Please download the latest mainline rvc prepackaged binary from here
99.9999% translated, removed ton of changes, added 3 guide recommendations to the top, train tab default, and all defaults changed.
Download all files (or clone repo) and place them in the initial RVC folder (or extract them there). thats it :3
The tensorboard file creates a VENV inside of the rvc folder and its the same file you use to always open it, if tensorboard breaks, you delete the venv folder and itll auto create a new one. (credits to felt for making it)
If you just want the cleaner ui, you only need both Enrop files, being and EnropStart.bat, otherwise some files will change the defaults.
You're free to use this idea as you see fit, but I will be updating this to keep up to date with whatever prebuilt RVC binary exists, until I quit making models, just give Credit if you do use it and change stuff.
However in doing so, anyone must be able to use the changes as well. Open Source should be open source and usable by all
V1.0 is when this was still called RavenUI V2.0 on is when Enrop name will take over, or you can just Git Clone and have the slightly updated ver.