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Collection of all my configuration files, managed using GNU stow.



distro Arch Linux
shell zsh
terminal st
wm dwm
launcher dmenu
editor neovim
browser Firefox
font JetBrains Mono
colors darcula


git clone --recurse-submodules ~/.dotfiles


Get GNU stow

sudo pacman -S stow or sudo apt install stow


cd ~/.dotfiles
# the contents (dotfiles) of these directories are symlinked to ~/
stow xorg zsh

cd ~/.dotfiles/config
# create symlinks in the target directory ~/.config
stow -t ~/.config dunst nvim ranger

To remove:

cd ~/.dotfiles
stow -D zsh

cd ~/.dotfiles/config
stow -t ~/.config -D ranger

Note: you can use an alias like stowc='stow -t ~/.config' to manage ~/.dotfiles/config

suckless good

I use some suckless software which I forked and added as a submodules to this repository. The forked repositories come with some added patches which I personally like. Dependencies for building this software are make and a C compiler.

cd ~/.dotfiles/suckless/dwm

This will create a config.h which you can modify to your liking. Install with: sudo make clean install.

Or you can switch to a branch which already contains a config.h


If you use my xorg configuration there will be a .xinitrc which starts dwm when you run startx. This .xinitrc also looks for a file ~/.startup_local, which is executed when found. Use this script to auto start any programs you like, for example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

xsetroot -solid '#504945'

dunst &
redshift &
. ~/.dotfiles/suckless/ -c -t -m -d -h &


My nvim configuration is a separate repository added as submodule. It is not compatible anymore with vim since it is (partly) written in lua.

power tools

Some tools I like:

  1. nvim
  2. fzf
  3. rg
  4. fd
  5. bat
  6. exa
  7. thefuck