pykeepass_cache is a support library for pykeepass. It is a drop-in replacement for pykeepass.PyKeePass
which caches databases in a background process to make database access faster.
This is useful in situations where the program is terminated between invocations (e.g. CLI scripts). The background process will automatically shut down after 300 seconds.
pip install pykeepass-cache
Use as a drop-in replacement for pykeepass.PyKeePass
>>> from pykeepass_cache import PyKeePass
>>> kp = PyKeePass('test.kdbx', 'password', 'keyfile.key')
Significant speedup on database open times:
# initial open. database decryption takes a long time
>>> timeit.timeit('from pykeepass_cache import PyKeePass;PyKeePass(\'test3.kdbx\', \'password\', \'test3.key\')', number=1)
# database is now cached in background process and opening is nearly instantaneous
>>> timeit.timeit('from pykeepass_cache import PyKeePass;PyKeePass(\'test3.kdbx\', \'password\', \'test3.key\')', number=1)
Configure background server timeout, socket path:
>>> kp = PyKeePass('test.kdbx', 'password', 'keyfile.key', timeout=60, socket_path='/tmp/pykeepass.sock)
Get a dictionary of currently cached databases:
>>> from pykeepass_cache import PyKeePass, cached_databases
>>> kp = PyKeePass('test.kdbx', 'password', 'keyfile.key')
>>> cached_databases()
{'/home/evan/resources/pykeepass_cache/tests/test.kdbx': <pykeepass.pykeepass.PyKeePass object at 0x7f4b85678dd8>}
Manually kill the server
>>> from pykeepass_cache import close
>>> close()
python tests/