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Simone C edited this page May 4, 2018 · 5 revisions

FABtotum add-ons

Add-on IDs from 0 to 99 are reserved for FABtotum products. At present the following are recognized and officially supported:

ID Name Working mode
1 Hybrid Head 0 (Hybrid)
2 Printing Head 1 (FFF)
3 Milling Head 3 (CNC)
4 Laser Head 2 (Laser)
6 Printing Head PRO 1 (FFF)
7 Laser Head PRO 2 (Laser)

Third party add-ons

Third party add-ons can be identified with IDs from 100 to 255.

Add-on installation

FABtotum add-ons should always be installed by the UI to guarantee proper initialization.

In general the correct procedure to change add-ons is:

  1. Disable current add-ons: M793 S0. All relevant IO pins will be disabled.
  2. Possibly remove installed add-ons, head or bed.
  3. Physically install new add-ons.
  4. Set a convenient working mode with M450 Sxx.
  5. Set an add-on ID with M793 Sxx.
  6. Configure firmware.

Add-on documentation

For each supported add-on the following information is given. Developers of custom add-ons are encouraged to follow this layout when documenting their creation. Popular third-party add-ons may be included in FABlin wiki as a reference and as example of custom add-on development.


Column Meaning
# Arduino pin number
FABlin pin Pin name in FABlin source code
HW func MCU subsystem enabled for the pin
dir Pin direction (wrt MCU):
← signal input
→ signal output
⇒ power output
HDB name Pin name on HDB silkscreen
Application Add-on function linked to the pin

Base configuration

Property Value
Working mode Working mode number
Add-on ID Add-on ID

Hardwired configuration

For proprietary add-ons: Snippet of hardwired add-on configuration from firmware source code

Custom configuration

Additional configuration required

  • For proprietary add-ons this is usally included in hard-wired add-on configuration and enforced or overridden by FABUI.
  • For third-party add-ons this must be input manually or saved into a custom add-on profile on FABUI.