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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Dec 4, 2018 · 9 revisions

Declaring Model Units

It is good practice to keep an application's business classes encapsulated and separated from other classes such as the user interface classes. The convention when using InstantObjects is to create separate code units within the application's IDE project solely for the purpose of containing the business classes that constitute an InstantObjects model. This model can be placed in one or more code units in the project. These units are referred to as model units.

The InstantObjects Model Explorer needs to know which of the application project's units are intended to be model units. This is done using theSelect Units button on the toolbar of the InstantObjects Model Explorer.

The Select Units button will open a dialog showing all the units of the current project. The left side of the dialog shows the model units and the right side shows the other units included in the project. Use the buttons between the two lists to move one or more units from one side to the other.  Select the OK or Cancel button to close the dialog and save or cancel, respectively, any changes. When the model unit(s) has been declared the business model can be created or maintained using the treeview pane's right button click, pop-up menu.

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