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Merge pull request #38 from FourierFlows/GPUfyBarotropicQG
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GPUify the BarotropicQG module
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navidcy committed Jan 16, 2020
2 parents fe11fec + c5d1bd8 commit 975d0d6
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Showing 6 changed files with 178 additions and 212 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ matrix:
- julia: nightly

- julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Coverage"); import GeophysicalFlows; joinpath(dirname(pathof(GeophysicalFlows)), ".."); using Coverage; Coveralls.submit(Coveralls.process_folder());'
- julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Coverage"); import GeophysicalFlows; joinpath(dirname(pathof(GeophysicalFlows)), ".."); using Coverage; Codecov.submit(Codecov.process_folder())'
# after_success:
# - julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Coverage"); import GeophysicalFlows; joinpath(dirname(pathof(GeophysicalFlows)), ".."); using Coverage; Coveralls.submit(Coveralls.process_folder());'
# - julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Coverage"); import GeophysicalFlows; joinpath(dirname(pathof(GeophysicalFlows)), ".."); using Coverage; Codecov.submit(Codecov.process_folder())'

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ JLD2 = "≥ 0.1.2"
julia = "≥ 1.0.0"

Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Coverage = "a2441757-f6aa-5fb2-8edb-039e3f45d037"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

test = ["Test", "Coverage"]
194 changes: 90 additions & 104 deletions src/barotropicqg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -22,13 +22,6 @@ using LinearAlgebra: mul!, ldiv!
using FourierFlows: getfieldspecs, structvarsexpr, parsevalsum, parsevalsum2

abstract type BarotropicQGVars <: AbstractVars end
abstract type BarotropicQGForcedVars <: BarotropicQGVars end

const realscalarvars = [:U]
const physicalvars = [:q, :zeta, :psi, :u, :v]
const transformvars = [ Symbol(var, :h) for var in physicalvars ]
const forcedvars = [:Fqh]
const stochforcedvars = [:prevsol]

nothingfunction(args...) = nothing

Expand All @@ -40,91 +33,77 @@ Construct a BarotropicQG turbulence problem.

function Problem(;
# Numerical parameters
nx = 256,
Lx = 2π,
ny = nx,
Ly = Lx,
dt = 0.01,
# Physical parameters
f0 = 1.0,
beta = 0.0,
eta = nothing,
# Drag and/or hyper-/hypo-viscosity
nu = 0.0,
nnu = 1,
mu = 0.0,
# Timestepper and eqn options
stepper = "RK4",
calcFU = nothingfunction,
calcFq = nothingfunction,
stochastic = false,
T = Float64)
nx = 256,
Lx = 2π,
ny = nx,
Ly = Lx,
dt = 0.01,
# Physical parameters
f0 = 1.0,
β = 0.0,
eta = nothing,
# Drag and/or hyper-/hypo-viscosity
ν = 0.0,
= 1,
μ = 0.0,
# Timestepper and eqn options
stepper = "RK4",
calcFU = nothingfunction,
calcFq = nothingfunction,
stochastic = false,
T = Float64,
dev = CPU())

# the grid
gr = TwoDGrid(nx, Lx, ny, Ly; T=T)
gr = TwoDGrid(dev, nx, Lx, ny, Ly; T=T)
x, y = gridpoints(gr)

# topographic PV
if eta==nothing
eta = 0*x
etah = rfft(eta)
eta = zeros(dev, T, (nx, ny))

if typeof(eta)!=Array{T, 2} #this is true if eta was passes in Problem as a function
pr = Params(gr, f0, beta, eta, mu, nu, nnu, calcFU, calcFq)
pr = Params{T}(f0, beta, eta, rfft(eta), mu, nu, nnu, calcFU, calcFq)
pr = !(typeof(eta)<:ArrayType(dev)) ? Params(gr, f0, β, eta, μ, ν, nν, calcFU, calcFq) : Params(f0, β, eta, rfft(eta), μ, ν, nν, calcFU, calcFq)

if calcFq == nothingfunction && calcFU == nothingfunction
vs = Vars(gr)
if stochastic == false
vs = ForcedVars(gr)
elseif stochastic == true
vs = StochasticForcedVars(gr)
vs = (calcFq == nothingfunction && calcFU == nothingfunction) ? Vars(dev, gr) : (stochastic ? StochasticForcedVars(dev, gr) : ForcedVars(dev, gr))

eq = Equation(pr, gr)
FourierFlows.Problem(eq, stepper, dt, gr, vs, pr)
FourierFlows.Problem(eq, stepper, dt, gr, vs, pr, dev)

InitialValueProblem(; kwargs...) = Problem(; kwargs...)
ForcedProblem(; kwargs...) = Problem(; kwargs...)

# ----------
# Parameters
# ----------

Params(g::TwoDGrid, f0, beta, FU, eta, mu, nu, nnu, calcFU, calcFq)
Params(g::TwoDGrid, f0, β, FU, eta, μ, ν, nν, calcFU, calcFq)
Returns the params for an unforced two-dimensional barotropic QG problem.
struct Params{T} <: AbstractParams
f0::T # Constant planetary vorticity
beta::T # Planetary vorticity y-gradient
eta::Array{T,2} # Topographic PV
etah::Array{Complex{T},2} # FFT of Topographic PV
mu::T # Linear drag
nu::T # Viscosity coefficient
nnu::Int # Hyperviscous order (nnu=1 is plain old viscosity)
calcFU::Function # Function that calculates the forcing F(t) on
# domain-averaged zonal flow U(t)
calcFq!::Function # Function that calculates the forcing on QGPV q
struct Params{T, Aphys, Atrans} <: AbstractParams
f0 :: T # Constant planetary vorticity
β :: T # Planetary vorticity y-gradient
eta :: Aphys # Topographic PV
etah :: Atrans # FFT of Topographic PV
μ :: T # Linear drag
ν :: T # Viscosity coefficient
:: Int # Hyperviscous order (=1 is plain old viscosity)
calcFU :: Function # Function that calculates the forcing F(t) on
# domain-averaged zonal flow U(t)
calcFq! :: Function # Function that calculates the forcing on QGPV q

Params(g::TwoDGrid, f0, beta, eta::Function, mu, nu, nnu, calcFU, calcFq)
Params(g::TwoDGrid, f0, β, eta::Function, μ, ν, nν, calcFU, calcFq)
Constructor for Params that accepts a generating function for the topographic PV.
function Params(g::AbstractGrid{T}, f0, beta, eta::Function, mu, nu, nnu, calcFU, calcFq) where T
x, y = gridpoints(g)
etagrid = eta(x, y)
etah = rfft(etagrid)
Params{T}(f0, beta, etagrid, etah, mu, nu, nnu, calcFU, calcFq)
function Params(g::AbstractGrid{T, A}, f0, β, eta::Function, μ, ν, nν::Int, calcFU, calcFq) where {T, A}
etagrid = A([eta(g.x[i], g.y[j]) for i=1:g.nx, j=1:g.ny])
etah = rfft(etagrid)
Params(f0, β, etagrid, etah, μ, ν, nν, calcFU, calcFq)

Expand All @@ -137,8 +116,8 @@ end
Returns the equation for two-dimensional barotropic QG problem with params p and grid g.
function Equation(p::Params, g::AbstractGrid{T}) where T
L = @. -*g.Krsq^p.nnu + im*p.beta**g.invKrsq
function Equation(p::Params, g::AbstractGrid)
L = @. - p.μ - p.ν*g.Krsq^p. + im*p.β**g.invKrsq
L[1, 1] = 0
FourierFlows.Equation(L, calcN!, g)
Expand All @@ -148,52 +127,59 @@ end
# Vars
# ----

varspecs = cat(
getfieldspecs(realscalarvars, :(Array{T,0})),
getfieldspecs(physicalvars, :(Array{T,2})),
getfieldspecs(transformvars, :(Array{Complex{T},2})),

forcedvarspecs = cat(varspecs, getfieldspecs(forcedvars, :(Array{Complex{T},2})), dims=1)
stochforcedvarspecs = cat(forcedvarspecs, getfieldspecs(stochforcedvars, :(Array{Complex{T},2})), dims=1)
struct Vars{Ascalar, Aphys, Atrans, F, P} <: BarotropicQGVars
U :: Ascalar
q :: Aphys
zeta :: Aphys
psi :: Aphys
u :: Aphys
v :: Aphys
qh :: Atrans
zetah :: Atrans
psih :: Atrans
uh :: Atrans
vh :: Atrans
Fqh :: F
prevsol :: P

# Construct Vars types
eval(structvarsexpr(:Vars, varspecs; parent=:BarotropicQGVars))
eval(structvarsexpr(:ForcedVars, forcedvarspecs; parent=:BarotropicQGForcedVars))
eval(structvarsexpr(:StochasticForcedVars, stochforcedvarspecs; parent=:BarotropicQGForcedVars))
const ForcedVars = Vars{<:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, Nothing}
const StochasticForcedVars = Vars{<:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray, <:AbstractArray}

Vars(dev, g)
Returns the vars for unforced two-dimensional barotropic QG problem with grid g.
Returns the vars for unforced two-dimensional barotropic QG problem on device dev and with grid g.
function Vars(g::AbstractGrid{T}) where T
U = Array{T,0}(undef, ); U[] = 0
@createarrays T (g.nx, g.ny) q u v psi zeta
@createarrays Complex{T} (g.nkr, qh uh vh psih zetah
Vars(U, q, zeta, psi, u, v, qh, zetah, psih, uh, vh)
function Vars(dev::Dev, g::AbstractGrid{T}) where {Dev, T}
U = ArrayType(dev, T, 0)(undef, ); U[] = 0
@devzeros Dev T (g.nx, g.ny) q u v psi zeta
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (g.nkr, qh uh vh psih zetah
Vars(U, q, zeta, psi, u, v, qh, zetah, psih, uh, vh, nothing, nothing)

ForcedVars(dev, g)
Returns the vars for forced two-dimensional barotropic QG problem with grid g.
Returns the vars for forced two-dimensional barotropic QG problem on device dev and with grid g.
function ForcedVars(g::AbstractGrid{T}) where T
v = Vars(g)
Fqh = zeros(Complex{T}, (g.nkr,
ForcedVars(getfield.(Ref(v), fieldnames(typeof(v)))..., Fqh)
function ForcedVars(dev::Dev, g::AbstractGrid{T}) where {Dev, T}
U = ArrayType(dev, T, 0)(undef, ); U[] = 0
@devzeros Dev T (g.nx, g.ny) q u v psi zeta
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (g.nkr, qh uh vh psih zetah Fqh
Vars(U, q, zeta, psi, u, v, qh, zetah, psih, uh, vh, Fqh, nothing)

StochasticForcedVars(dev, g)
Returns the vars for stochastically forced two-dimensional barotropic QG problem with grid g.
Returns the vars for stochastically forced two-dimensional barotropic QG problem on device dev and with grid g.
function StochasticForcedVars(g::AbstractGrid{T}) where T
v = ForcedVars(g)
prevsol = zeros(Complex{T}, (g.nkr,
StochasticForcedVars(getfield.(Ref(v), fieldnames(typeof(v)))..., prevsol)
function StochasticForcedVars(dev::Dev, g::AbstractGrid{T}) where {Dev, T}
U = ArrayType(dev, T, 0)(undef, ); U[] = 0
@devzeros Dev T (g.nx, g.ny) q u v psi zeta
@devzeros Dev Complex{T} (g.nkr, qh uh vh psih zetah Fqh prevsol
Vars(U, q, zeta, psi, u, v, qh, zetah, psih, uh, vh, Fqh, prevsol)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,7 +287,7 @@ function set_zeta!(sol, v::Vars, p, g, zeta)

function set_zeta!(sol, v::BarotropicQGForcedVars, p, g, zeta)
function set_zeta!(sol, v::Union{ForcedVars, StochasticForcedVars}, p, g, zeta)
v.U[] = deepcopy(sol[1, 1])
mul!(v.zetah, g.rfftplan, zeta)
v.zetah[1, 1] = 0.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,18 +343,18 @@ meanenergy(prob) = real(0.5*prob.sol[1, 1].^2)
Returns the enstrophy of the domain-averaged U.
meanenstrophy(prob) = real(prob.params.beta*prob.sol[1, 1])
meanenstrophy(prob) = real(prob.params.β*prob.sol[1, 1])

dissipation(s, v, p, g)
Returns the domain-averaged dissipation rate. nnu must be >= 1.
Returns the domain-averaged dissipation rate. must be >= 1.
@inline function dissipation(sol, v, p, g)
@. v.uh = g.Krsq^(p.nnu-1) * abs2(sol)
@. v.uh = g.Krsq^(p.-1) * abs2(sol)
v.uh[1, 1] = 0*g.Ly)*parsevalsum(v.uh, g)
p.ν/(g.Lx*g.Ly)*parsevalsum(v.uh, g)

@inline dissipation(prob) = dissipation(prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,12 +382,12 @@ end
drag(s, v, p, g)
Returns the extraction of domain-averaged energy by drag mu.
Returns the extraction of domain-averaged energy by drag μ.
@inline function drag(sol, v, p, g)
@. v.uh = g.Krsq^(-1) * abs2(sol)
v.uh[1, 1] = 0*g.Ly)*FourierFlows.parsevalsum(v.uh, g)
p.μ/(g.Lx*g.Ly)*FourierFlows.parsevalsum(v.uh, g)

@inline drag(prob) = drag(prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid)
Expand Down
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ devices = (CPU(),)
const rtol_lambdipole = 1e-2 # tolerance for lamb dipole tests
const rtol_multilayerqg = 1e-13 # tolerance for multilayerqg forcing tests
const rtol_twodturb = 1e-13 # tolerance for twodturb forcing tests
const rtol_barotropicQG = 1e-13 # tolerance for twodturb forcing tests

"Get the CFL number, assuming a uniform grid with `dx=dy`."
cfl(u, v, dt, dx) = maximum([maximum(abs.(u)), maximum(abs.(v))]*dt/dx)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,32 +55,31 @@ for dev in devices
@test TwoDTurb.nothingfunction() == nothing

@testset "BarotropicQG" begin

@test test_bqg_rossbywave("ETDRK4", 1e-2, 20, dev)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("FilteredETDRK4", 1e-2, 20, dev)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("RK4", 1e-2, 20, dev)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("FilteredRK4", 1e-2, 20, dev)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("AB3", 1e-3, 200, dev)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("FilteredAB3", 1e-3, 200, dev)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("ForwardEuler", 1e-4, 2000, dev)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("FilteredForwardEuler", 1e-4, 2000, dev)
@test test_bqg_stochasticforcingbudgets(dev)
@test test_bqg_deterministicforcingbudgets(dev)
@test test_bqg_advection(0.0005, "ForwardEuler", dev)
@test test_bqg_formstress(0.01, "ForwardEuler", dev)
@test test_bqg_energyenstrophy(dev)
@test test_bqg_meanenergyenstrophy(dev)
@test BarotropicQG.nothingfunction() == nothing


println("rest of tests only on CPU")

@testset "BarotropicQG" begin

@test test_bqg_rossbywave("ETDRK4", 1e-2, 20)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("FilteredETDRK4", 1e-2, 20)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("RK4", 1e-2, 20)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("FilteredRK4", 1e-2, 20)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("AB3", 1e-3, 200)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("FilteredAB3", 1e-3, 200)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("ForwardEuler", 1e-4, 2000)
@test test_bqg_rossbywave("FilteredForwardEuler", 1e-4, 2000)
@test test_bqg_stochasticforcingbudgets()
@test test_bqg_deterministicforcingbudgets()
@test test_bqg_advection(0.0005, "ForwardEuler")
@test test_bqg_formstress(0.01, "ForwardEuler")
@test test_bqg_energyenstrophy()
@test test_bqg_meanenergyenstrophy()
@test test_bqg_problemtype(Float32)
@test BarotropicQG.nothingfunction() == nothing

@testset "BarotropicQGQL" begin

Expand Down

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