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Third milestone project for the Fullstack Web Developer course @ Code institute

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Crowd finding

Web application to host a music competition

Milestone project 3 for Code Institute

Deployed version:

Project purpose

The purpose of this application is to host a competition of music tracks for starting musicians. As soundcloud is by far the most used hosting website for artists, they can simply use the embed-code provided with each soundcloud track to enter a new track in the contest. All visitors of the website can view the track listing, with some details about the work provided by the artist and, when registered as a voter, they can vote for each track. The more points, the higher the track will appear in the list. After a pre-defined period of time the competition ends and the highest rated five tracks will be shown on the front page as winners. The host of the competition can then use these tracks to release them as an album on spotify and itunes or media such as cd or vinyl. The host will also get an insight in why certain tracks are liked, and others less. The app also builds up a database of users to be used for a mailing list, to keep them updated on the progress of the contest, future actions and advertisements.

There is a registration system for users wich divides them into two categories

  1. Contributors
  2. Voters

The app automatically only shows the features wich the logged in user is allowed to use to avoid confusion. People registered as contributors cannot vote, and those registered as voters will not be able to participate in the contest.

A third user role is the administrator with the following features:

  1. Start a contest
  2. End a contest
  3. Add or delete creation methods, wich let users select wich equipment or instruments they used
  4. Add or delete music styles, to let users select the music style of their track
  5. Delete a track
  6. Delete a user account
  7. View a user list to use for a mailing list (Users can decide themselves if they want this upon registration)

Important notices

  1. This is a fictional project for educational purposes created for the code institute's Full Stack Software Development course and is in no way meant to go online for a broad audience.
  2. Authorization was not required for this project and was only implemented to make a distinction between users and wich functions they can use. It in no way will provide the security wich a true authorization system will provide.
  3. All user accounts and their information is fictional, passwords are set to 1234
  4. The tracks already in the database are real. I only used tracks of people that I personally know or made myself. The user accounts of contributors who added the tracks are again fictional and do not display the actual artists.
  5. The admin account can be accessed with the following credentials: username: admin - password: 1234



The mock-up for this project is in the UXD folder wich you will find in the root of this project.

Design choices

This app was designed to be used without a learning curve. Only the options that are relevant to the logged in user are shown, so that they will always click the right button. The materialize library was used to provide consistent elements that can be easily used by the user and wich adapt to every screen size. When something does go wrong this is pointed out in the form itself, or if it is database related (password, username or embed-code) the user is redirected back to the form with a message about the mistake. There's also an error page, wich should not appear during 'normal' use. Only a few distinctive colors are used so that all elements are clearly seprated and don't blur the overall view.

User stories

  • As a first time visitor I want to see a description of the website on my first page load
  • As a first time visitor I want to be able to see the tracks that have already been submitted
  • As an artist I want to create a user account wich enables me to participate
  • As an artist I want to submit my track to the contest
  • As an artist I want to see the other entries
  • As an artist I want to see the ranking of the tracks
  • As a voter I want to create a user account wich enables me to vote
  • As a voter I want to be able to see the tracks that have been submitted
  • As a voter I want to vote for a track and leave a motivation
  • As a voter I want to have the choice to be updated by email about the contest
  • As a voter I want to have the choice to receive emails about future projects
  • As the site owner I want to be able to start a new contest
  • As the site owner I want to be able to set the end date of the contest
  • As the site owner I want to be able to provide a name for the contest
  • As the site owner I want to be able to end the contest to see the 5 winners
  • As the site owner I want to find new artists to release their music, or to book them for concerts
  • As the site owner I want to know why people like or dislike certain tracks
  • As the site owner I want to create a database of users for targeted advertisement
  • As the site owner I want to be able to delete a track
  • As the site owner I want to be able to delete a user account


  • Main page
    • Provides all the visitors with information about the running or ended contest
  • Register
    • Enables all the visitors to register as an active user along with these details:
      • user name
      • password
      • email address
      • user role
      • profile pic (Standard will be used when none is provided)
      • country
      • city
      • website (optional)
      • mailing list subscription (yes/no)
  • Profile
    • Enables all users to see other users profiles
    • Enables the loggged in user to update its own details
  • Delete a user
    • Enables the administrator to delete a user account
  • Log-in
    • Enables all registered users to log in to their account
  • Log-out
    • Enables all users to log-out of their account
  • Add a track
    • Enables contributors to add a track to the contest
    • Enables contributors to provide details about the track:
      • Artist name
      • Track title
      • Music style
      • Creation method
      • Free text (description)
      • Credits
      • Creation date
      • License (copyright or Creative Commons)
      • Soundcloud embed code of the track
        • The app will automatically strip the track number from this code to be used in its own embed code wich will provide a general look for all tracks in the list
  • Edit a track (Only available in the track list if the user who submitted the track is also logged in )
    • Enables the user to update the information of the submitted track (except for the soundcloud embed-code)
  • Delete a track (Only available in the track list if the administrator is logged in )
    • Enables the administrator to delete a track
  • View all tracks
    • Enables all users to see a list of the tracks
    • Enables all users to easily see the current rank of the track
    • Enables all users to easily see the total score of the track
    • Enables all users to easily see the music style and creation method of the track
    • Enables all users to listen to all the tracks
    • Enables all users to view the track's details
      • Enables all users to click on the track's user name to see its profile page
    • Enables all users to see the track votes
      • Enables all users to click on the voter's user name to see its profile page
  • Vote (via a track in the list)
    • Enables voters to vote for a track
    • Enables voters to leave a motivation with their vote
  • Start contest
    • Enables the administrator to start the contest
    • Enables the administrator to name the contest
    • Enables the administrator to set the start and end date for the contest
  • End contest
    • Enables the administrator to end the contest
  • Edit styles
    • Enables the administrator to add or delete music styles
  • Edit methods
    • Enables the administrator to add or delete creation methods
  • User list
    • Enables the administrator to view all registered users
  • Mailing list
    • Enables the administrator to view all subscribers to the mailing list

Features left to implement

  • True secure authentication
  • Upload files directly to the server, to be completely independent, played using a local music player
  • Upload profile pictures directly to the server to be more user friendly
  • Automate the duration of the contest based on the current date

Technologies Used

Data Structure



  • crowd_finding

Collections :

    'user':             string      (corresponds with users collection)
    'user_id':          ObjectId    (corresponds with users collection)
    'submitted':        string      (date), (DD-MM-YYYY, HH:MM:SS)
    'soundcloud':       string      (stripped from soundcloud embed code)
    'artist_name':      string
    'title':            string
    'style':            string
    'free_text':        string
    'creation_method':  string
    'credits_who':      string
    'credits_what':     string
    'creation_date':    string      (date), (DD-MM-YYYY, HH:MM:SS)
    'license':          string      (file name of license logo)
    'last_updated':     string      (date), (DD-MM-YYYY, HH:MM:SS)
    'total_votes':      int32
    'votes':            array of objects {user: string
                                          user_id: ObjectID
                                          vote: int32
                                          motivation: string}                                
    'user_name':        string
    'user_email':       string
    'user_role':        string
    'profile_pic':      string     (URL)
    'user_city':        string
    'user_country':     string
    'user_website':     string     (URL)
    'mailing_list':     string
    'registered':       string     (date), (DD-MM-YYYY, HH:MM:SS)
    'last_updated':     string     (date), (DD-MM-YYYY, HH:MM:SS)
    'password':         string    
    'name':             string
    'start_date':       string     (date), (DD-MM-YYYY)
    'end_date':         string     (date), (DD-MM-YYYY)
    'active':           boolean    (URL)    
    'method':           string    
    'style':           string    



Manual testing

Not logged in

Protection against url's that can be copied from a user that was logged in
  • Clicked View all tracks
    • I could only view the tracks, not vote or edit
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the error page
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the error page
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the error page
  • Entered in the browser
    • Redirected to the login page with a message to login
  • Menu option: Register

    • clicked register with no fields filled
      • Got a message to fill out all the fields
    • Filled fields one by one clicking register each time
      • Got a message to fill out all required fields
    • Filled all required fields but not a valid email address
      • Got the message I should provide a valid email address
    • Filled all required fields but no https in the website or profile picture url
      • Got a message to provide a valid url
    • Registered with no profile picture
      • Saw the default picture in my profile
  • Menu option: Log-in

    • Provided random name
      • Was redirected to the login page with a message that the user is unknown
    • Provided random password
      • Was redirected to the login page with a message that the password is incorrect

Logged in

  • Entered in the browser<wrong_id_number>
    • Got a message that the page does not exist
  • Entered in the browser<wrong_id_number>
    • Got a message that the page does not exist

Logged in as contributor

  • Menu option: Add a track
    • clicked add your track with no fields filled
      • Got a message to fill out all the fields
    • Filled fields one by one clicking add your track each time
      • Got a message to fill out all required fields
    • Filled all fields but provided a wrong embed code
      • Was redirected to the form with a message the embed code was invalid
    • Entered in the browser
      • Was redirected to the error page with the message that a contributor can't vote

Logged in as Voter

  • Entered in the browser
    • Was redirected to the error page with the message that a voter can't participate
  • Clicked the vote button on a track
    • Clicked Vote with no motivation
      • Got a message to filll out all the fields
    • Clicked Vote with no track rating
      • Couldn't enter my vote

Responsive behaviour

Screen sizes: 360 - 600 px

  • All elements are on a single row
  • Container width is maximized
  • Mobile menu is used
  • User list scrolls horizontally

Screen sizes: 600 - 996 px

  • Two form elements per row (except for long urls)
  • Mobile menu is used
  • User list scrolls horizontally

Screen sizes: 996 - px

  • Desktop menu is used
  • User list scrolls vertically

Issues encountered while testing

  • A wrong embed code wasn't detected
    • Implemented a test wich redirects back to the form, providing an error message
  • When using a wrong ObjectId in a redirect I got error 500 (internal server error)
    • Implemented a catch that redirects to the error page


This project was deployed on heroku from the master branch

Deployment instructions

Follow these instructions to deploy this project:

  • Note :
    • Because Heroku doesn't allow media files the used images are stored externally on my hosting account.

Create the first user (administrator)

  • Use the following structure
    'user_name':        STRING     'admin'
    'user_email':       string
    'user_role':        string     'administrator
    'profile_pic':      string     (URL)
    'user_city':        string
    'user_country':     string
    'user_website':     string     (URL)
    'mailing_list':     string
    'registered':       string     (date), (DD-MM-YYYY, HH:MM:SS)
    'last_updated':     string     (date), (DD-MM-YYYY, HH:MM:SS)
    'password':         string    

Create a new repository

  • Create a new folder on your local machine
  • Clone the repository to the new local folder:
    • git clone
  • Rename the remote name:
    • git remote rename origin destination
  • Check if this was successfull:
    • git remote -v
  • Assign a new remote:
    • git remote add origin <url of the new repository>
  • Push the local repository to the new remote:
    • git push origin master

Create the heroku app

  • Go to the apps page on Heroku: Heroku
  • Click New
  • Select Create new app
  • Enter a unique App name
  • Select your Region
  • Click Create App
  • Go to Settings
  • Click Reveal Config Vars
  • Add the following variables :
    1. IP -
    2. PORT - 5000
    3. MONGO_URI - <Your personal MongoDB URI>
    4. secret_key - <secret code to enable sessions in flask>

Finally connect heroku to the github repository

  • In heroku click Connect to GitHub
  • click Ok to authorize the connection
  • use the search button to select the apropiate repository

Alternatively you can connect your local folder directy to heroku

  • Enter from your local terminal:
    • heroku login
  • Now provide your email and password to connect to heroku
  • Enter from the terminal:
    • heroku git:remote -a <your chosen app name>
    • git push heroku master

Local deployment

  • First in the root folder create a new file named:

    • Put the following code in the file:

      import os
      os.environ["MONGO_URI"] = "<Your personal MongoDB URI>"
      os.environ["secret_key"] = "<random_string>"
    • The app will first look for this file to load the environment variables

    • If this file is not found it assumes that they are allready present in the environment (For example heroku)

    • This is to ensure our credentials are not exposed on github (add this file to the .gitignore file)

  • To create a virtual environment enter from the terminal in you IDE:

    • python -m .venv venv
  • Now activate the virtual envirenment

    • .venv\Scripts\activate
  • Install the requirements

    • pip -r requirements.txt
  • Start the app

    • python -m flask run


Media content

Click here to view the deployed website


Third milestone project for the Fullstack Web Developer course @ Code institute







No releases published


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