Releases: Enubia/ghost-chat
Templating rework
I've reworked how the templates are written to use pug.js as this is a more readable format than plain HTML. There's no change in behaviour for the user but it makes live easier for developing things.
- fixed an issue that caused the font strokes to not properly apply
Bug Fix
Bug fix
- added reverted chat scrolling as default
this workaround addresses an issue related to the scrolling behavior in click through mode
until the scrolling issue is fixed this will be the default setting and unfortunately not changeable
I'm working on a fix for this
- added option to reverse the chat messages, if selected, chat messages will be added from the top instead of being appended to the bottom (thanks to @chescalante)
Bug fixes
- fixed sliders not working occasionally
- refactored messages, specifically the badge and emote formatting, those where moved into a new class which will be used in the future for FFZ emote parsing as well as BTTV once their api has documentation
First of all, the installer is back!
I've included a custom installer script which will delete wrongly configured windows registry keys which prevented a new install if there was an older one already.
Thanks to einsteinx2 who provided a solution for this problem, you can read about the issue here.
All the listed features are configurable through the settings menu
- Different color for each user -> White user name colors are now replaced by more visible ones
- Have a black border on the font -> Added font strokes for better readability on bright background
- Choose different chat color and border color -> Chat message color can now be changed,
- Setting to remember the channel name -> you can now define a default channel to connect to on startup
I did not include an option to change the font stroke color since black should do the trick just fine IMO.
If there are more requests for it I might add it in a future release though 😄
The settings menu received an overhaul since I ran out of space for all the configs 😅
Bug fixes
- fixed an issue with Vue router after I changed the router mode which resulted in $route.params being empty (fortunately everything worked properly until now because of some error handling)
Release fix / Config delete
- This release contains a fix for the version check since I accidentally did the last release with the wrong version number.
- It will also delete your config file since there were issues reported which are due to some broken configs.
Font size feature
The installer version is currently broken and won't let you finish the setup unfortunately so it won't be included in this release right now. Once it's working again I will attach the installer to this release.
- You can now change the font size of your chat via the settings menu, value range is from 5 to 35 but I suggest to not choose a big one since this won't please your eyes :)