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Version 0.987 - 2017-04-12


  • Fixed occasional timeout issue while performing a task with slow feedrates
  • Fixed fine nozzle calibration when ZMAX homing is used
  • Fixed pre-heat nozzle and bed temperatures not being respected
  • Minor fixes


  • Jog sliders aren't automatically dragged anymore when you are moving them
  • End of print procedure now parks head after homing Z axis to prevent crashing when printing multiple object one at a time
  • Make menu subpaths can now be used to go back to the active printing job
  • Added Raspi Cam management in custom settings page


  • See complete changelog here


Version 0.986 - 2017-03-01


  • Fixed and improved Nozzle Height calibration
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Head state is not reset after M999: this makes possible (again) to use other machine functions while the head is disabled after an error occurred.
  • Fixed G28 not setting X/Y as homed after G28 without arguments
  • Lowered min heater temperature down to 10 degrees
  • Setting laser power to 0 actually turns off the laser beam
  • Ambient color correctly reset after homing

See complete changelog here


Version 0.98 - 2017-01-23


  • Added support for Laser Head
  • Menu: "Probe" > "Length Calibration" moved to "Nozzle" > "Height Calibration"
  • Added new Z height calibration procedure
  • Bed Calibration procedure has ben made faster
  • Fixed bug that was not showing RPM values for some milling tasks
  • Fixed comments management for gcodes generated with Simplify3D
  • Improved wifi connection's management
  • General bugfixes
  • General improvements


  • Final laser support: moved dedicated commands from M6/7 to M60/1/2
  • Broadened head misplacement detection cases
  • Workaround for faulty z-min endstops

See complete changelog here


Version 0.971 - 2016-11-23



Version 0.97 - 2016-11-22


  • Fixed Photogrammetry scan starting macro
  • Settings > General > Print : added "Calibration Preference"
  • Menu: "Feeder Calibration" moved under "Feeder > Step Calibration"
  • Menu: "Engage Feeder" moved under "Feeder > Engage"
  • Added endstop hit alert notification
  • Recovery: improved firmware flash procedure
  • General improvemets
  • General bugfixes


See complete changelog here


Version 0.9652 - 2016-10-24


  • Set default baudrate to 250000 during baudrate recognition. This will prevent communication errors with Firmware
  • Fixed javascript error on History page
  • Added reports option on user profile settings
  • Updated instagram widget
  • Improved Bed calibration script


Version 0.965/0.9651 - 2016-10-19 (hotifix)


  • Fixed macro execution when probe is disabled
  • Improved unit boot
  • Added new hardware number revisions
  • Fixed probe macro error during print preparation
  • General bugfixes


Version 0.963/0.964 - 2016-10 (hotifix)


  • Important security fix
  • Improved firmware baud rate speed recognition
  • Improved macros executions


Version 0.962 - 2016-09-29 (hotifix)


  • Important security fix
  • Improved firmware baud rate speed recognition
  • Improved macros executions


Version: 0.961 - 2016-09-28 (hotifx)


  • Fixed typo
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Print
    • Fixed gcode utilites for Cura 2.X


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Head Installation
    • Fixed link to "Probe Length Calibration"
  • Spool Management
    • Improved load and unload spool procedure
  • Feeder Calibration
    • Fixed step value overwritten after scan tasks


  • Fixed and improved install procedure: now is possible to install zip files downloaded from github repos


  • install
    • Updated terms, conditions and security disclaimer


Version: 0.96 - 2016-09-12


  • Print
    • Re-engineered and rewritten the entire printing library including the following improvements:
      • printing performances
      • printing quality
      • printing affidability
      • complete compatibility with multi-core systems ( Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3, ..)
    • Minor bugfixes
    • Updated gcode utilities for Cura 2.X
  • Scan
    • Fixed bug on downloading files when scan process terminate
    • Minor bugfixes


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Fixed files visibility bug


  • Added "Feeder Calibration" utility
  • Added "Probe Angle calibration" utility


  • Hardware
    • Removed "Extruder steps per unit E mode" field on "Custom settings". The value will be now managed trough "Feeder Calibration" utility


  • Install
    • Added terms, conditions and security disclaimer
  • Flash Firmware
    • Improved flash firmware utility page


Version: 0.954 - 2016-05-02 (hotifx)

  • Firmware
    • Fixed a bug with timing when using M3,M4,M5
    • Subtractive gcodes will not require a G4 before M5 or after M3 and M4 like before.. M3,M4 and M5 will in fact start spinning after 1.5 seconds the last movement operation is completed. This allows to use some standard Gcode Posts processors instead of manually editing the code with pauses
  • Maintenance
    • Head renamed in "Head installation"
    • Spool renamed in "Spool management"
  • Settings
    • Hardware
      • Added tab "Print" for the parametric management of pre-heating temperatures


Version: 0.953 - 2016-04-22 (hotfix)


  • Fixed bad interpretation of gcode files generated with Simplify3D


Version: 0.952 - 2016-04-22 (hotfix)


  • Fixed head not heating
  • Fixed auto bed leveling initialization procedure before printing


Version: 0.951 - 2016-04-22 (hotfix)


  • Fixed firmware installation during update process


Version: 0.95 - 2016-04-21


  • Added basic jog controls on top buttons bar
  • Added temperatures controls on top buttons bar
  • Improved in terms of efficiency and responsiveness the features related to “emergency button” and “reset controller” button
  • 250000 bps is supported and set as default transmission rate


  • Print
    • Added installed head control (required printing head installed)
    • Added “Recent prints” tab (list view with the last 10 files printed)
    • Added preheating of the nozzle and bed during the initial phase of preparation of the print (to reduce waiting times significantly)
    • Added intelligent heating: during the last phase of preparation of the print the temperatures of the nozzle and the bed are setted with the real values of the gcode’s file to print (greatly reducing waiting times)
    • Added on “Live feeds” number of total layers and actual layer (available only for gcodes created with Cura)
    • Improved in terms of efficiency and performance all the scripts related the print process
    • Minor bugfixes
  • Mill
    • Added installed head control (required milling head installed)
    • Added “Recent milling” tab (list view with the last 10 files milled)
    • Improved in terms of efficiency and performance all the scripts related the milling process
    • Minor bugfixes
  • Scan
    • Improved process workflow and finalization
    • Minor bugfixes
  • History
    • Added stats tab
    • Improved user experience
    • Minor bugfixes


  • Improved page initialization and user experience
  • Fixed filter search on “Help” modal window
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Added stats page for single file: a page with basic stats on a file (es. how many time was printed in a certain period, total of printing hours, etc)
  • Improved user experience
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Head
    • When a Hybrid Head or a Printing Head is installed a popup is shown advising to repeat the “Probe Calibration” operation
  • Improved user experience
  • Minor bugfixes


  • “General” and “Hardware” pages have been merged into a single page with name “Hardware”
  • Hardware
    • Safety - added “Machine Limits Collision Warning” option: if selected warnings about collisions will be presented to the user as an error message.
    • Minor bugfixes
  • Network
    • Added Domain Name System Service Discovery to make the FABtotum easily discoverable on local networks without using ip addresses but just setting it a name (es: http://myfabtotum.local/) this require a network discovery package such as Bonjour.
    • Ethernet
      • Added possibility to set ip address in the range 169.254.X.X ( -
      • Minor bugfixes
    • Wi-Fi
      • Fixed annoying bug with wifi networks having slashes in their names (this bug didn’t display the Wi-Fi ip address showing the message “No wifi set. Please connect to a valid wifi network” even the connection was established )
      • Added “Disconnect” button
      • Improved user experience
      • Minor bugfixes
  • Raspicam
    • Flip: set default value to “Flip Both” to be more representative to the camera point of view.


  • The module has been completely revised to make more easier future updates. Software updates and firmware have been merged into one single update: now users will not have to worry about to do a software update and then a firmware update, the new module will update what is necessary to update.


  • All the menu items of installed plugins have been moved under the “Plugins” menu item


FABUI 0.94995 (HotFix) (29/01/2016)


  • Scan
    • Fixed bug on finalizing task


  • Probe calibration
    • Fixed "disabled" buttons


FABUI 0.9499 (28/01/2016)


  • Added more codes for errors handled by the firmware (needs firmware 1.0.0094 or higher)
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Print/Mill
    • Added field notes on "Controls" tab
    • Minor bugfixes
  • Added "History Page": a timeline page with all "Make" tasks done


  • Improved edit file page
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Head
    • Selecting the head will change max temperature parameter for the extruder temperature control in Jog and during the print
  • Fixed PHP Error on System Info page (issue #28)
  • Minor bugfixes


  • All the internal sections were exploded in submenu items. Now for any section there is a dedicated page
  • Improved Network settings page (Now is possible to connect to a hidden WiFi network). With further updates will come more features.
  • Raspicam
    • Added "Flip Both" option
  • Minor bugfixes


FABUI 0.9498(12/01/2016)


  • Merged pull request #26
  • Added logics to prevent conflicts on the serial buffer if there are more pages or tabs opened
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Fixed bug on gcode preview page


  • Added "System Info" page


FABUI 0.9497 (08/01/2016)


  • Changed behaviour of wizard first setup popup: if you press "don't ask me anymore" the popup will not appear again
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Fixed table not responsive
  • Changed sort order for objects list


  • Added tab with Raspi Cam widget


FABUI 0.9496 (07/01/2016)

GENERAL Merged pull requests #25


  • First Setup
    • Fixed behaviour with "Engage Feeder" Step


FABUI 0.9495 (23/12/2015)


  • Added temperatures info on top bar, so now temperatures are readable anywhere on the FABUI
  • Added "Reset Controller" button on top bar (clickable from anywhere)
  • Merged pull requests #12 #15 #21
  • The module "Create" has been replace by the new module "Make" that groups the main functions of the FABtotum: Print - Mill - Scan


  • Module UI fully simplified and minified to permit fastest access


  • Module completly revamped with 3 new widgets
    • Development Blog Widget
    • Latest Twitter Widget
    • Latest Posts On Intagram Widget


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Probe Scan add "Test Area" function before starting the scan in order to make a better area selection
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Added feedrate input for Extruder Mode
  • Added Fan Off / Fan On buttons
  • Added "Read Config" button on MDI console that outputs command M503
  • On MDI console the number of executable lines has been reduced to maximum 10


  • All the UI interactions with the tables and the files has been improved in order to decrease number of clicks and increasing the speed of all operations
  • Add "Download" on bulk actions
  • Fixed bug on coping files from USB Disk


  • Added "Head" section in order to properly handle the change of heads


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Module updated in order to easily support the new ticket system


FABUI 0.9491 (hotfix) (17/11/2015)


  • Fixed feederate value on extrurder mode


FABUI 0.949 (16/11/2015)


  • Fixed override z height function during print process


FABUI 0.9485 (hotfix) (26/08/2015)


  • Fixed configuration file for hardware with version 3


FABUI 0.948 (hotfix) (21/08/2015)


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Fixed error that hides "Print" function on "Manage File" view


FABUI 0.9475 (hotfix) (21/08/2015)


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Fixed error on bed checking before starting sweep scan


FABUI 0.945 (hotfix) (20/08/2015)


  • Fixed error on manual extrusion button


FABUI 0.94 (19/08/2015)

GENERAL Out of the three first capabilities of the FABtotum, scanning option has always been difficult to be used. Results were not always reliable and satisfying. We worked hard on this as we wanted to offer you a better product. In the upcoming months we will focus even more to have you less stressed when postprocessing. Shapes will be less deformed, the camera is going to add colours and details to the final result. We will tell you more as soon as we have news and we will always update our development log on the forum as well.

The FABtotum hardware can be updated with addons and so on. The latest FABUI will check the hardware revision number (Saved in the Totumduino EEPROM) and will apply custom preferences, show or hide menu options etc.) You can set or view the hardware revision of the FABtotum by going to the MDI and looking up the Gcode M763 in the gcode table. This is pretty usefull if you want to change some components of the machine or if you follow the active project keeping the FABtotum up to date. This first step in revision numbering will be also used for the introduction of the Hybrid head v2.


  • Added photogrammetry Scanning module and Java Server: you can now scan an object and have the images stored on the PC/MAC/Linux running java (need java version 1.8). you can later use the images in a photogrammetry reconstruction software for textured results.
  • Fixed perspective distortion in Rotative Scan overall quality improvements.
  • Sweeping Laser Scanning is back and improved.
  • Overall Improvement in laser line recognition at low light conditions
  • Scan images are now Jpeg instead of PNGs: performance boost
  • Removed reconstruction button as this feature will be back in another form


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Modified "Advanced" tab for managing customs hardware settings
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Hide "Self Test" from menu
  • Minor bugfixes


FABUI 0.93 (hotfix) (14/07/2015)


  • Fixed php error showed on version 0.925


FABUI 0.925 (14/07/2015)


  • Modified boot script to manage hardware id
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Added keyboard shortcuts:
    • for XY use arrows
    • for Z use Page Down/Page Up


  • Improved user experience during uploading files process


  • Fixed engage feeder procedure


FABUI 0.91 (16/06/2015)


  • Added "Restart" button on top menu bar
  • Automated operations have been improved in speed and reliability.
  • Fixed wrong message and behavior on error code "110". This error code is now treated as an information alert


  • Modified Fan slider to set a min value equal to 50%


  • Fixed bug on folders navigation on USB Drives


  • Spool: improved load and unload spool procedure


FABUI 0.9 (08/06/2015)


  • Improved Apache configuration to optimize server perfomance
  • Removed some unnecessary services that consume memory
  • Added "Emergency Button" on the top bar to stop immediately all the running operation on the FABtotum
  • Moved "Plugins" and "Support" button from the top bar to the sidebar navigation menu


  • Added "Menu on Top" on layout settings


  • Cam Widget: improved widget to get more control of the RaspiCam


  • Corrected scan descriptions
  • Modified "Rotating Scan" quality parameters
  • Improved user experience that now take advantage of responsiveness of web sockets technology (where supported by the browser)


  • Added parmetric Z Height controller
  • Removed the information of the current layer during printing, it will be added back in future updates


  • Added bulk selection for bulk actions on table views


  • Added support for direct upload from Slic3r (by Tohara)
  • Added new new Feature: custom functions on hitting both Y or Z endstops (need firmware version: 1.0.008) (by Imarin2)
  • Added support for custom activate and deactivate methods for plugins (by Tohara)
  • Added new feature: configurable extruder steps per unit (by Imarin2)


FABUI 0.875 (17/03/2015)


  • Fixed bug which prevented the printing to start if was chosen auto bed leveling procedure for the calibration


  • Fixed blocked button on "Probe Calibration"


  • Fixed bug that did not properly update the progress bar during the updating task


FABUI 0.85 (13/03/2015)

GENERAL The primary focus has been improving the user experience by increasing the responsiveness of the application to user inputs as well as internal logging. Web Sockets have been added for leaner communication with the device, where supported by the browser. If the browser doesn't support Web Sockets, the old Ajax Json interaction mode has been provided for backward compatibility on older browsers. You can get a web socket compatibility list here: The Boot process, initially based on a cron event and a arbitrary timeout of 60 seconds, is now controlled by a init script that check whenever all the required services for the FAB UI are started or not. The unit ambient light will turn to it's default color only when the FAB UI is really accessible. This has also slightly reduced boot times and will avoid any instance when a service (e.g. Mysql) is not yet available. Improved in general user experience using the potential of the web socket

YOU HAVE TO RESTART THE FABTOTUM FOR APPLY THE NEW FEATURES In order to improve the machine performances some parameters will be updated


  • Minor bugfixes


  • Improved user experience that now take advantage of the changes outlined in the [General] Section. Overrides will respond faster and the lag between the input and the actual execution on the Totumduino controller is reduced as a result
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Added realtime temperature feedback (available only if supported by the browser)
  • Controls, console, functions and temperature will now response faster.
  • Improved user experience
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Optimized slicing presets
  • Fixed bug on uploading files from local or USB disk
  • Minor bugfixes


  • General: Added feeder disengage offset editable parameter
  • Minor bugfixes


FABUI 0.8 (26/01/2015)


  • Fixed reconstruction order and size
  • Increased postprocessing speed by changing the laser detection method<
  • Dynamic Brightness Treshold introduced
  • Minor works toward introduction of perspective correction and camera undistort algorithm


  • Improved user experience
  • Fixed ojects list on second page


  • Improved user experience


  • Added 2 new presets config for the slicing "PLA Generic" and "ABS Generic - Small pieces"
  • Added manual helper for the slicing parameters


  • Performed Load and Unload spool functions


  • General: Added selection switch, Left or Right, for homing (need firmware 1.0.007)


  • Minor bugfixes
  • Fixed bug on "Recovery Password" procedure


FABUI 0.75 (05/01/2015)


  • Added module SUPPORT
  • Improved recovery section for a better user experience


  • Fixed characters encoding on show list


  • Self Test: improved script on heating test


  • General : fixed issue on safety front door lock option (need firmware version 1.0.006)
  • Network : fixed some bugs on WI-FI connection. Now is possible to connect the FABtotum to an open wifi connection or to a WEP wifi connection

================================================================== FABUI 0.7 (04/12/2014)


  • Fixed end scan procedure
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Fixed wrong behavior of the wizard buttons after calling "Engage Feeder" procedure
  • Fixed additive print end procedure
  • Added Tips system during print. For example a tip message will appear if the print seems to start slowly
  • Fixed and improved some UI experience
  • Minor bugfixes


  • First Setup: fixed bug on bed leveling which prevented to continue with the wizard


  • General : added option (for experts users only) that permits to avoid safety front door lock (need firmware version 1.0.006)
  • Network : added ethernet static ip address configurator
  • Network : improved wifi network settings section. Avoided some ambiguous button behaviors

PLUGIN Realeased first beta version of "Plugin" module. With this first version is possible to upload and install a plugin


  • Minor bugfixes

================================================================== FABUI 0.655 (14/11/2014)

  • Fixed some missing plugins dependencies


  • added new feature to raise or lower the bed during printing (realtime z override)


  • moved "maintenance" from settings as a single module with its own menu
  • added calibration wizard for the first setup
  • all plugins and frameworks of the ui updated to their latest version
  • added twitter and instagram feeds on login


  • bed calibration: Bug "140 turns" fixed
  • added "4 axis" to disengage the extruder manually


  • manual: Improved mcode and gcode search


  • added memory optimization during rotative laserscanning
  • added dynamic z height correction during probing (drastically reduces probing times by adapting to the object height.)
  • corrected xy coordinates in the probing preparation menu


  • added "pixels smash" theme skin
  • added "glass" theme skin
  • added new layouts: Fixed header - fixed navigation - fixed ribbon - fixed footer


  • [devs] added macro simulator to simulate actions from the macro python script
  • added "eth config" to manually change the dhcp server address in lan mode.


FABUI 0.64 (23/10/2014)


  • Maintenance: added "Bed Calibration" procedure: now you can level the plane for an optimal printing conditions


  • Fixed erratic behaviour preparing mill
  • Fixed and improved "Stop" print function


  • Added STL file viewer


  • Implemented emergency error codes description
  • Fixed emergency dialog


FABUI 0.635 (20/10/2014)


  • Fixed an annoying bug that it was setting relative mode on movements


FABUI 0.63 (17/10/2014)


  • Fixed bug on finalizing procedure


  • Improved mill preparation procedure (more instructions, possibility to set steps and feedrate on jog)


  • Improved and optimized GCode execution


  • Added functionality for uploading, removing, saving and download slicer config files on "Slicing" section


  • Fixed sidebar menu vulnerability
  • Improved re-installation procedure
  • Added error 404 page handler
  • Renamed "Marlin Firmware" to "FABlin Firmware"
  • Improved "Engage Feeder" instructions


FABUI 0.62 (09/10/2014)

SETTINGS - Maintenance - Probe Calibration

  • Added Fine probe calibration procedure


  • Optimized GCode (faster print start)
  • nozzle and heated bed will start heating before printing to reduce waits
  • heated bed check control moved to warning level. If heating is required it will


  • sweep mode disabled until next geometry fix
  • more instructions on probe mode
  • fixed an instance where the rotating laser scanner triggered the emergency mode
  • fixed an instance where the Z-probe could crash on the platform


  • updated the default slic3r configs with newer and improved versions
  • updated the Marvin sample gcode on newer installations
  • fixed a bug with subtractive file recognition
  • added a sample bracelet
  • minor bugfixes
  • added "Request a feature" button
  • added "Report a bug" button
