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Dockavel = Docker + Laravel

Simple image with basic Laravel inside Docker container, based on Alpine Linux with latest PHP (whick availble on stable Alpine of course).

Repository has different versions of Laravel (from 5.4), so if you need some legacy version of Laravel the you need set required tag.

How to use

How to enable xdebug

This PHP plugin is already installed into container and can be enabled via PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLED environment variable.

List of all available environment variables

Various env vars can be set at runtime via your docker command or docker-compose environment section:

CONTAINER_TIMEZONE: Change default timezone of your container

APACHE_SERVER_NAME: Change server name to match your domain name in httpd.conf

PHP_SHORT_OPEN_TAG: Maps to php.ini 'short_open_tag'

PHP_OUTPUT_BUFFERING: Maps to php.ini 'output_buffering'

PHP_OPEN_BASEDIR: Maps to php.ini 'open_basedir'

PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME: Maps to php.ini 'max_execution_time'

PHP_MAX_INPUT_TIME: Maps to php.ini 'max_input_time'

PHP_MAX_INPUT_VARS: Maps to php.ini 'max_input_vars'

PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT: Maps to php.ini 'memory_limit'

PHP_ERROR_REPORTING: Maps to php.ini 'error_reporting'

PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS: Maps to php.ini 'display_errors'

PHP_DISPLAY_STARTUP_ERRORS: Maps to php.ini 'display_startup_errors'

PHP_LOG_ERRORS: Maps to php.ini 'log_errors'

PHP_LOG_ERRORS_MAX_LEN: Maps to php.ini 'log_errors_max_len'

PHP_IGNORE_REPEATED_ERRORS: Maps to php.ini 'ignore_repeated_errors'

PHP_REPORT_MEMLEAKS: Maps to php.ini 'report_memleaks'

PHP_HTML_ERRORS: Maps to php.ini 'html_errors'

PHP_ERROR_LOG: Maps to php.ini 'error_log'

PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE: Maps to php.ini 'post_max_size'

PHP_DEFAULT_MIMETYPE: Maps to php.ini 'default_mimetype'

PHP_DEFAULT_CHARSET: Maps to php.ini 'default_charset'

PHP_FILE_UPLOADS: Maps to php.ini 'file_uploads'

PHP_UPLOAD_TMP_DIR: Maps to php.ini 'upload_tmp_dir'

PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE: Maps to php.ini 'upload_max_filesize'

PHP_MAX_FILE_UPLOADS: Maps to php.ini 'max_file_uploads'

PHP_ALLOW_URL_FOPEN: Maps to php.ini 'allow_url_fopen'

PHP_ALLOW_URL_INCLUDE: Maps to php.ini 'allow_url_include'

PHP_DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT: Maps to php.ini 'default_socket_timeout'

PHP_DATE_TIMEZONE: Maps to php.ini 'date.timezone'

PHP_PDO_MYSQL_CACHE_SIZE: Maps to php.ini 'pdo_mysql.cache_size'

PHP_PDO_MYSQL_DEFAULT_SOCKET: Maps to php.ini 'pdo_mysql.default_socket'

PHP_SESSION_SAVE_HANDLER: Maps to php.ini 'session.save_handler'

PHP_SESSION_SAVE_PATH: Maps to php.ini 'session.save_path'

PHP_SESSION_USE_STRICT_MODE: Maps to php.ini 'session.use_strict_mode'

PHP_SESSION_USE_COOKIES: Maps to php.ini 'session.use_cookies'

PHP_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE: Maps to php.ini 'session.cookie_secure'

PHP_SESSION_NAME: Maps to php.ini ''

PHP_SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME: Maps to php.ini 'session.cookie_lifetime'

PHP_SESSION_COOKIE_PATH: Maps to php.ini 'session.cookie_path'

PHP_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN: Maps to php.ini 'session.cookie_domain'

PHP_SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY: Maps to php.ini 'session.cookie_httponly'

PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLED: Turns on xdebug (which is not for production really)

Via Dockerfile

If you want to use this image and you just need to add source code of yor application with dependencies, for this just create Dockerfile with following content inside:

FROM evilfreelancer/dockavel

ADD [".", "/app/app"]
ADD ["composer.json", "/app/app"]

RUN composer update \
 && chown -R apache:apache /app

For building you just need run:

docker build . --tag laravel

By default image has 80 port exposed (apache2 here), so you just need plug your local port with port of container together:

docker run -d -p 80:80 laravel

Via docker-compose

If you need MySQL with Laravel the you need create the docker-compose.yml file and put inside following content:

version: "2"


    image: mysql:5.7
      - 3306:3306
      # Configuration here must match the settings of laravel
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=homestead
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_pass
      - MYSQL_USER=homestead
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=secret
      - ./databases/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
      - ./logs/mysql:/var/log/mysql

    image: evilfreelancer/dockavel
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 81:80
      - APP_NAME=Develop
      - APP_ENV=local
      - APP_DEBUG=true
      - ./laravel:/app:rw

    image: evilfreelancer/dockavel
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 80:80
      - APP_NAME=Laravel
      - APP_ENV=stagging
      - APP_KEY=base64:XFmYKmOH9JhC4egs5y7h9hKnACECuRpVvybd8gaU1EA=
      - APP_DEBUG=false
      - APP_URL=http://localhost
      - LOG_CHANNEL=stack
      - DB_CONNECTION=mysql
      - DB_HOST=mysql
      - DB_PORT=3306
      - DB_DATABASE=homestead
      - DB_USERNAME=homestead
      - DB_PASSWORD=secret
      - CACHE_DRIVER=file
      - SESSION_DRIVER=file
      - QUEUE_DRIVER=sync
      - REDIS_HOST=
      - REDIS_PASSWORD=null
      - REDIS_PORT=6379
      - MAIL_DRIVER=smtp
      - MAIL_PORT=2525
      - MAIL_USERNAME=null
      - MAIL_PASSWORD=null
      - MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null
      - PUSHER_APP_ID=
      - ./laravel/app:/app/app:rw
      - ./laravel/config:/app/config:rw
      - ./laravel/database:/app/database:rw
      - ./laravel/public:/app/public:rw
      - ./laravel/resources:/app/resources:rw
      - ./laravel/routes:/app/routes:rw
      # Required modules for system
      - ./laravel/vendor:/app/vendor:rw
      - ./laravel/node_modules:/app/node_modules:rw
      # Following folders must be writable in container for apache user
      # chown apache:apache -R storage/ bootstrap/
      - ./laravel/storage:/app/storage:rw
      - ./laravel/bootstrap:/app/bootstrap:rw

Run this composition of containers:

docker-compuse up -d

But how to update the Laravel image? That's easy, if you use :latest tag of docker image the you just need:

docker-composer pull
docker-composer up -d

And your of laravel container will be recreated if new version of Laravel in repository.

Almost done

Now you need just open this url http://localhost, and you'll see the Laravel magic.
