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area: AI
area: AI
related to AI functions
area: Audio
area: Audio
area: automated testing
area: automated testing
related to automated testing of Lua files
area: balance idea
area: balance idea
related to suggestions for unit balance
area: balance
area: balance
related to units balance
area: changelog management
area: changelog management
related to (automated) management of changelogs
area: code style
area: code style
code refactoring
area: coop
area: coop
change impacting coop
area: engine
area: engine
related to engine bugs/limitations
area: graphics
area: graphics
Anything Related to the Game Graphics
area: lobby
area: lobby
related to lobby: options, chat, etc
area: nav-mesh
area: nav-mesh
related to navigational mesh
area: pbr
area: pbr
Anything related to PBR Graphics
area: requires engine patch
area: requires engine patch
related to the engine and no effective workaround is known in Lua
area: sim
area: sim
Area that is affected by the Simulation of the Game
area: tooling
area: tooling
area: ui
area: ui
Anything to do with the User Interface of the Game
area: unit categories
area: unit categories
related to unit categories defined in the blueprint files
area: unit-blueprint
area: unit-blueprint
related to issues in unit blueprints (*_unit.bp)
area: unit-restrictions
area: unit-restrictions
related to system of unit restriction in the lobby options
Don't Merge until removed
experimental! do not release
experimental! do not release
For features that need further evaluation after testing on fafdevelop
feature: achievements
feature: achievements
related to the achievements that people can achieve in the client
feature: anti projectile weaponry
feature: anti projectile weaponry
related to torpedo and tactical defense weapons
feature: assist-to side effects
feature: assist-to side effects
related to side effects to assisting units
feature: capping of structures
feature: capping of structures
related to assist-to-cap a structure functionality
feature: collision shapes
feature: collision shapes
related to (manipulation of) collision boxes
feature: construction blocking props
feature: construction blocking props
related to props being able to block construction
feature: context-based templates
feature: context-based templates
related to context-based templates functionality