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Ryosuke Asano edited this page Sep 13, 2023 · 11 revisions

Floorp Source Tree Documentation


Floorp is an open source web browser. All patches provided by Floorp that make up the Floorp functionality are licensed under MPL2.0.

Also, components created by third parties are redistributed in accordance with the open source project license used. However, please note that some components may download the file when Floorp needs and may not be included in the source code. The open source project used can be confirmed from about:license or

NOTE: These pages are for contibutors. If you want to try Floorp, please download the latest version from here.

For code contributors

Contributing to Floorp with patches

Getting Started

How do I report a bug?

If you find a bug or security vulnerability, please report it to issue or security as soon as possible.

Floorp Source Tree Documentation


Developers Documentation

For code contributors

coming soon...

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