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This library provides Purescript bindings for this library of the same name.

The majority of documentation can be found on Pursuit. There is also an example app in examples/ that can be built by running:

npm i
npm run serve-example

Installation (with spago)

Since this package is not yet on package-sets, installation is not as easy as spago install react-keybind.

Add the following to additions in your packages.dhall:

let additions =
      { react-keybind =
        { dependencies =
            [ "effect"
            , "maybe"
            , "newtype"
            , "prelude"
            , "react-basic"
            , "react-basic-classic"
            , "record"
            , "unsafe-coerce"
        , repo = ""
        , version = "v0.9.4"

Then run:

spago install react-keybind


Module documentation is published on Pursuit.