well. | default= EVERYONE | type= String

Balancing config

In this config you can specify the max/min values of power and duration for each light

Show balancing_config.yml
#The version of the config. DO NOT CHANGE IT :D | default= 1 | type= Integer

#This config file lets you modify how the max and min values of each light when it activates. Be very careful while changing these, they could be already multiplied by a setting in the main config file!

#The maximum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 8 | type= Integer
#The maximum duration of the effect | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The minimum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The minimum duration of the effect | default= 4 | type= Integer

#The maximum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 8 | type= Integer
#The maximum duration of the effect | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The minimum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The minimum duration of the effect | default= 5 | type= Integer

#The maximum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 6 | type= Integer
#The maximum duration of the effect | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The minimum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The minimum duration of the effect | default= 5 | type= Integer

#The default damage of the light when activates. It will be multiplied by the power multiplier, and also the target will be set on fire so be careful | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The maximum power multiplier (aka by how much the default damage gets multiplied) | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The maximum duration of the fire | default= 15 | type= Integer
#The minimum power multiplier (aka by how much the default damage gets multiplied) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The minimum duration of the fire | default= 5 | type= Integer
#The damage multiplier for a critical hit (must be >= 1) | default= 1.5 | type= Double
#The multiplier of the duration in seconds, for which the target(s) will be set on fire (must be >= 1) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The damage bonus (2 = 1 hearth) when the target is ALL | default= 3 | type= Integer

#The maximum power multiplier (aka the AMOUNT of freeze damage inflicted upon activation. 2 = 1 hearth) | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The maximum duration of the frost effect | default= 18 | type= Integer
#The minimum power multiplier (aka the AMOUNT of freeze damage inflicted upon activation. 2 = 1 hearth) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The minimum duration of the frost effect | default= 5 | type= Integer

#The maximum power multiplier (Used to determine the level of the structures spawned and the bonus damage done to enemies) | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The minimum power multiplier (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The maximum duration of some effects that can be applied (like solid rock, mining fatigue) | default= 18 | type= Integer
#The minimum duration (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integer

#The maximum power multiplier (Used to determine the power of the status effects and the distance of the dash) | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The minimum power multiplier (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The maximum duration of some effects that can be applied (like speed, haste, slow falling) | default= 18 | type= Integer
#The minimum duration (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integer

#The maximum power multiplier (Determines power of status effects, number of drowned spawned, if the cage will spawn a trident and lightning ) | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The minimum power multiplier (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The maximum duration of some effects that can be applied (like water slide, conduit, etc.) | default= 18 | type= Integer
#The minimum duration (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integer

Trigger balancing

In this config you can adjust the values for each light required to trigger it

Show trigger_balance_config.yml
#The version of the config. DO NOT CHANGE IT :D | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The threshold to reach in order to activate a light | default= 5 | type= Integer

#This config file lets you modify how the lights trigger. Be very careful if you really want to change this!

#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 5 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is poisoned | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies are poisoned | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when passive mobs are in danger and on low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when another entity has an harmful status effect (excludes the check for the caster) | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has an harmful status effect | default= 3 | type= Integer

#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 5 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#WARNING: This is the only check, so leave it equal to the TriggerThe contribution to the trigger threshold when passive mobs are in danger and on low health | default= 5 | type= Integer

#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 5 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer

#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster being on fire | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the blazing light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster being on fire | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the blazing light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer

#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster freezing | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster freezing | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster freezing | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster freezing | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster's allies being freezing | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer

#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the earthen light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the earthen light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the frost light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer

#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a few blocks | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a lot of blocks | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the wind light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a few blocks | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a lot of blocks | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the wind light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster's allies falling a few blocks | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster's allies falling a lot of blocks | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster falling a few blocks | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the wind light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer

#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster drowning | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the aqua light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes low health) | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster drowning | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the aqua light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and very low health (excludes the low health) | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 2 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster has low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster drowning | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the aqua light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's ALLIES are in danger and on low health | default= 4 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is in danger and low health | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster is surrounded. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the caster's allies have low durability armor. (If enabled) | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster drowning | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold made by the caster's allies drowning | default= 1 | type= Integer
#The contribution to the trigger threshold when the aqua light conditions are met | default= 3 | type= Integer

Client Config (You can edit this with a GUI using ModMenu and YACL)

Show lightwithin_config.yml
#The version of the config. DO NOT CHANGE IT :D | default= 1 | type= Integer

#This config file lets you modify client rendering options, such as displaying the light ready icon in a different location or hiding it
#The maximum x and y coordinates of your screen could not be determined. Delete, than reload the config with the '/light_client reload' command to try again!

#The x coordinate of the light ready icon position on your screen. A value of 0 corresponds to left side. | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The y coordinate of the light ready icon position on your screen. A value of 0 corresponds to top side. | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The x coordinate of the light charge icon position on your screen. A value of 0 corresponds to left side. | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The y coordinate of the light charge icon position on your screen. A value of 0 corresponds to top side. | default= 10 | type= Integer
#Make this number bigger to make the light ready icon bigger, make it smaller to have a smaller light icon! | default= 1.0 | type= Double
#Make this number bigger to make the light charge icon bigger, make it smaller to have a smaller light icon! | default= 1.0 | type= Double
#The position of the light ready icon using presets, such as CENTER, TOP/BOTTOM LEFT/RIGHT etc | default= TOP_LEFT | type= String
#The position of the light charge icon using presets, such as CENTER, TOP/BOTTOM LEFT/RIGHT etc | default= TOP_LEFT | type= String

#Hide the light charges icon, but still displays the light ready one, or the error one if you do something that's not allowed | default= false | type= Boolean
#See players that have light charges ready glow like a GlowSquid | default= true | type= Boolean
#Setting this value to false will disable runes from rendering even in first person | default= true | type= Boolean
#How many seconds should the runes last on screen? | default= 3 | type= Integer
#Scale of the item or target icons displayed after interacting with the Luxcognita berry | default= 5.0 | type= Double
#How many seconds should the item and target icons last on screen? | default= 5 | type= Integer
#Setting this value to true will activate your light as soon as it's ready. WARNING: it may be disabled by the server! | default= false | type= Boolean