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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Dec 4, 2018 · 6 revisions

Class Editor - Attributes Page

This where the attributes of the class are managed. The top view of the page lists the attributes that are Introduced by the class. The bottom view lists the attributes that are Inherited from the base class.

Attributes can be added, deleted and edited as follows (note that keyboard short cuts are also available): Add a new attribute to the model by right-clicking in the **Introduced **view pane. This will launch the pop-up menu. Select New from the menu to bring up the Attribute Editor with an empty attribute definition so that the new attribute's properties can be set; Delete an attribute selected in the Introduced view pane by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete from the pop-up menu.  As expected, a confirmation dialog is launched before the delete action is accepted; Edit an attribute selected in the Introduced view pane by right-clicking on it and selecting Edit from the pop-up menu. This will bring up the Attribute Editor and will allow editing of many of the attribute's properties.

Class Editor - Attributes Page Pop-up menu

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