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GreedFall v1.0+ Camera tools

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@FransBouma FransBouma released this 13 Sep 09:32
· 179 commits to master since this release

Injectable camera for GreedFall v1.0+
Camera version: 1.0.1
Camera credits: Jim2Point0. Additional coding by Otis_Inf.
Powered by Injectable Generic Camera System by Otis_Inf.


This camera and its system is made by volunteers in their spare time. If you use this camera for commercial activities (e.g. you make money with the shots or videos you produce with this camera), consider a donation.

There's no support. If the camera breaks because of a game update, you're encouraged to send in a pull request with a fix. Read the enclosed readme for details how to use it.


  • v1.0.1: (15-sep-2019) Fix for multi-shot not freeing the backbuffer in some situations. Added more fog options.
  • v1.0.0: (13-sep-2019) First release

HUD toggle

The hud toggle is a 3D migoto based toggle by Otis_Inf, and can be found here:!ZYZ0RApB!NBhLBq6--OB-cbvyT4a2sigTuioLUSLs3Fz35liic6o


Key/button Description
Ctrl-Ins Show / Hide Camera tools main window
Ctrl + Mouse wheel Resize font
Ins Enable/Disable camera
HOME Lock/unlock camera movement
ALT + rotate/move Faster rotate / move
Right-CTRL + rotate/move Slower rotate / move
Controller Y-button + l/r-stick Faster rotate / move
Controller X-button + l/r-stick Slower rotate / move
Arrow up/down or mouse or r-stick Rotate camera up/down
Arrow left/right or mouse or r-stick Rotate camera left/right
Numpad 8/Numpad 5 or l-stick Move camera forward/backward
Numpad 4/Numpad 6 or l-stick Move camera left / right
Numpad 7/Numpad 9 or l/r-trigger Move camera up / down
Numpad 1/Numpad 3 or d-pad left/right Tilt camera left / right
Numpad +/- or d-pad up/down Increase / decrease FoV
Numpad * or controller B-button Reset FoV
Numpad . Block input to game for camera control device.
End Test multi-screenshot setup
Ctrl-End Take multi-screenshot
Pause Take single screenshot