This is code I wrote for the following project:
Traffic sign classification is the process of automatically recognizing traffic signs along the road, including speed limit signs, yield signs, merge signs, etc. Being able to automatically recognize traffic signs enables us to build “smarter cars”.
Self-driving cars need traffic sign recognition in order to properly parse and understand the roadway. Similarly, “driver alert” systems inside cars need to understand the roadway around them to help aid and protect drivers.
Traffic sign recognition is just one of the problems that computer vision and deep learning can solve.
The dataset used to train and test this deep neural network is German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB).It can be downloaded from Create a new folder in teh project root called data and place the extracted dataset there.
run these commands install all the dependencies:
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install numpy
pip install scikit-learn
pip install scikit-image
pip install imutils
pip install matplotlib
pip install tensorflow==2.0.0 # or tensorflow-gpu
Open a command promt and run the command below: python --dataset gtsrb-german-traffic-sign --model output/trafficsignnet.model --plot output/plot.png
Open up a terminal and execute the following command: python --model output/trafficsignnet.model --images gtsrb-german-traffic-sign/Test --examples examples If you want to test the model on custom images, set the --images argument to the path of the images. After testing, the scipt will save randomly chosen examples in the --examples path