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Image Processing Project by Team Teriri

Propose Level of Achievement:

Apollo 11

Project LOG:

Sir this way→PROJECT LOG

User Manual:

Sir this way→USER MANUAL

Project scope:

We aim to deliver a standalone PC application, PIXIE, capable of processing image inputs initially in normal art forms, to pixel art outputs exhibiting characteristics of the user image, to assist game developers in creating content for non-profitable purposes.

Pixie will provide 2 different modes of conversion to deal with common usage conditions.

Mode 1 - First Degree Conversion. Under this setting, the generated pixelated outputs will largely preserve image details. Pixelation will focus on handling the input image’s outlines and reducing colour steps, so as to resemble the basic characteristics of pixel art creations. Technical focuses under this pillar will be the use of image-processing libraries, particularly to accurately locate character outlines through the use of colour gradient functions and by merging neighbouring pixels to increase overall pixel size through image resizing. Considering the good preservation of details in this conversion, end outputs will be especially useful in pixel game dialogues and menu presentations.

Mode 1 Effect

Mode 2 - Final Degree Conversion. In this mode, Pixie will aim to map the user input onto our program’s general character template. To establish this, Pixie will rely on the use of AI (with Stable Diffusion as the linkage platform between the image and an AI model) to accurately lift out and collect information on important areas of the input figure (eye colour, hair type etc.) Afterwards, these key areas are then simplified and pixelated accordingly to be mapped onto our template with the help of a trained AI model, so as to produce a specialised output template with reference to the user input. Technical focuses under this conversion will be the utilisation of Stable Diffusion to produce the end product, as well as back-end linking of the platform to our software to ensure users will be able to complete all operations by only our program’s UI. Ideally, the simplified and easily made-to-move nature of end products under this conversion will be very suitable in actual gameplay presentations.

Mode 2 Effect

However, as a result of the lack of suitable training resources, the outcome achieved while establishing the goal of a standard template was rather unacceptable in actual rendering. Thus, our team decided to instead change our course of development to rendering character head portraits of a standard size. The image of the character depicted in the converted portrait will still take reference of the characteristics of the image input, but now not necessarily always resulting in the same posture. This not only largely reduce our project's workload in terms of adjustments, but still to a great extent fulfill our original intent of helping game developers as dialogue portraits is also another major source of art demand in game development.

System Organisation and General Program Flow

System Organistaion

System Diagram

General Program Flow


Core features established

First-degree-conversion algorithms

A crucial step to completing first-degree conversion is being able to identify the outline of the image. Previously, our group utilised Laplacian Operators in the generation of the image’s grayscale gradient map. This was a rather convenient method, as the Opencv Lib had provided direct methods for the Operator, allowing users to be able to straightforwardly obtain a usable gradient approximation just by calling its inbuilt methods.

Fig 3.1.1

However, after numerous test trials, we realised that image outputs generated by this method are not exactly ideal. Outputs often suffer from the issue of having their edges identified way lesser than actual. This causes edge darkening algorithms that come after to inaccurately process the outlining areas, showing unacceptable instances where: 1) Supposedly consecutive darkening areas breaking apart. 2) Certain lines were completely omitted in processing. After intensive research, we found that Laplacian Operators are actually obtaining estimates of the second derivatives of changes in pixel colours of an image in cartesian coordinates. It has high tolerances towards changes in colour gradient, specialising in only capturing abrupt changes in the image’s colour.


Though this could be ideal in cases where high sensitivity of the algorithm is required (E.g. Identifying words from a document picture), for our purpose, especially when there is generally high contrast between the background colours and the outlines, such methods may instead have a negative effect and bring out a less accurate depiction of the image outlines.


(Credits to:

Being fully aware of this difference, we decided to switch to the counterparts of Laplacian Operators: Sobel Operators as it has a much desirable accuracy in identifying the outline of the image for our purpose. As this method instead initiates a 2-D spatial gradient measurement in the detection of edges, the overall change in gradient will have to further perform Pythagoras theorem on calculated gradients in the x and y axis directions.



UI design

Originally, our team implemented PySimpleGUI as our choice of UI library. Though having the nature of being rather easy-to-start and convenient in rendering different UI sectors, we soon find the library to be a lacking choice of UI designing tool.

First of all, PySimpleGUI offers very little customisation choices. Despite it having a considerably large number of themes to choose from, most of them are only oriented amongst the change of colour. This largely limits the room for advanced customisation in intermediate UI designs, fundamentally restricting our program’s improvements on user visuals.

Secondly, PySimpleGUI is wired such that it has poor sector organisation. Different elements in a UI (E.g. Text, Button, etc) are treated as a single element and mapped onto the general frame. This results in rather tedious editing processes when it comes to editing all elements in the same organisation sector (E.g. the control panel in general), where separate changes will have to be done to all these individual elements to ensure a common UI style.

Lastly, PySimpleGUI does not offer flexible styles of layout. The coding of element layouts has to come in their actual reading order, and changes made to a single element (E.g. Changing the length of a text element) could entirely mess up the user interface due to the absence of further adjustments to the layout padding. This creates numerous inconveniences especially in the development phase, as new ideas are being consistently added in and changes to spacing have to be made to ensure the interface remains reasonable.

Being aware of such drawbacks, our team actively sought for an alternative amidst our development of the UI interface. As a return to our efforts, we find the ttkbootstrap module, developed based on the widely praised Python UI design library tkinter, to be a much better choice for our purposes.

Firstly, ttkbootstrap provides evident changes to the system UI as the theme changes. This not only ranges from the color setting of basic elements but also extends to the more subtle aspects of a software UI such as the contrast between a sector colour and the overall background colour. This makes design variations in UI development using python tremendously diverse as compared to using PySimpleGUI, thus facilitating more room for our continued refinement of system UI.


Furthermore, ttkbootstrap introduces the concept of parent and child UI frames. The function of parent frames is identical to the purpose of a mainframe in PySimpleGUI, however, the concept of child frames allows users to have an extra step forward to unite all linking elements into a single sector, allowing possible operations of uniformly changing the UI style of an entire sector to occur.


Finally, ttkbootstraps entirely shifts from coding solely based on the reading sequence of elements to flexible coding. With the introduction of useful layout management methods such as pack() and grid(), users are able to organised the arrangement of sectors based on useful settings (such as grid coordinates) and place different portions of the software into the menu like a jigsaw puzzle, largely eliminating the possibility of obtaining the wrong element sequence due to the execution sequence of the code. On top of that, the layout of the UI also response instantaneously by taking into account the size of neighbouring sectors. This effectively avoids changes in a different sector messing up the whole layout, effectively reducing the workload for programmers to especially pay attention to padding.


The transition from PySimpleGUI to ttkbootstrap brings a paradigm shift to our program development, as it also marks an architecture change from function-based procedural programming to Object-Oriented procedural programming. With the foundation of the structure being set in this stage, future improvements on UI will be easily adapted to the system.

Final-Degree-Conversion Algorithm

A common way to utilise stable diffusion in image processing is through the use of StableDiffusionWebUI. However, as our team aims for a fully self-directed approach, the back-end manipulation of the system is most crucial in our implementation. In our attempt, we manage to set up the stable diffusion model with the help of the Diffusers Lib's pipeline feature. The pixel style and general posture(front/side view, with only the upper body visible to resemble the characteristics of portraits) is then regulated with the help of a LORA model, which provides consistencies to the image outputs. During our version of implementation, the LORA model is loaded to our Stable Diffusion base model with the help of Diffusers, where a varaible, alpha, fundamentally determines the degree of the LORA model's weight on the standard model, hence quantifying the influence done.

Identifying key characteristics in the image is also particularly tricky, as having an accurately trained identification model will necessarily require a considerablely large amount of time and training resources. In our implementation, tagging of these characteristics were made possible with the help of the DeepDanbooru Lib. The reason behind choosing the system was that it not only has high compatablity with the text2img module of Stable Diffusion, but also has readily trained dataset which could be called for evluation with only a single line of command.

Course of project

Compeleted(as of 11 Aug)

  • Establish a functioning General Interface
  • Establish a functioning First-Degree-Conversion(FDC1) Interface
  • Establish First-Degree-Conversion of basic pixelation functions
  • Establish a functioning Final-Degree-Conversion(FDC2) Interface
  • Establish Final-Degree-Conversion of in-depth pixelation functions resembling key characteristics
  • Establish interactive visual designs in UI
  • General Debugging(Improvement of output quality, compatability with systems etc.)

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-Stable Diffusion

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