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Pedestrian Navigation Example

This example implements a FLAME GPU 2 copy of the original FLAME GPU 1 pedestrian navigation example.

It provides a demonstration of keyframe animated agents and user interfaces, visible in this video.


Building FLAME GPU has the following requirements. There are also optional dependencies which are required for some components, such as Documentation or Python bindings.

  • CMake >= 3.18
  • CUDA >= 11.0 and a Compute Capability >= 3.5 NVIDIA GPU.
    • CUDA >= 10.0 currently works, but support will be removed in a future release.
  • C++17 capable C++ compiler (host), compatible with the installed CUDA version
  • git


  • cpplint for linting code
  • Doxygen to build the documentation
  • Python >= 3.6 for python integration
  • swig >= 4.0.2 for python integration
    • Swig 4.x will be automatically downloaded by CMake if not provided (if possible).
  • FLAMEGPU2-visualiser dependencies
    • SDL
    • GLM (consistent C++/GLSL vector maths functionality)
    • GLEW (GL extension loader)
    • FreeType (font loading)
    • DevIL (image loading)
    • Fontconfig (Linux only, font detection)

Building with CMake

Building via CMake is a three step process, with slight differences depending on your platform.

  1. Create a build directory for an out-of tree build
  2. Configure CMake into the build directory
    • Using the CMake GUI or CLI tools
    • Specifying build options such as the CUDA Compute Capabilities to target, the inclusion of Visualisation or Python components, or performance impacting features such as SEATBELTS. See CMake Configuration Options for details of the available configuration options
  3. Build compilation targets using the configured build system


To build under Linux using the command line, you can perform the following steps.

For example, to configure CMake for Release builds, for consumer Pascal GPUs (Compute Capability 61), with python bindings enabled, producing the static library and boids_bruteforce example binary.

# Create the build directory and change into it
mkdir -p build && cd build

# Configure CMake from the command line passing configure-time options. 
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCUDA_ARCH=61

# Build the target(s)
cmake --build . --target all -j 8

# Alternatively make can be invoked directly
make flamegpu all -j8


Under Windows, you must instruct CMake on which Visual Studio and architecture to build for, using the CMake -A and -G options. This can be done through the GUI or the CLI.

I.e. to configure CMake for consumer Pascal GPUs (Compute Capability 61), with python bindings enabled, and build the producing the static library and boids_bruteforce example binary in the Release configuration:

REM Create the build directory 
mkdir build
cd build

REM Configure CMake from the command line, specifying the -A and -G options. Alternatively use the GUI
cmake .. -A x64 -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCUDA_ARCH=61

REM You can then open Visual Studio manually from the .sln file, or via:
cmake --open . 
REM Alternatively, build from the command line specifying the build configuration
cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD --verbose

CMake Configuration Options

Option Value Description
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release/Debug Select the build configuration for single-target generators such as make
SEATBELTS ON/OFF Enable / Disable additional runtime checks which harm performance but increase usability. Default ON
CUDA_ARCH "52 60 70 80" Select CUDA Compute Capabilities to build/optimise for, as a space or ; separated list. Defaults to ""
VISUALISATION ON/OFF Enable Visualisation. Default OFF.
VISUALISATION_ROOT path/to/vis Provide a path to a local copy of the FLAMEGPU/FLAMEGPU2-visualiser repository
USE_NVTX ON/OFF Enable NVTX markers for improved profiling. Default OFF
WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS ON/OFF Promote compiler/tool warnings to errors are build time. Default OFF
FLAMEGPU_VERSION v2.0.0-alpha.2 Git tag or commit hash of the FLAMEGPU/FLAMEGPU2 repository to be fetched
FLAMEGPU_ROOT path/to/FLAMEGPU2 Path to local copy of FLAMEGPU/FLAMEGPU2, to be used rather than fetching from github during CMake configuration. Use -DFLAMEGPU_ROOT= to revert to fetching from GitHub.

See the FLAMEGPU/FLAMEGPU2 Readme for a full list of CMake options for the main repository.

For a list of available CMake configuration options, run the following from the build directory:

cmake -LH ..

Available Targets

Target Description
all Linux target containing default set of targets, including everything but the documentation and lint targets
ALL_BUILD The windows equivalent of all
all_lint Run all available Linter targets
example The example target created by the CMakeLists.txt in the root of this repository
lint_example Lint the example target.
flamegpu Build the FLAME GPU static library
docs The FLAME GPU API documentation (if available)

For a full list of available targets, run the following after configuring CMake:

cmake --build . --target help


FLAME GPU 2 version of the Pedestrian Navigation example from FLAME GPU 1







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