EPCache is Endless Paradox's Cache, Experiment-Purpose Cache and Enhanced-Performance Cache. A lightweight and customizable distributed cache system developing framework implemented by golang. Suitable for scenarios with more reads and less writes, has high concurrent access capabilities, and ensures eventual consistency.
├── bloomfilter
│ └── bloomfilter.go: implements a bloomfilter using bitmap and murmur3, working as a blacklist
│ to avoid cache penetration, which might cause a false potive problem.
├── consistenthash
│ └── consistenthash.go: implements a hash ring mapping reqs to a specific node having the same group,
│ which establishes a basic load balance of the EPCache cluster.
├── epcachepb
│ └── epcachepb.proto: defines the protobuf messages and service used by ProtoPeer and PeerAgent.
├── etcd
│ └── startup.sh: provides an example to start an etcd cluster.
├── lru
│ └── lru.go: implements a lru cache.
├── msgctl
│ └── msgctl.go: provides a tool for merging messages within a specified interval.
├── ratelimit
│ └── ratelimit.go: implements a token bucket for rate limiting.
├── singleflight
│ └── singleflight.go: provides a duplicate func call suppression mechanism using Mutex and WaitGroup,
│ to avoid cache breakdown.
├── amqp
│ └── amqp.go: handles data synchronization across nodes based on the fanout pattern of an MQ instance.
├── byteview.go: implements an immutable view of bytes, used inside the EPCache cluster and presented to users,
│ which provides benefit of decoupling from data source and preventing users from
│ accidentally modifying the EPCache cluster's data.
├── cache.go: wraps a lru cache and its operators, using Mutex to provide concurrent safety
│ and recording relevant statistical data.
├── epcache.go: provides APIs to an EPCache cluster node, like Get, OnUpdate and OnDelete etc.
│ The ratelimiter and bloomfilter here can be enable and disabled at any time.
├── getter.go: provides the interface Getter, which must be implemented by users to access to the data source.
├── grpc.go: implements GrpcPool as a PeerAgent, which communicates with other nodes using gRPC,
│ it will deal with the service registration and discovery based on etcd,
│ the data synchronization sending and receiving based on MQ,
│ and of course start a gRPC server, all of which support graceful shutdown.
├── peers.go: provides the interface standards of ProtoPeer and PeerAgent, which are responsible for
│ the interation work among the EPCache cluster nodes; also implements NoPeer as a PeerAgent.
└── protopeer.go: implements protoPeer as a ProtoPeer with a long-running gRPC client, which will be used by GrpcPool.
Get -----> cache hit? -----> retrun
| n
|----> consistent hashing
| y y
|----> remote? -----> load from peer -----> suc? -----> popuate hot cache in 1/10 chance -----> return
| n | n y
| |----> due to non-existent? -----> return error
| | n
| | y
|-----------------------------------------> load locally -----> exist? -----> popuate main cache -----> return
| n
|----> return error
- Using gRPC/ProtoBuf to achieve efficient communication between nodes: request forwarding and data synchronization.
- Implementing cache elimination strategy based on LRU, and implement load balancing based on consistent hashing.
- Use mutex and semaphore to prevent cache breakdown, Bloom filters to prevent cache penetration, and token bucket algorithm to implement request rate limiting.
- Asynchronous data synchronization across nodes based on AMQP-style message queue has the advantages of order guarantee and decoupling.
- Implementing service registration and discovery based on etcd cluster to achieve dynamic adjustment of nodes.
- You can build up a cache system as you like by importing this module.
- Getter is implemented by you, a normal one might be using DB as data source.
- ProtoPeer and PeerAgent can also be implemented by you, and using protoPeer and GrpcPool are recommended if you attempt to build up a cluster, while NoPeer if you just need standalone one.
- GrpcPool requires both a running etcd cluster instance and a running AMQP-style MQ instance.
- Set up ratelimiter and bloomfilter when you need them.
- The GrpcPool will log something important when up.
- An API server is the best practise to be built in front of an EPCache cluster node.
Issues and Pull Requests are accepted. Feel free to contribute to this project.
- For 100k data entries, up to 3030k qps if cache hit locally and 33k qps if cache hit remotely when used concurrently.
- For 100k data entries, as short as 633 ms to complete the writing regardless of the time spent on retrieving them from source.
- For 100k data entries, as short as 1.77 s to complete the process of a node updating/deleting all and publishing messages related to MQ, meanwhile other nodes consuming from MQ and updating/deleting all as well.