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RNAdvisor: RNA 3D structure metrics and energies assessment


This depo summarises different implementations of scoring function for 3D structures of RNA

General overview

This code implements 4 existing repositories and adds a python interface.

It takes as inputs a .pdb file of predicted 3D structures (or a folder of .pdb files) and a .pdb file of a native structure, and it returns a .csv file with the different metrics.

It uses the following repositories:

Note that all these repositories are implementing a lot of different functions. For the sake of this project, I just took what seemed to be the most relevant for the scoring of 3D structures.



A docker image has been developed to ensure all the dependencies are installed. Indeed, this code depends on C++, python and java scripts.

To install the image, use:

make docker_start

It will build the image, named rnadvisor, and then run the container with two volumes (docker_data and tmp) and use the --config_path argument. Therefore, the parameters (like the path of the inputs, outputs, etc) are stored in the config.yaml file.

To debug the code or go inside the container, you can use the dev mode. To launch it, use:

make docker_interactive

It will run the container and launch the /bin/bash command. You would then need to run python -m src.rnadvisor_cli with the needed parameters if you want to run the code.

If you want to manually build and run the docker, you can see the details in the Makefile.

Note that the Dockerfile contains multiple stage (one stage for each repo), so you need to build to final stage (called release, and dev for the dev stage):

docker build -t rna_scores --target release .

Then, as the entrypoint in the Dockerfile is python -m src.rnadvisor_cli, you just need to provide the arguments for the commands in the running process:

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/docker_data/:/app/docker_data -v ${PWD}/tmp:/tmp rna_scores --config_path=./config.yaml

Note that there are mounted volumes to ensure that the inputs can be read by the container.


Using config.yaml

Here are the different parameters found in the config.yaml:

  # Bin paths: nothing to change if you follow the installation instructions
  RNA_ASSESSMENT: "lib/rna_assessment/MC-Annotate"
  ZHANG_GROUP: "lib/zhanggroup/TMscore"
  DFIRE: "lib/dfire/bin/DFIRE_RNA"
  MCQ4STRUCTURES: "lib/mcq4structures/mcq-cli/mcq-local"
  RASP: "lib/rasp/bin/rasp_fd"
  rsRNASP: "lib/rs_rnasp/rsRNASP"
  PRED_PATH: "docker_data/input/MODEL_1"
  NATIVE_PATH: "docker_data/input/NATIVE/1Z43.pdb"
  RESULT_PATH: "docker_data/output/test_scores.csv"
  TIME_PATH: "docker_data/output/time_score.csv"
  LOG_PATH: "docker_data/log/out.log"
  VERBOSE: false
    - RMSD
    - P-VALUE
    - INF
    - DI
    - MCQ
    - TM-SCORE
    - CAD
    - RASP
    - CLASH
    - DFIRE
    - rsRNASP
    - lDDT
    - QS-SCORE

Note that the variables in the BIN_PATH are the default values when you install the code using the provided installation scripts.

For the Score_HP, the variables are the ones to provide for the python script:

  • PRED_PATH: the path to either a directory or a .pdb file of predicted structures
  • NATIVE_PATH: the path to the .pdb native structure
  • RESULT_PATH: the path where to store the output (a .csv file)
  • TIME_PATH: the path where to store the time of each metric (a .csv file)
  • LOG_PATH: the path where to store the log of the script (a .log file)
  • VERBOSE: whether to print the debug logs in the console
  • NORMALISATION: whether to normalise the .pdb files (it uses the normalisation from RNA_Assessment)
  • SORT_BY: whether the user wants to sort the result by one of the metric. It could be RMSD, P-VALUE, INF-ALL, INF-WC, INF-NWC, INF-STACK, DI, MCQ, TM-SCORE, GDT-TS, GDT-TS@1, GDT-TS@2, GDT-TS@4,GDT-TS@8 or CAD.
  • ALL_SCORES: a list of scores to compute. It can be RMSD, P-VALUE, INF, DI, MCQ, TM-SCORE, lDDT and CAD. Note that there is also available the QS-score.


We provide different scenario of use for our tool. These scenarios can be computed by changing the ALL_SCORES parameters in the config file or in the command line.

  • Full decoys (FULL_DECOYS): scenario where all the available scoring functions are computed. This scenario is set to have a complete set of scoring functions for high accuracy in the near-native structures assessment.
  • Decoys limited (DECOYS_LIMITED): scenario to get near-native structures from scoring functions but with a limited computation capability. It also minimises the CO2 consumption. It uses the DFIRE-RNA and eSCORE to bring quick computation for large benchmarks.
  • All metrics (ALL_METRICS): scenario for computing all the metrics. It is used when all the metrics are interesting for experimentation and the computation time is not restricted.
  • Distinct metrics (DISTINCT_METRICS): scenario where only the main metrics with low computation time are to be used. It also has a low CO2 consumption. It gathers the DI, GDT-TS and MCQ metrics.

Using CLI

If you want to use the command lines, here are the option available to run the script :

python -m src.rnadvisor_cli --pred_path --native_path --result_path --time_path --log_path
          [--all_scores] [--config_path] [--no_normalisation] [--sort_by] [--verbose]


  --pred_path           Directory to .pdb files or path to a .pdb file of the predictions. 
  --native_path         Path to a .pdb file of the native structure.
  --result_path         Path to a directory where to store the different scores.
  --time_path           Path to a directory where to store the time of each metric.
  --log_path            Path to a directory where to store the log of the script.
  --verbose             If the user wants to print the debug logs in the console.
  --all_scores          List of the scores to use, separated by a comma. 
                        If you want to use them all, use `ALL`. To use all the metrics, use `METRICS`
                        To use all the energies, use `ENERGIES`.
  --no-normalisation    If the user doesn't want to normalise the .pdb files. 
  --sort-by             Metric to sort the results by. Choice between RMSD,P-VALUE,INF-ALL,INF-WC,INF-NWC,INF-STACK,DI,MCQ,TM-SCORE,GDT-TS,GDT-TS@1,GDT-TS@2,GDT-TS@4,GDT-TS@8,CAD,lDDT,RASP,BARNABA,DFIRE,rsRNASP.
  --config_path         Path to the config.yaml file with the different parameters.

If you use the config_path, it will not take into account the other parameters (and only take into account what is specified in the config.yaml file)

An example of use would be:

python -m src.rnadvisor_cli --pred_path=docker_data/input/MODEL_1 --native_path=docker_data/input/NATIVE/1Z43.pdb --result_path=docker_data/output/ --time_path=docker_data/output/time.csv --all_scores=ALL


Here is a basic explication of the different scores, such as the original papers.

General metrics

There are two metrics that aim to give a general idea of how well two 3D structures are compare to each other.


The RMSD is described as the Root-mean-square deviation of two molecules.

It usually uses some rotation to have a representative value of RMSD.

There are multiple repositories that implement this metrics, such as:


This is described as the number of bad overlaps per 1000 atoms.

This is based on [Davis and all] paper.

I didn't succeed in implementing this score. I didn't manage integrating them to my code. Here is a list of repositories that seem to implement this score:

RNA-oriented metrics

Compared to general metrics, scoring methods have been developed to take into account the locality of RNA specificities.


The P-value aims to assess the global fold of an RNA at roughly “nucleotide resolution”. This is based on the RMSD.

Note that this metric is relevant for structures between 35 and 161 nucleotides, as mentioned in the original paper [2].


This INF (Interaction Network Fidelity) metric was invented to assess the central characteristics of RNA architecture. This is the Matthews correlation coefficient of interaction prediction.

$$INF = \sqrt{\frac{TP}{TP+FP} \times \frac{TP}{TP+FN}}$$

The INF can either measure different interaction types (WC base-pairing, non-WC base pairing, base stacking) separately or combine all of the types (resulting in INFwc, INFnwc, INFstacking and INFall)

It is based on the paper [3].


The DI (Deformation Index) metric is defined to balance the RMSD by a local value.

This is defined as:

$$DI = \frac{RMSD}{INF}$$

This paper [3] mentioned this metric such as the Deformation Profile (DP), which is a distance matrix representing the average distance between a predicted model and a reference model.


The MCQ score (Mean of Circular Quantities) gives a comparison in torsion angle space. Indeed, it assumes that small deviation in angle may result in topological deviation.

The mathematical definition is quite complex, defined as:

$$MCQ(S_T, S'_T) = arctan( \frac{1}{r|T|} \sum_{i=1}^r \sum_{j=1}^{|T|} sin \Delta (t_{ij} , t'_{ij}) , \frac{1}{r|T|} \sum_{i=1}^r \sum_{j=1}^{|T|} cos \Delta (t_{ij} , t'_{ij}) )$$

where $r$ is a number of residues in $S \cap S'$ and $T$ a set of torsion angles. We also have:

$$\Delta(t, t') = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 0 \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \text{if both t and t' are undefined } \\ \pi \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \text{if either t or t' is undefined} \\\ min(\text{diff}(t, t'), 2\pi - \text{diff}(t, t'))) \quad \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right.$$

The original source code is the MCQ4Structures, adapted from [4].

Protein-based metrics

Even if RNA and proteins are different, some metric functions from proteins can be adapted to RNA.


The CAD score (Contact Area Difference) aims to measure the structural similarity in a contact-area difference-based function.

It has been described for proteins [6], and then adapted for RNA [7].

If we denote the contact area between residues i and j in the reference structure as $T_{(i,j)}$, and the contact area in the predicted model as $M_{(i,j)}$, the $CAD_{score}$ is defined as:

$$CAD_{score} = 1-\frac{ \sum_{(i,j) \in G} min( |T_{(i,j)} - M_{(i,j)} , T_{(i,j)}) }{ \sum_{(i,j) \in G} T_{(i,j)} }$$


The TM-score (Template-Modeling) aims to give a metric that isn't dependent of the length of the structures.

This is adapted to RNA in [5], where the TM-score is defined as:

$$TM_{score_{RNA}} = \frac{1}{L}\sum_{i=1}^{L_{ali}} \frac{1}{1 + (\frac{d_i}{d_0})^2}$$

with $d_0 = 0.6 \sqrt{L-0.5} - 2.5$ the scaling factor to ensure the score of random RNA pairs is independent of RNA length.


The GDT-TS score (Global Distance Test Total Score) denote the sum of percent of residues that are within 1,2,4 and 8Å between a model and a reference structure, divided by 4.

This is a value that varies between 0 and 1, inspired by the protein metrics.

It has been adapted from the CASP competition [8].


The local distance difference test (lDDT) assesses the interatomic distance differences between a reference structure and a predicted one.

It does not require any superposition.

The lDDT considers all the pairs of atoms in the reference structure within a default distance. The atom pairs define a set of distances L, which is used for a predicted model. A distance in the prediction is preserved if, given a threshold, it is the same as its corresponding distance in L. The lDDT is thus derived using four different thresholds: 0.5 Å, 1 Å, 2 Å, and 4 Å. lDDT is the average of four fractions of conserved distances within the four thresholds.

It ranges between 0 and 1, where 1 means a perfect reconstruction of interatomic distances.

It comes from [14]


Clement Bernard, Guillaume Postic, Sahar Ghannay, Fariza Tahi,
RNAdvisor: a comprehensive benchmarking tool for the measure and prediction of RNA structural model quality,
Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 25, Issue 2, March 2024, bbae064,


[1] Davis, I. W., Leaver-Fay, A., Chen, V. B., Block, J. N., Kapral, G. J., Wang, X., Murray, L. W., Arendall, W. B., Snoeyink, J., Richardson, J. S., & Richardson, D. C.(2007). MolProbity: all-atom contacts and structure validation for proteins and nucleic acids. Nucleic Acids Research, 35(Web Server), W375–W383.

[2] Hajdin, C. E., Ding, F., Dokholyan, N. v., & Weeks, K. M. (2010). On the significance of an RNA tertiary structure prediction. RNA, 16(7), 1340–1349.

[3] Parisien, M., Cruz, J. A., Westhof, É., & Major, F. (2009). New metrics for comparing and assessing discrepancies between RNA 3D structures and models. RNA, 15(10), 1875–1885.

[4] Zok, T., Popenda, M., & Szachniuk, M. (2014). MCQ4Structures to compute similarity of molecule structures. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 22(3), 457–473.

[5] Sha Gong, Chengxin Zhang, Yang Zhang. RNA-align: quick and accurate alignment of RNA 3D structures based on size-independent TM-scoreRNA. Bioinformatics, Volume 35, Issue 21, 1 November 2019, Pages 4459–4461.

[6] Kliment Olechnovič, Eleonora Kulberkytė and Česlovas Venclovas (2013). CAD-score: a new contact area difference-based function for evaluation of protein structural models. Proteins, 81:149–162.

[7] Kliment Olechnovič and Česlovas Venclovas (2014) The use of interatomic contact areas to quantify discrepancies between RNA 3D models and reference structures. Nucleic Acids Res, 42:5407-5415

[8] Zemla A, Venclovas C, Moult J, Fidelis K. 1999. Processing and analysis of CASP3 protein structure predictions. Proteins3:22–29<22::AID-PROT5>3.0.CO;2-W

[9] Miao, Z., & Westhof, E. (2017). RNA Structure: Advances and Assessment of 3D Structure Prediction. Annual Review of Biophysics, 46(1), 483–503.

[10] Bottaro, Sandro, Francesco Di Palma, and Giovanni Bussi. "The role of nucleobase interactions in RNA structure and dynamics." Nucleic acids research 42.21 (2014): 13306-13314.

[11] T. Zhang, G. Hu, Y. Yang, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, “All-atom knowledge-based potential for RNA structure discrimination based on the distance-scaled finite ideal-gas reference state.”, J. Computational Biology, in press (2019).

[12] Capriotti E, Norambuena T, Marti-Renom MA, Melo F. (2011) All-atom knowledge-based potential for RNA structure prediction and assessment. Bioinformatics 27(8):1086-93

[13] Tan YL, Wang X, Shi YZ, Zhang W, Tan ZJ. 2022. rsRNASP: A residue-separation-based statistical potential for RNA 3D structure evaluation. Biophys J. 121: 142-156.

[14] Mariani, V., Biasini, M., Barbato, A., & Schwede, T. (2013). lDDT: a local superposition-free score for comparing protein structures and models using distance difference tests. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 29(21), 2722–2728.


RNAdvisor is a docker-based wrapper that integrates other metrics and scoring functions for RNA 3D structure evaluation.







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