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All the project works, presentations and course notes done by me during the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bologna


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MSc in Artificial Intelligence

In this repository you can find all my project works, presentations and course notes done by me during the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bologna.

Project works

More details about the projects, reports and how to execute code can be found inside each folder.

  • AI in Industry - Prediction of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) on CINECA HPC systems using classic Deep Learning and Probabilistic models + Anomaly Detection on CMAPSS Dataset (Colab Notebooks)

  • Combinatorial Decision Making and Optimization I - Neural Network from scratch : Implemented the logic of neural networks using only plain numpy and no external libraries with all optimizers, activation functions, early stopping and for multiple tasks (binary, multi-class classification and regression)

    • Tested all functionalities with dataset of the previous project of AI in Industry
  • Combinatorial Decision Making and Optimization II - Solve the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) optimization problem using CP, SAT and SMT approaches using MiniZinc and PyZ3

  • Computer Vision & Image Processing - Fruit Inspection : Detect countours, defects and russets on fruits with noise in the background using OpenCV operators, K-means and Adaptive Thresholding.

  • NLP I - Question Answering SQuAD : Implemented an hybrid and lightweight QA system trained on the SQuAD dataset using Google Cloud Platform servers and based on the SOTA models DrQA ad BIDAF.

  • NLP II - Dante's Text Generation : Explored different techniques to perform text generation using Dante's Divine Comedy as dataset to generate poems - seq2seq, char-level and Markov Chains.

  • Text Mining - Text Classification on Reuters dataset in R : Performed a statistical analysis using LSA, chi-square test and confidence intervals and then text classification using basic ML/DL algorithms (Linear Regression, SVD, RandomForest, K-means, MLP, LSTM)

  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies - Supply Chain DAPP Ethereum : Developed a DAPP on the Ethereum blockchain in Solidity for tracking the origin of raw materials and their journey. All the interactions of the following languages and tools are implemented : Solidity, React, JS, Web3, Metamask, Ganache.

Course Notes

Throughout the master's program, I personally wrote notes in LaTeX about specific courses to help me and the people in my course learn and study more effectively. I'd like to share my notes with you all. Some may be out of date because this is a constantly evolving field, and some may be incorrect due to my errors, but it may be a good starting point for some. Please accept my apologies.

  • Text Mining
  • AI in Industry
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
  • Cognition and Neuroscience (Word)
  • Deep Learning
  • Ethics in AI


In this folder you can find the presentations of few projects and a topic of Ethics in AI done publicly during my exams:

  • Ethics in AI - Human supervisory control of Autonomous weapons
  • NLP I - Question Answering using the SQuAD dataset - A lightweight hybrid model
  • IP&CV - Fruit inspection project work